Run and breathe

Dexter was running for his life after he tried to break up with his boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. The thought of Dexter breaking up with him drove him crazy as his plan had failed miserably.

He tried to run as fast as he could, not knowing the paths he takes. He realized tears were rolling down his cheeks, probably because of fear.

Undoubtedly and not knowing where he was going, he ran as far as he could see, took a bend between two abandoned blocks, but hit something and fell. Or, someone.

He was gasping for air and still crying, but he looked up to see a man with a body that covered the light of the pillars, dressed completely in black and with two grey eyes that glowed eerily.

He got more scared, but when he looked back he saw his ex-boyfriend coming to him. The unknown man glared at him and then at the other. Somehow, he understood what was happening and who was in danger.

Dexter's ex-boyfriend spoke: "Get the hell here, you asshole! You're trying to run now, huh?"

He looked at the other man who was standing there and glaring at the whole scene.

"And who the fuck this punk is?! Do you think you're scary just standing there watching?! Get the hell out of my way!" he again screamed.

Dexter looked scared at the man, but he still did nothing. He saw his ex-boyfriend approaching. He took Dexter by the collar and punched him in the face.

Dexter collapsed to the ground, but the only thing he could see was the man and his ex-boyfriend, without being able to identify them. His vision was blurred.

The man took his ex-boyfriend by the collar and threw him on the ground, and after he took out a knife and stabbed him to death. Or at least that's what he thought.

Dexter tried to get up but he couldn't. He thought he was gonna be killed, too, but he passed out before knowing what was happening.

Dexter woke up in a bed, somewhere he wasn't before. He had a headache and he didn't know what happened or what he did. The only thing he could remember was that he almost got killed, by two people.

His heart was beating fast, but as he tried to run, he noticed that his hands were handcuffed by the bed. He started screaming, but no one seemed to hear.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened and a handsome man entered. His grey eyes and long black hair got Dexter staring for a few seconds.

The man threw him a death stare and he entered the room.

"How do you feel?" the man asked with a thick indifferent voice. "You almost got killed back there."

Dexter just stared at him, not knowing what to say. He was full of bruises and his clothes were ripped off. He was a total mess.

"Where am I? And who are you? Why did you save me?" Dexter asked confused.

"You didn't expect me to let you get killed when I could act, did you?" the man replied.

" Who are you?" Dexter asked again.

"That's not important. There's no need for you to know who I am or what am I doing." he said and looked away.

"Why did you handcuff me?" Dexter asked the man who was focused anywhere else.

"So you could not run." he said.

That was it. That's his reason. Dexter raised his eyebrow and started moving, but unfortunately, he couldn't escape.

"Are you hungry?" he asked Dexter.

"No... Not exactly. I'm thirsty." Dexter said and looked in the ground.

The man left the room and came back with a glass full of wine. Dexter looked at him confused.

"Can you bring me some water?" he asked and looked up at the man who was holding the glass of wine.

"Open your mouth." he spoke and filled his mouth with wine. He came closer to Dexter, took his face in his hands, and kissed him, giving him the wine he had in his mouth.

The wine was running down Dexter's chin, but the kiss was so hot and intense that he didn't want it to stop.

The man pulled back and Dexter wiped the wine with his hand.

"Why did you do that?" Dexter asked and looked confused at the man who had the same death stare as he had earlier.

"It doesn't matter." he said and left the room, leaving Dexter alone.

"Wait! Are you going to keep me like that?! Get the fuck back and let me go! Oh, for fuck's sake!" Dexter screamed, but the man didn't come back.

For some hours, Dexter was just sitting on the bed and staring at the walls, wondering what will happen to him next.

The door suddenly opened and the man again entered. He brought a plate full of food and left it on the little table that was next to the bed. Dexter wanted to ask him something, but he was all scared when he saw his look.

The man's face was now full of bruises, plus a scar that passed over his lips. The man glared at him and then spoke: "If you're hungry, eat".

"When are you going to let me go?" Dexter asked. "Soon enough." the man replied and came to take the handcuffs down. "It's better for you like that or do you want me to feed you?" he added.

"No, I'm good." Dexter said, almost crying.

The man glared at Dexter and noticed that he was about to cry his heart out, but he didn't say anything.

On the other side of the room, in the man's house was chaos. "What are you going to do with him? You can't just keep him in your house." the man's bodyguard said and crossed his arms.

"I don't know. I didn't come up with a plan. He just caught my attention and I took him into care. His state isn't good so I can't let him go. I don't have any idea if I managed to kill the man who followed him, so I'm not sure." the man added.

"But, sir, kindly asking, why do you care so much about him?" the bodyguard asked the man.

"He caught my attention. He's my type. A little innocent guy who's under my control." the man said and drank the whole glass of wine.

"At the boss's orders, you should get rid of him as soon as possible, or he'll make your job harder." he told the man.

"I'll see what I can do. In any case, tell him that this guy won't be at his feet. First come, first served. He needs to learn that." the man said proudly.

"Yes, sir." his bodyguard said, and in the room was a big silence. Suddenly, a door was heard opening and the man and the bodyguard turned to the door Dexter was locked in.

Dexter's head peeked out of the room, but when he noticed the man and the bodyguard staring at him, he slammed the door and went back.

The man sighed and said: "This man can't learn his lesson. I'll take care of it, you go and give the news to the boss."

"Yes, sir." the bodyguard said and left the house while the man entered furiously the room.