Planning for Village Level 4 and For How to Earn Money

After logging out Alex got to the kitchen to drink some water and make a homemade snack for himself with the food in hand he sat at his desk, browsing through various websites related to the game. He was eager to learn more about it and discover new ways to improve his village. As he searched, he stumbled upon a forum post that caught his eye.


Intrigued, Alex clicked on the post and read through it carefully.

"When all Villages reach level 4 there will be unlocked new types of buildings:

Market: Will permit transactions between players, for now only landlords, after with adventurers too. In there you can put you request for exchange of real-world money with in- game money.

Ore Mine: There will be 4 kinds of ore from less to more valuable Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum. There will be 4 kinds of quality too Low 5 coins per day, Mid 15 coins per day, High 25 coins per day, Top 50 coins per day. Each Village will spawn an ore vein with random kind of ore and quality. The rates are Copper: 50%, Silver: 25%, Gold: 15%, Platinum: 10%. Low: 50%, Mid: 25%, High: 15%, Top: 10%. Exchange rate between coins: 100 copper equals 1 silver, 100 silver equals 1 gold, 100 gold equals 1 platinum. Exchange Rate game money to real money: 1 Silver: 1 Dollar."

"Wow, Finally I will be able to earn money, I hope I get at least a silver mine." Said Alex with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

With the knowledge of how to earn money in the game, Alex began planning his next steps. He knew that he needed to upgrade his Village to Level 4, but he also needed to do it efficiently.

Alex sat down with a pen and paper and began to jot down his ideas.

As he planned, Alex felt a sense of excitement and determination. He was eager to become one of the top players in the game and earn real money by doing so.

As the night grew late, Alex realized that he needed to get some sleep. He had been playing the game for hours and had spent a considerable amount of time researching and planning.

He turned off his computer and crawled into bed, feeling content and fulfilled. He knew that he had a lot of work to do in the game, but he was ready to tackle it head-on.

As he drifted off to sleep, Alex dreamed of his future success in the game and the possibilities that lay ahead.

The Next morning Alex woke up took a shower and ate breakfast, He got to his computer again to read the World of Chronicles forum and found an interesting article:


He was intrigued because until now the game was smooth sailing for him, so he clicked in the link.

"I researched for a while and came to the following conclusion world of chronicles is a game of luck.

At the beginning you can spawn literally anywhere, there are players who spawned even on small and isolated islands which made them waste a lot of time, and there are players who spawned near forests or mountains. In this sense, world of chronicles is very exciting you will need a lot of luck until the time the villagers appear because there are some that don't want to help and others that attack the lords, and now even more when the mines are released who takes a mine from lower tier copper will definitely cry and whoever takes a top tier platinum mine will be done financially."

"So that's why I'm so fast, while I have so many resources close to me there are players who can't even get wood right or don't have efficient villagers." Said Alex realizing this.

With that in mind, Alex began to finalize his plans for his Village, hopefully he will have a good ore vein and be able to proceed with his rapid Village evolution.

"I wonder if some other type of building will be released on level 4. I noticed that so far there is only one sawmill available for production" said a confused Alex.

Thinking about it, Alex went to brush his teeth, put on gym clothes and went to work out, because there were some days that Alex barely saw the sun and he could end up getting sick without daily exposure.

Sometime later a sweaty Alex came home and went straight to the shower to clean up.

After all that, Alex finally went to his virtual reality cabin and got ready to enter the game again and see the changes that occurred when his village reached level 3.