Feeding the Village

With the completion of the lumber mill, I had gained a significant source of wood resources for my village. However, I realized that I needed to provide sustenance for my villagers to ensure their survival. I decided to focus on building a farm structure, which would produce food for my villagers.

I studied the requirements for building a farm structure, reviewing the necessary resources and upgrades. The building menu displayed the following information for a level 1 farm structure:

[Building Menu] Available Buildings:

• Farm Level 1: [Wood: 30, Stone: 2] [Quantity Cap: 1] Produces food to sustain the village's population.

I noted the requirements for building the farm structure, calculating the necessary resources and time needed to construct and upgrade it. I considered my village's needs and the benefits the farm structure would bring, deciding on the order in which I would build it.

I planned to gather 50 wood resources and 5 stone resources to complete the farm structure. With my plan in place, I felt confident that I could complete this task with ease.

Excited to start my next quest, I quickly searched for a villager to assist me with resource gathering. I spotted one of my villagers tending to the nearby vegetable patch, and I called out to him.

"Hey, over here! I need your help," I exclaimed.

As he approached me, I explained the next quest and what I needed him to do.

"Okay, so we need to collect 50 wood and 5 stone. Can you go gather those resources for me?" He nodded.

" With a determined look on his face, he set off to collect the resources I needed, disappearing into the nearby forest.

While I waited for my villager to return, I busied myself with organizing my village and planning future upgrades. I couldn't wait to see my village grow and thrive with the help of my loyal villagers.

After a short while, my villager returned, carrying a bundle of wood and stone. He handed the resources to me, and I checked to ensure that we had gathered enough to complete the farm structure.

"Great job, thank you for your help," I praised my villager.

With the necessary resources gathered, I set to work constructing the farm structure. Using the newly acquired wood and stone, I began building the farm structure in a clear area near the vegetable patch.

It took some time, but I was able to complete the farm structure to my satisfaction. As I stood back to admire my handiwork, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that my villagers would now have a steady source of food.

The system panel displayed the completion of the quest, and I was rewarded with 500 reputation points and access to the next quest.

[System Quest Completed] Quest Title: Feeding the Village Quest Rewards: • 500 reputation points. • Access to the next quest.

With the completion of the farm structure, my village had now fulfilled all the building requirements for level 1. As a result, the system started the automatic counter for upgrading my village to level 2 in six hours.

As the night was approaching, I bid farewell to my villager and logged out. Intrigued by my progress.

I logged onto the internet and searched for the game forum. After a few clicks, I found myself on a website dedicated to the game, filled with discussions and posts about various aspects of the game.

As I scrolled through the posts, I noticed that many players were struggling to complete the same quests that I had just accomplished. Some players were still working on their first quest, while others were stuck on building their lumber mill or farm structure.

Intrigued by my progress, I started reading through the posts and comments, looking for tips and advice on how to improve my gameplay. I found a few helpful threads that gave me some insight into the game's mechanics and strategies.

I also stumbled upon a thread that discussed the various levels of the village and the requirements needed to level up. I was surprised to learn that I was ahead of other players, as I had already started leveling my village to level 2.

Excitement surged through me as I realized the potential of my village and the possibilities for growth and expansion. I felt proud of my accomplishments and eager to continue building and improving my village.

As I closed the game forum and logged out of the game, I felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. I had achieved something that many other players were struggling to do, and it made me feel like a true lord of Emerald Haven.

I went to bed that night, imagining all the future endeavors I could undertake and all the challenges I could overcome in the game. The possibilities were endless, and I was ready to take on whatever the game had in store for me.