A New Place and New Goals

Alex wakes up feeling rejuvenated and energized. He takes a quick shower and then checks his bank app to confirm once again that the money he earned from the game exchange is really there. As he sees the amount, a feeling of excitement and disbelief washes over him. He earned so much money in just one day, and the possibilities of what he could do from now on seem endless.

He can't believe that his hard work in the game has paid off so well. For a moment, he feels like he is still in the game, but the bank app notification on his phone snaps him back to reality. He quickly gets dressed, eager to start a new chapter of his life.

Alex decides to invest in some new clothes. He heads to the mall wearing his old and cheap clothes, inside the mall he enters a high-end clothing store and starts browsing the items.

Salesperson: "Can I help you with anything, sir?"

Alex: "Yes, I am looking for some clothes for myself."

Salesperson: "Are you sure? These clothes might be a little too expensive for you."

Alex's anger begins to boil inside him, but he keeps his cool and ask her.

Alex: "Could you show me the options of your store?"

Salesperson: "Are you really sure? If damage the goods you will have to pay for them."

Alex: "Just, get me the clothes already."

As the salesperson walks away, Alex can't help but feel irritated. He knows that he shouldn't let her get to him, but he can't help but feel angry at the way she looked down on him.

Alex mutters under his breath as he follows the salesperson to the fitting room. After trying on the new clothes, he looks at himself in the mirror and feels a sense of satisfaction.

Alex: "I'm going to buy all of this."

Feeling a sense of empowerment, Alex heads to the counter to pay for his new wardrobe.

Alex feels excited as he walks towards the real estate company, looking forward to finding a new home to match his newfound wealth. He enters the office, and a friendly agent greets him.

"Good morning, sir. How may I assist you today?" the agent asks.

"I'm looking for a new place to rent. Something spacious and modern," Alex replies, his confidence evident in his tone.

"Of course, sir. We have a few properties available that may suit your needs. Let me show you some options," the agent says, leading Alex to a nearby desk.

As they look at the listings, Alex can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He finally has the means to live in a comfortable and stylish home. After selecting his new place, he heads to a furniture store to buy new items to furnish it.

Sometime later Alex arrived in his new house with the new furniture and his other stuff. Once inside:

"Wow, this place is amazing. I can't believe how far I've come in such a short time," Alex says to himself, feeling proud of his accomplishments.

With this he spent a few hours unpacking everything and setting up his electronics and gaming cabin, he can't wait to explore the game's world from the comfort of his new home. After taking a shower, he logs in to World of Chronicles, ready to continue his adventure.

With a new home and a renewed sense of purpose, Alex continues his journey through World of Chronicles, ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.

Upon Logging in Alex received a system notification:

[Village upgrade to level 5 completed]

[List of Available buildings:

Housing Level: 2, Quantity: 5/6

Farms Level: 1/2, Quantity: 4/5

Lumber Mill Level: 2, Quantity: 2

Quarry Level: 1/2, Quantity: 1/2

Market Level: 1, Quantity: 1


Upon Seeing the list Alex opened his land status page for the first time in the day.

[Village Name: Emerald Haven]

Village Level: 5

Village Statistics: Total Population: [18] *New

[Village Spawn rate: 5/day] *New

Available Housing: [18/50] *New

Food Production: [20/day]

Food Consumption: [18/20] *New

Wood Production: [30/day] *New

Stone Production: [10/day] *New

Village Income: [50P/day]

Reputation Points: [4000/10000]

Village Buildings and Upgrades: Village Head House: Level [2] *New

Housing Level: 2, Quantity: [5] *New

Farms Level: 1, Quantity: [4] *New

Lumber Mill Level: 2, Quantity: [2] *New

Quarry Level 1: Quantity: [1] *New

Market Level 1: Quantity: [1] *New

Top tier Platinum Mine Level: 1, Quantity: [1]

Resources: Wood: [395] Stone: [790] Food: [534] Money: [94999845] (94 Platinum, 99 Gold, 98 Silver, 45 Copper) *New

Seeing all the changes Alex became really happy, the prospects of his territory where only growing and growing, he is looking forward to the day where he will have a place with the most prosperous and flourishing society.

A few moments later after Alex calmed down from his happy emotions, he began walking between the village roads looking at all the buildings done seeing the beautiful and rustic air from medieval style building he started to think about what it would be like when other players started appearing everywhere.

Well this would only happen when a good part of the lords reached the next tier of land, so it still would take some time.

From his stroll Alex arrived it the city center found some villagers and asked them to call the others since there will be another construction day.

After everyone arrived the discourse began.

"Fellow villagers once again we have new additions to the population and not only that we have new construction work to do so let's greet and get to know each other and finally get back at work. The groups will be made with at least one newcomer so as to familiarize yourselves better with the new guys. But first let me calculate how much resources will be needed and how much we already have."

And So Alex got to the system page again and began taking notes…