" Please stop it xing" Xu Kai muttered trying to stop Xing from crying so loud.

" I miss him so much" she murmured, sniffing in her tears.

" It's okay am here for you" Kai said and kissed her forehead and slowly she knocked off and fell asleep. He carried her away in a bridal way, heading to his room.

When he got to his chamber he laid her down and covered her properly with the thick duvet.

" Good night " he smiled stroking her hair. Even while sleeping, Xing's beautiful was ravishing and so glowing that it could make a man sin.

The door opened with and Zhao Lusi came in, she stared at Xing and later turned back at kai. Giving him a cold glare.

" What exactly is your objective?, Having a maid as a wife or a mistress?" She asked and Kai sighed before he stood up and walked closer to her.

" A soft reminder, I'm nothing like my father, I would never have a mistress" he replied and Zhao gulped down.