CH393: [....]

A loud ringing sensation pulsated in Grania's ears while his vision focused and unfocused immediately.

The Granian's body ached intensely, so much so that he nearly felt paralyzed because of pain. His breathing was labored, his movements were stiff and unstable, and his body trembled in excruciating amounts of pain.

Despite this, the Granian Lord was tougher than most. Even though he had plummeted from the sky at an alarming speed, he had endured worse before. Besides, his war-torn body had grown accustomed to such...but getting used to such levels of pain wasn't an easy task.


"Curses..." the Granian cursed under his breath as he rolled his large body to the side, revealing his Ethisian victim.

Like him, Ely fell to the ground at an alarming speed. Unluckily, she had the pleasure of breaking most of Lord Grania's fall. Mind you, the Granian was two and a half times larger than the Ethisian so her condition was worse than his.