The palace was very rowdy, as the maids and guards were all busy with one thing or the other. Today was Xu Kai Coronation ceremony, as the official Crown prince. So many great Kings and Queens were invited, even the Emperor and Empress.

The whole palace was looking so shining , and neat as the maids did there best.

" I'm so tired," Chu Chu groaned, stretching her arm.

" Chu Chu?" Xing called, and Chu Chu turned to her.

" Why did you do that?" Xing asked and Chu Chu raised her brows in confusion.

" What do you mean?" She asked back and Xing scoffed.

" Don't try to play innocent with me, I saw you late night, I saw what you did!" She half yelled and Chu Chu sighed.

" So?? Why didn't you stop me then?why didn't you tell your Prince charming about me and then have me arrested? You know why? Because what I did was right!" She yelled and Xing bit her lips in anger.

" Seriously, have you lost your mind?" Xing asked and Chu Chu nodded.