[The Foreign Energy in your body's expanding]



Moments after Lord Grania's departure, the rest of the Granian and Cyclitharan fleets flew through the Gates and were sent to three distinct locations.

The first was at the center of the Ethisian half of the Akrina Inner Ring, a hot zone for Ethisian activity. This ring was an Ethisian hotbed because it was closest to planet Edenia.

Because of that, the largest fleet was sent to break it apart first, all led by Lord Gravax who was accompanied by the Crimson Knight Cherry and the Blood Bishop Ace.

The second and third largest fleets were sent to the left and right side of the Inner Ring where they'd deal even more damage discreetly, making sure to take advantage of the distraction caused in the center of the Inner Ring.

With this formation, the Ethisians would "allegedly" be torn on where to send their reinforcements.