"...think again!!"
A multitude of voices boomed across the sky as a dark, red shadow cast itself over the battlefield. Dark clouds filled with red energy blocked the sun, darkening the skies and countenance of all who dared to stare.
With this sudden change in weather came a cold gust of wind that blew over the battlefield, forcing everyone who was engaged in battle to stop and stare in awe.
As soon as this happened, a gust of wind with a strong iron scent filled the air. The Granians, Cyclitharans, and Ethisians who witnessed this did so with fright creeping into their hearts.
What was going on? Who was doing this? Was this the work of their enemies or did another species decide to intervene? Could this be the work of the Intergalactic Space Council Members?
'What's going on?'
'This isn't one of ours, right?'
'We possess weather altering technology?'