Lacking Reputation Points...

As Alex logged in on the game…

[Village Level 3 Upgrade completed]

[Buildings available:

Housing Level 1 +1

25 Wood

Farms +1

30 Wood + 2 Stone


"OK, so I need to build only one house and one farm" Said Alex to himself.

[As the Village reached level 3, 3 new villagers will be spawned]

"Nice!!" Exclaimed Alex excitedly.

After the villagers appeared Alex walked in their direction and greeted them.

"Hello welcome to Emerald Haven, I am the village head and it's a pleasure to meet you!" Greeted Alex.

""The pleasure is ours village head!"" Said the new villagers.

After this Alex guided the new inhabitants of the village to where the others where.

"Ok guys now we need to build a House and a farm to go to the next Village level." Said Alex to all the villagers.

Alex knew that he needed 55 wood and 2 stone to build the necessary constructions so he checked the village inventory to se what was produced by the production buildings.

Looking the status panel:

[Village Name: [Emerald Haven]

Village Level: [3]

Village Statistics:

Total Population: [6]

[Village Spawn rate: 3/day]

Available Housing: [06/20]

Food Production: [10/day]

Food Consumption: [06/10]

Wood Production: [20/day]

Stone Production: [0]

Village Income: [0]

Reputation Points: [1000/10000]

Village Buildings and Upgrades: Village Head House: Level [1]

Housing Level: 1, Quantity: [4/5]

Farms Level: 1, Quantity: [2/3]

Lumber Mill Level: 1, Quantity: [2]

Resources: Wood: [40] Stone: [10] Food: [17] Gold: [0]


Seeing that he needed 15 wood still Alex separated the villagers in 2 groups one would collect the rest of the wood and other will build the house.

"Alright, I checked the resources available and we still need 15 wood to build all the things to upgrade the village. So I will separate you guys in two groups 3 the first will collect 15 wood and the second will begin building the house. Ok let's start." Explained Alex. As Alex communicated this he began separating the villagers in 2 groups so they could each go do their things.

After this Alex got back to the village head house and set at his office and began plannings the early future of his land.

Feeling bored he navigated trough the world chat.

Lord#950: Hey everyone, I'm new to the game and looking for some tips on how to get started. Any advice?

Lord#74: Welcome to World of Chronicles! My advice would be to focus on building your village and gathering resources. The more resources you have, the faster you can upgrade your village and unlock new buildings.

Lord#142: Don't forget to explore the map too! Before building your village, you need to find the best place possible so you can be near more collection points.

Lord#324: And don't be afraid to ask for help. The World Chat is a great resource for getting answers to your questions.

Lord#950: Thanks for the advice, everyone! I'm excited to get started and see what this game has to offer.

After reading the messages Alex got out to see if his villagers already arrived.

Going out of the village head house he saw in the horizon his villagers coming back, he waited for them to come back with a smile on his face.

With his villagers back Alex greeted them.

"Welcome back everyone!! Let's finish everything asap!!!" Said Alex with a happy smile on his face.

Finishing the talking Alex walked with his villagers to the place where the new farm will be and they began the work with a fast paced and efficient momentum…

Sometime later, with all the construction work done Alex reunited with his villagers in the village center to congratulate everyone.

"Alright guys with this we are…." As Alex said until there…

[Village already has all the buildings needed to upgrade to level 4, but the player doesn't have the required reputation]

[Reputation: 1000/3500]

[Generating quests!!]


Quest Title: Wood Stock

Quest Description: For a better organization of the village is better to have a large stock of resources first.

Quest objectives: Gather 1000 wood.

Quest rewards: 1000 reputation points.



Quest Title: Stone Stock

Quest Description: For a better organization of the village is better to have a large stock of resources first.

Quest objectives: Gather 1000 stone.

Quest rewards: 1000 reputation points.



Quest Title: Food Stock

Quest Description: For a better organization of the village is better to have a large stock of resources first.

Quest objectives: Gather 500 Food.

Quest rewards: 1000 reputation points.


"I am sorry guys but I just received a Quest, we need to gather 1000 wood, 1000 Stone and 500 Food before we even think about upgrading the village to level 4. But let's do this tomorrow now you should just rest!!" Said Alex exasperated.

After this Alex logged out and got to the kitchen to get a night snack Arriving there he didn't found anything and decided to call a pizza delivery since he was tired to go out at that time.