Chapter 6

*Satvik Pov*

“I am not hungry.” I mumbled, looking at my watch and didn’t even glanced at anyone but I know everyone is looking at me.

“Aren’t you going to come to work?” Dad asked and that moment I glanced up from the dining entrance to stare at him.

I didn’t want this confrontation and was leaving calmly but Mom called me from the doorway and I had to stop.

“It will not matter whether I will be there or not, right? I am working there only because I am your son.” I stated making him shake his head.

“Forget all that, Satvik. Just come to work and forget about that girl also.” Bhai said frowning at me.

“He is the one who used those words and you accepted that with your silence.” I accused him back.

“Stop it, Satvik! Talk to your brother with respect. This is all because of that girl. If she can bring this much tension with just being your girlfriend, just imagine how it would be if she enters this house.” Mom started and I closed my eyes.

I wish I can open my mouth and tell her that the girl is going to enter this house today as my wife but I know I can’t do that.

Am I making the situation worse by going along with the plan, we made yesterday night? But then I remembered what her Dad planned if we didn’t take this step.

“Where are you going?” Mom asked, frowning at me.

“I have some work.” I replied and started walking off.

“And that work better is to inform her that you will not meet her anymore.” Dad’s voice followed.

“Sure!” I said and smiled to myself because I am not going to meet her from now on but I am going to live with her.

I paced in the temple along with my friends waiting for her. Did she change her mind about coming here? But she would have messaged me.

And then I saw her climbing the steps, but I stared at her with wide eyes looking at her attire. She looked like a perfect bride.

“Hey! Normal shirt?” she asked, frowning at my attire.

“I didn’t know you were going to come here wearing this Saree and the jewelry.” I replied staring at her.

“I even got the bridal makeup done and you are sweating.” She mumbled frowning.

“That’s why you are late.” I concluded and she nodded, smiling with a guilty look and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“We are marrying against everyone’s wishes. So, I didn’t think about all this.” I explained.

“But we are going to get married only once. I don’t plan on getting married again and I hope you are not planning for that too.” She pointed out and added the last part with a warning.

“You are enough for me. Now, let’s move.” I mumbled holding her hand and started walking, but she stopped for a second.

“I wish Bhai is here.” She whispered with a pained look, but shook her head and gave me a smile.

With everything already ready, we got married immediately and then my friends signed as witnesses for both of us.

“Thanks for all this.” I said, looking at them, but they just waved off and left after congratulating us.

“Hello husband!” she whispered, holding my hand when we both started climbing down the steps.

“Hello Mrs. Anusha Kolgha!” I whispered and she stopped in her tracks.

“I am not changing my name.” she mumbled frowning.

“Why?” I asked, frowning back and she suddenly laughed.

“I was joking, but you looked like I said we will stay in our own homes separately for a year.” She replied and I glared at her but continued to walk.

“Maybe that living separately is a good idea.” I mumbled remembering my parents words.

“No! I will not accept that. Either I live with you or let’s just cancel this.” She said in a serious tone.

“Hey!” I whispered caressing her cheek.

“They will be so mad.” She whispered and I nodded.

We both left the temple and reached her parent’s house as per the plan. Taking a deep breath, she walked inside holding my hand.

“Anusha?” some woman called her and gasped, looking at both of us.

“Can you call Dad and Bhai from work, Mom?” she asked and dragged me to the stairs, not giving a chance for her Mom to say anything.

“Why isn’t she stopping you?” I asked her frowning.

“She will be busy calling Dad.” She replied and entered the room.

“Nice!” I commented, looking at her room.

“I designed everything myself.” She said looking around and then a sadness passed over her.

“You can design our room also. At present it is kind of boring.” I said and she immediately smiled, walking near to me and hugged me.

“You already seem to be the best husband.” She teased stepping back.

We sat on her bed for sometime and then we heard a shout from downstairs. She took a deep breath and we both climbed downstairs with her packed luggage.

“What is the meaning of this?” Ansh asked her and she flinched, but then walked near to him.

“Bhai! They are going to get me married to that man and didn’t even give a chance for my relationship with Satvik. I told you I will take this step.” She replied.

“You knew about this?” her father asked Ansh but Ansh is just looking at her.

“Didn’t I tell you to not take such stupid thing?” he asked in a calm tone.

“Bhai!” she pleaded, but he shook his head stepping back and walked out of the house.

“You went and did what we were worried about.” Her Dad commented.

“You were forcing me to marry some psycho.” She pointed out.

“Because we got to know you are involved with this man. We will think next year you will get married, but after getting to know about this relation of yours from our well wishers, we decided to get you married.” Her Mom explained and I felt shock along with Anusha.

“There is still time. End this marriage right this moment.” Her Dad said, but she shook her hand and I walked near her to hold her hand.

“Mr. Bindla! We both love each other…” he cut me off shaking his head.

“Leave my house right now and never come here. And never enter my company also. I need the resignation letter by tomorrow.” Saying that he walked off along with his wife.

“As expected!” Anusha whispered and we both walked out of the house.

When I was placing her luggage in her car, we felt a presence and I turned to see her brother walking near to us.

“Anu! Did you even think what will happen if you do this?” he asked frowning at her.

“Tell me!” he asked, raising his voice.

“Don’t talk to her like that.” I said calmly and he turned to stare at me.

“I am talking to my sister Anu and keep away.” He warned.

“And I am talking for my wife Anusha.” I warned back and she held my hand pressuring it to stop me.

“Anu!” he started, but I added, “Sha! Say your goodbye’s if he can’t accept and get inside the car.”

“Bhai please! At least you understand me.” She whispered in a pleading tone.

“Understand you? Understand that without thinking you threw away your hard work and everything?” he asked frowning.

“Satvik is more important for me.” She replied stubbornly.

“Then leave with him. Why does it matter whether I understand or not? It didn’t occur to you when I asked you not to do this. Now, just leave with him.” He said and turned around before walking into the house.

“Bhai!” she whispered, letting the tears room.

“Hey!” I whispered, pulling her into my arms and consoled her.

“Let’s go!” she mumbled and I nodded, getting her into the car before driving off changing the destination from my home to a hotel.

“Let’s take some rest before facing another reaction like this.” I suggested to which she nodded and we both took a room in the hotel.

“You go and change your clothes. I will order lunch for us.” I said entering the room and she again nodded, walking into the washroom holding her normal clothes.

After that we finished our lunch in silence and she moved to sit on the bed lost in her thoughts.

“I can understand you are feeling low.” I mumbled sitting before her.

“No! I know Bhai will talk to me eventually. He was never able to stay angry at me for long.” She explained and I frowned, thinking what else is she upset about then.

“I am thinking what if even your parents throw us out.” She explained, looking at my expression.

“I don’t think they will do that.” I assured her but didn’t feel the same inside.

“I will think of something.” She whispered and again started getting lost in her thoughts, but I pulled her to me holding her hands.

“How about a kiss?” I asked, leaning to press my lips.

“Here? Now?” she asked, frowning.

“What? You will kiss only in public places and only your boyfriend, but not your husband?” I asked, smiling to which she chuckled and leaned down to meet me in the middle for our first kiss after marriage.

I moved to concentrate on her neck and when my hands touched her top to lift she stopped me holding my hands.

“I don’t think this is a good idea without facing your family first.” She whispered breathing heavily.

“You are right!” I sighed and tried to move away, but she is holding me tightly.

“Why don’t you take a nap?” I asked, moving her hands away and she slowly nodded.

When I stood up, she immediately held my hand, saying, “Even I want to, Satvik. But…”

“You are right, Anusha.” I said smiling.

“Call me Sha like you did today.” She said smiling back and I remembered doing it as to complete her name near her brother.

“Okay!” I promised, pressing a kiss to her forehead and moved to the couch to sit down.

“Maybe we can continue tonight.” She whispered and I chuckled.

“Go to sleep, Sha.” I ordered her and she did within a few minutes while I leaned back closing my eyes.

“Am I looking okay?” she asked for the tenth time adjusting her Saree.

“Ask my family because we reached.” I replied, stopping the car and she groaned.

“Why do they have to be rivals?” she asked, looking up and got down from the car while I couldn’t help but laugh at this situation.

“Everyone will be there?” she asked, looking at the house.

“Yeah! That’s why I waited until now.” I replied and started walking towards the door holding her hand.

“Satvik?” Mom said the moment we reached the door as she was passing the way holding water glass.

“Mom! She is Anusha.” I said, gesturing her not wanting to say to her without everyone that she is my wife.

“You brought her here to meet us even after everything that happened from yesterday?” she asked, frowning and everyone reached her hearing her voice.

“She will not be accepted, Satvik.” She added.

“But she is my wife, Mom.” I said and immediately heard the glass breaking.

“Mom!” I said, looking at the broken pieces.

“I will bring the dust pan.” Bhabhi whispered and walked off and returned with it but no one said any word.

Dad looked like he is ready with his decision and it seems I will be thrown out of the house today.

“Will he also decide to throw us out like my Dad did?” Anusha asked and I am sure everyone heard her.

And suddenly Dad glanced at her before closing his eyes. Then he rubbed his forehead before opening his eyes to stare at me.

“Go inside!” he ordered surprising everyone, but not Anusha when she pressured my hand.

“I know, no one wished for this, but we both love each other. We know we can’t be happy with anyone else. Please think of me more as your daughter-in-law than your rival’s daughter.” When Anusha uttered those words I wanted to kiss her right there before my parents but I controlled.

“Just get inside!” saying that Dad walked off with Bhai following him.

Mom and Bhabhi just stared at my wife before turning around to walk off. We both stepped inside, dragging her luggage.

Within two steps, Anusha suddenly screamed, “Ouch!”

“What happened?” I asked her frowning when she lifted her leg hopping.

“I think there was a piece of glass.” She replied and I immediately knelt before her.

I saw a piece stuck to her foot and immediately plucked it, but the blood started gushing out. I looked at the dust pan and placed the piece there before standing up.

“I have first-aid in my room. I will get the luggage later.” Saying that I lifted her in my arms and started walking with a frown when I passed my family who didn’t step forward when she got hurt.

“Is it paining?” I asked, pouring dettol water on the cut.

“Yeah!” she whispered, holding my shoulder.

“The blood is not stopping.” I mumbled frowning.

“At least we are stopped from leaving the house because of my brains.” She whispered making me frown.

“What?” I asked feeling confused.

“I know your Dad and mine will do completely opposite to each other. So, I stressed on the part that my Dad threw us out and I thought uncle will do opposite and he did.” She replied and hissed when her leg touched the floor.

After a few minutes we heard a sound and I turned to see Bhabhi standing near the washroom door holding a bowl.

“Put this turmeric to stop blood.” Saying that she walked off and I did as she said.

“Finally!” I mumbled covering the place and took her to the bed.

“Now, just lay down. I will get the dinner to here only.” Saying that I climbed downstairs to see everyone sitting in the living room.

First I took the bags and dropped them in our room before returning down to see Mom moving in the kitchen.

“Mom!” I whispered, reaching her, but didn’t even glanced at me.

“I now you guys are upset and hurt but I didn’t have any option. Her Dad is going to make her marry someone else and you all were asking me to break-up with her.” I explained and she finally turned.

“What do you want?” she asked and I sighed feeling hurt.

“She can’t come downstairs and I thought of taking dinner upstairs for both of us.” I explained and she nodded before arranging a tray.

“Go!” she said when I waited after taking the tray.

“Mom! She is a nice girl and you will love her.” I said looking at her.

“So nice that even before entering the house played your Dad like a fool? I heard what she did and why, Satvik. I wouldn’t think of choosing her as your wife or as a member in this family and what she did is more than a proper example, why she is not right in our family.” She said leaving the kitchen and I walked off.

“Getting served by my husband on the first day of marriage.” She mumbled when I served the food for both of us.

“Well, seems to be like there is going to be lots of tough work ahead.” I commented and she nodded.

“Go to sleep!” I said, returning to the room after leaving the dishes in the kitchen.

“Sleep? But…” she mumbled frowning.

“You want to after what we faced here?” I asked shaking my head.

“Just go to sleep, Sha.” Saying that I lay down beside her and covered both of us with the blanket.

“Fine! Good night!” she whispered and closed her eyes and we both drifted off into sleep with my mind filled with Mom’s words and everyone’s reaction.