[Gravax's Lab]
[Amid Ace's revival]
With a vile in his hand, the red-scaled Granian poured the contents of said vile—his blood—into a tube that would feed it to Ace's body.
Together with his assistants, the Granian watched as the blood sipped into Ace's body. What was different about this incident was the fact that his blood was laced with Eneraflux, so hopefully, the odds of Ace's revival would be increased in his favor. However...
"His body's rejecting the blood," one of the assistants cried out as the three tubes, which emptied their contents into Ace's body, spewed everything out in quick succession, "everything's coming out. Is it..."
"No, it can't be," Gravax complained as his eyes watched what he feared taking place, "it can't be. His body was still warm when I picked him up...it hasn't been too long since he died!!"
"Lord Gravax," they asked, "what does this mean? Is he..."