The man entered the room and saw Dexter completely freaked out, in a corner of the room.
The man came, took him by his hand, and threw him on the bed. He got on top of Dexter and got out a knife, ready to stab him. Dexter just closed his eyes and waited to die.
He didn't feel a thing, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the man was still holding tight to the knife, but he didn't give a sign he'd want to stab Dexter. He just stood there, with a psychotic look on his face, holding the knife in front of Dexter's eyes.
He then threw the knife away and hit the bed with all the force he had. At that moment, Dexter understood that the man had problems with anger and that he gave many signs of being a psychopath, besides being a criminal already.
Dexter took his shirt full of blood in his hands and held it. The man rested his head on Dexter's chest and said: "You wanted to run away, didn't you?"
His voice was thick and scary but at the same time depressed, disappointed, and scared. "I thought I could leave the moment you got my handcuffs down." Dexter said.
"I wanted you to eat so you could not starve. Didn't I tell you you'll leave as soon as possible? If handcuffs will keep you here, then I should use them all the time." the man said and looked up at Dexter, who was still freaked out, ready to cry.
"Why are you keeping me here...?" Dexter asked and a tear rolled down his cheek. "What did I ever do to you... to do this to me?" he continued and started crying.
At that moment, the man was lost. He saw many people crying as he killed them or their relatives, but seeing the person he had a different kind of attraction to crying, was over his mental limit. He didn't know what to say or how to act.
"Why do I need to be kept here like a prisoner?" Dexter continued sobbing.
"I thought I made you a favor keeping you here and taking care of you." the man spoke and tried to calm Dexter down.
"How?! How are you taking care of me?!" Dexter screamed and pulled the man aside. "This is how you take care of me?! Keeping me handcuffed by a bed, in a completely dirty and unfamiliar room, and that's how you take care of me?!"
All of a sudden, the man grabbed Dexter by his hand and he slammed him to the ground with his hands around his neck, trying to strangle him.
"I gave you food and something to drink, I didn't leave you unconscious on unknown alleys, I didn't let you in that man's hands and that's how you repay me?!" the man screamed and looked at Dexter who was almost passing out.
"I hate you..." were Dexter's last words before passing out. The man realized what he did, but he just placed Dexter on the bed and waited for him to wake up so he could see his state.
The man was completely unaware of what he was doing, and at the same time he wanted to keep Dexter all for himself, but he knew he had to let him go. The situation was confusing and it was hard for a person like him to perceive. For his mind and his way of thinking... It was hard.
He immediately lit up a cigarette and went outside the house. He then saw a kid playing around his house, disturbing his moment of silence. Being pissed off, the man lit up the cigarette more and went to the child.
"Hey, kid. Do you want to see what I've got there? Is a really interesting thing and I think you'd like it." In this case, what the man did now wasn't kidnapping, but he was killing a child.
His voice was warm and calm, he knew how to act like he didn't have anything to hide. Suddenly, the kid's mother appeared and when she saw his child talking to a stranger, whose shirt was full of blood and whose face looked like he didn't sleep in a while, the next thing she did was to go and take away her child from the man.
"Excuse me, but what are you-" the woman tried to speak, but the man immediately stabbed her with his knife, instantly killing her. The child wanted to scream but the man brutally stabbed the kid too, instantly killing him as well.
He extinguished his cigarette touching the blouse worn by the child's mother. He looked at the woman, examining her from head to toe, then took the back route back into the house.
In his neighborhood, he was known as a peaceful man, who wouldn't hurt a bug. But behind that mask, there was a merciless one, a mask that made you scared as soon as you saw it. A grade 10 killer and assassin.
He sighed and got back into the room where Dexter was sleeping, but now he was in another position, which suggested that he had woken up.
"Are you feeling better?" the man asked Dexter, but he didn't say a word. "I asked you if you feel better. I want an answer, if possible." the man added.
"I'm good. Just leave me alone." Dexter said with his back at the man. It was true that he didn't want to face him ever again, but the only thing he could do at the moment was to postpone the eye contact.
"I'm sorry. I got out of control and I did something not even I could expect myself to do. I didn't want that to happen." the man said and leaned against the wall.
Dexter was a bit surprised to hear those words from the man, but he still didn't want to see him.
"Is there something I could do to cheer you up?" the man asked. Dexter gathered his words and then turned around to face the man. He just saw that pair of glowing grey eyes he had to endure for some time.
"I want to leave." Dexter simply said and waited for the man to strangle him again, but he did nothing.
"I'm aware that's impossible for now." the man answered. "But why? Why can't you just let me go? I can move, I'm fine, I just have some bruises." Dexter couldn't understand.
"The outside world is dangerous, being here will be safer than enduring its cruel and evil side." the man replied.
"You make part of that side! Being here is no different from being 'free'!" Dexter screamed.
The thing that the man could not understand was why wasn't Dexter thanked that he didn't let him in his ex-boyfriend's hands. He was just complaining about the smallest things there and there.
"I'll do everything, just let me go." Dexter said and held tight to the blanket on the bed.
The man perfectly knew what was about to happen if he let Dexter go, but he couldn't leave too much with him crying and hitting everything. It broke his heart seeing how much they do look alike at that point.