Building Emerald Haven: Planning and Preparation

System Quest #1:

Quest Title: Establishing the Village

Quest Description: As a new lord of Emerald Haven, you must establish your village and prepare it for future challenges. Your first task is to build two houses and a lumber mill to start gathering resources. Upon completion, your village will gain 500 reputation points.

Quest Objectives:

Build 2 housing structures in your village.

Build a lumber mill to gather wood resources.

Gather 100 wood resources and store them in the village head house.

Quest Rewards:

500 reputation points.

200 wood resources.

Access to the next quest.

After receiving the first quest, i navigated the building menu, carefully examining each structure's requirements and upgrades, taking note of the quantity and maximum level of each building. The building menu displayed a list of available structures for a level 1 village:

[Building Menu] Available Buildings:

• Housing Level 1:[Wood: 25]/[Quantity Cap: 2]/[Each adds 5 to population cap at level 1] Provides living spaces for the player's villagers. Higher level housing can accommodate more people and increase the village's population cap.

• Farms: [Wood: 30, Stone: 2][Quantity Cap: 1] Produces food to sustain the village's population.

• Lumber Mil level 1:[Wood: 50/ Stone: 10] [Quantity Cap] Produces wood, an essential resource for building and upgrading structures.

I studied the requirements for each building, calculating the necessary resources and time needed to construct and upgrade them. I considered my village's needs and the benefits each structure would bring, deciding on the order in which I would build them.

I had already constructed the village head house, so the first building on my list was housing. I opened the housing panel to review its requirements.

[Building Panel: Housing]

Max Level: 1

Quantity: 2


• Wood: 25

I noted the requirements for the housing structure, and the maximum level and quantity I could construct.

Next on my list was the lumber mill, which would provide essential resources for building and upgrading structures. I opened the lumber mill panel to review its requirements.

[Building Panel: Lumber Mill] Max Level: 1 Quantity: 1 Requirements: • Wood: 50 • Stone: 10

I noted the requirements for the lumber mill, deciding to build it next after the housing structures. It would provide a consistent stream of wood, which would be crucial for constructing and upgrading buildings in the future.

With my plan in place, I set out to gather the necessary resources for my first building project: the houses.

Excited to start my first quest, I quickly searched for my first villager, who had spawned in my village the previous day. Spotting him near the village head house, I called out to him.

"Hey, over here! I need your help."

As he approached me, I explained the quest and what I needed him to do.

"Okay, so we need to collect 100 wood and 10 stone. Can you go gather those resources for me?"

He nodded, and I opened my inventory, transferring my starter gathering tools to him.

"Here, take these. They'll help you gather resources more efficiently."

With a determined look on his face, he set off to collect the resources I needed, disappearing into the nearby forest.

While I waited for my villager to return, I busied myself with organizing my village and planning future upgrades. I couldn't wait to see my village grow and thrive with the help of my loyal villagers.

As I watched my villager scurry off to gather resources, I realized that he was moving faster than I had anticipated. He returned to the village carrying a load of wood and stone in record time, his face beaming with pride at his accomplishment.

"Wow, that was fast!" I exclaimed, impressed with his efficiency.

"Yeah, I know these forests like the back of my hand," he replied, grinning from ear to ear.

With the resources collected, I set to work constructing the housing structures, with my villager helping out as much as he could. With his assistance, we were able to complete both structures in less time than I had expected, and they looked sturdy and well-built.

I stepped back to admire our handiwork, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment at what we had achieved in such a short amount of time. The lumber mill was the next structure on my list, and with my villager's help, we gathered the necessary resources and constructed it in record time.

As the lumber mill was completed, I felt a surge of satisfaction at the progress I had made in establishing my village. I knew there was still much work to be done, but I was confident that I could tackle any challenge that lay ahead.

With the completion of the lumber mill, I had fulfilled all the objectives of my first quest, "Establishing the Village." The system panel displayed the quest completion message, along with the rewards I had earned:

[System Quest Completed]

Quest Title: Establishing the Village

Quest Rewards:

• 500 reputation points.

• 200 wood resources.

• Access to the next quest.

I beamed with pride as I received my rewards, eager to continue building and expanding my village. The next quest on my list was to build a farm, which would provide much-needed sustenance for my villagers. I set to work planning and gathering resources, ready to take on the next challenge.

[System Quest #2 Available]

Quest Title: Feeding the Village

Quest Description: With the completion of the lumber mill, your village can now gather wood resources more efficiently. However, you must still provide sustenance for your villagers. Your next task is to build a farm to produce food. Upon completion, your village will gain 500 reputation points.

Quest Objectives: • Build a farm your village. • Gather 50 wood resources and 5 stone resources.

Quest Rewards: • 500 reputation points. • Access to the next quest.

Excited to continue my village's growth, I set off to gather the resources I needed to complete my next quest. With the help of my trusty villager, I was confident that I could complete the quest in no time.