Class Reunion?

After examining the system panels of his village, Alex calculated the cost of the resources required to build the necessary buildings. The buildings included Housing Level 2, Quantity 5/6, Farms Level 1/2, Quantity 4/5, and Quarry Level 1/2, Quantity 1/2. He meticulously recorded the required amount of resources for each building, making sure not to miss any details.

[Resources required:

Quarry: 60 coppers, 100 stone, 175 wood.

Farm: 200 coppers, 252 Stone, 530 Wood.

Housing: 120 Copper, 325 Wood.

Total: 380 Copper, 352 Stone, 1030 Wood.


After the calculation was complete, Alex compared the required resources to the inventory he had available at the moment. He wanted to make sure that he had enough resources before he started any new construction work. He carefully analyzed the available resources and thought about his next steps.

[Village Name: Emerald Haven]


Village Level: 5

Village Statistics: Total Population: [18]

[Village Spawn rate: 5/day]

Available Housing: [18/50]

Food Production: [20/day]

Food Consumption: [18/20]

Wood Production: [30/day]

Stone Production: [10/day]

Village Income: [50P/day]

Reputation Points: [4000/10000]

Village Buildings and Upgrades: Village Head House: Level [2]

Housing Level: 2, Quantity: [5]

Farms Level: 1, Quantity: [4]

Lumber Mill Level: 2, Quantity: [2]

Quarry Level 1: Quantity: [1]

Market Level 1: Quantity: [1]

Top tier Platinum Mine Level: 1, Quantity: [1]

Resources: Wood: [395] Stone: [790] Food: [534] Money: [94999845] (94 Platinum, 99 Gold, 98 Silver, 45 Copper)


"Ok, so I have 395 wood, 790 stone and a lot of money. But I need 352 Stone and 1030 wood, so stone I have the quantity, wood I'm short of 635 units, since I already have the market I will search for wood there, I doubt I won't have enough money for this, life of the rich is difficult we don't even have what to do with so much money."

[Market: Wood, Stone

[Wood: 100units/50 Copper

Stone: 100 units/100 Copper


"Alright I need 635 units so let's buy 700 hundred wood for 350 copper." Said Alex after analyzing the market price for the resources available until now.

After buying all the wood needed Alex began talking with the villagers.

"Alright guys I already bought all the things needed so let's begin construction, I will separate you in groups, 3 will be in charge of the housing construction and immediate upgrade, 10 will be in charge of the construction and upgrade of the farms and 5 will be in charge of the construction and upgrade of the quarry." Finalized Alex feelings satisfied with his arrangements.

With the necessary resources at hand, Alex began to separate the villagers into groups. He wanted to make sure that every group had at least one newcomer to familiarize them with the village's construction process. Alex carefully planned and assigned each group to ensure the smoothest and most efficient construction process possible.

The villagers began their construction work, and Alex supervised them, making sure everything was going according to plan. He visited regularly all the 3 constructions work to see the progress of each area in real-time.

Alex saw as the new house was built, first they made a level 1 housing step by step and later they modified the house to a level 2 housing, seeing this Alex asked himself why they couldn't just build the upgraded house directly, but he just let who is he to question the game dev's gods.

After this he walked through the village until arriving on the farms construction site, seeing the upgrade work and getting relieved that the future food shortage will end before it even began, what a timely upgrade he thought new the village will have 5 farms each in level 2 producing a total of 50 food per day.

A few hours later with the farm upgrade finished he walked to the quarry area to see the work, but the job was already finished when he arrived, getting him happy by the villagers efficiency.

[Upgrade to Village level 6 began countdown: 18:00:00]

Alex seeing the countdown reunited all the villagers in the village square and…

"Alright guys it's with a great satisfaction that I announce that the villages began it's upgrade to level 6 and we just got through the early half of the village development, so let's party today you can eat all you want!!!"

And so, the villagers and Alex partied for a few hours with a great feeling of accomplishment, a few couples were born that day, what made Alex really surprised by the complexity of the Ai in the game, the villagers were smart, had emotions and made friends between each other.

As night passed Alex decided to log out, saying goodbye to all his villagers he logged off.

Upon logging off he got out of his room, walked to the kitchen and searched for some food, not feeling satisfied by the available option he called from a delivery asking for pizza, after this he decided to take a shower taking off his clothes get in the shower and began thinking about all of the things he made until today feeling happy with himself.

After getting out of the shower he dried himself, put some clothes and got his phone, seeing the phone he noticed that he forgot to change to a new since he got the money and was still using a 4 years mobile.

Besides this he saw a new message in his message app, it was from his former class president informing that the class reunion will be made at the end of the week and inviting Alex to appear. Seeing this he took it as an opportunity to change the view his classmates had of him as he began planning for the reunion the delivery guy arrived with the pizza and he put the topic to the back of his mind.

---------------------------------Updated village panel-------------------------------

[Village Name: Emerald Haven]


Village Level: 5

Village Statistics: Total Population: [18]

[Village Spawn rate: 5/day]

Available Housing: [18/50]

Food Production: [50/day]

Food Consumption: [18/50]

Wood Production: [30/day]

Stone Production: [30/day]

Village Income: [50P/day]

Reputation Points: [4000/10000]

Village Buildings and Upgrades: Village Head House: Level [2]

Housing Level: 2, Quantity: [6]

Farms Level: 2, Quantity: [5]

Lumber Mill Level: 2, Quantity: [2]

Quarry Level 2: Quantity: [2]

Market Level 1: Quantity: [1]

Top tier Platinum Mine Level: 1, Quantity: [1]

Resources: Wood: [65] Stone: [438] Food: [534] Money: [94999465] (94 Platinum, 99 Gold, 98 Silver, 45 Copper)
