
Dexter's fragile body was starving. Not like he didn't want to eat, but as stubborn as he was, he preferred to remain hungry.

Dexter is a short guy, with such a fragile body, but still so strong. A brown-haired and brown-eyed guy who was now involved in the biggest shit of his life.

Dexter waited for something to happen, or at least for someone to give him something to do because he got bored. The place was nothing else than a prison for him, despite the rest of the house which was pure luxury.

He looked at his body, wondering why he was still there. He had fully recovered and he could leave. Why wasn't that man letting him go?

His answer was about to knock at the door. On it, the man entered carefully, with a key in his hand and... a blindfold?

"W-what are you doing?..." Dexter asked a bit freaked out, not understanding what the man wanted to do.

"Stay still and don't move!" the man said and approached Dexter.

Dexter, thinking that he was going to do something bad to him, closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. Suddenly, he heard a snap behind him, and when he looked he saw that the man had loosened his handcuffs, although he had brought him nothing to eat for a particular reason.

He looked confused in the man's eyes. "Come." the man spoke and started to drag Dexter after him. He was so brutal, but somehow so gentle, Dexter couldn't even understand.

The man stopped in front of the door just to hear that the police were there. Oh right, the people he killed earlier.

He was caught off guard, he wanted to go out with Dexter, but what if he just ran to the officers and told them everything? He didn't come up with a plan.

"Why is the police here? Did they come after you?" Dexter asked and raised his eyebrow.

"What do you think? If you keep your mouth shut, we'll get out of here without problems. Understood?" the man tried to convince Dexter while looking him dead in the eye.

Dexter wanted to go to the police, oh no how bad he wanted to go, but still, he didn't. Somehow, he felt something for this man that couldn't be explained in words. It couldn't be called "love" either, because it wasn't.

They sneaked out, got into the man's car, and drove off. They escaped... or at least the man did.

On their way back to the city, Dexter asked the man "Why did you take the blindfold with you?"

"Why'd you wanna know?" the man asked, concentrating on the road.

"Out of curiosity. You wanted to use it for me, didn't you?" Dexter asked.

" Maybe." the man said. Dexter understood he couldn't get something out of it if he keeps fighting with him like that, so he just let it how it was.

They soon enough got into the city, but the man parked in an unknown alley. It was full of old stuff and surrounded by blocks, also old. The alley seemed pretty familiar to him. But it felt good to taste the air of the city after being locked for 7 days in the same room.

The man got out of the car and told Dexter to do the same. The man dragged Dexter away. He then came to him and said, kind of disappointed: "You're free. You can go now."

Dexter was shocked. How? After so many days and after he understood the man's attitude... why now? Why so sudden? He made it look like he didn't want to leave, but he remembered the people who were probably worried about him: absolutely no one. He didn't have anyone to be worried about him, so, somehow, seeing that this man lost his time taking care of him kind of melted his heart.

He turned to leave, but then Dexter asked: " Can I at least know your name? You never told me."

"What? Do you want to be the hero and spit the shit I did to the police?" the man asked and rolled his eyes.

"No. I just want to know your name. Mine is Dexter, by the way." he said and tried to smile.

The man was surprised. How did he still manage to smile after all that happened to him? He could never do it.

"Just call me Lynn." he said and left in the darkness of the alley.

Lynn... such a beautiful name, yet such a cruel owner. Now, Dexter was lost in a part of the city he has only seen once in his life: 7 days ago.

Dexter was confused. He couldn't understand why would Lynn if he takes his name, would let him leave that easily.

He walked on streets and paths until he reached somewhere. It was a place he knew and from there he could go to the café he worked at. It seems like luck hit him unexpectedly.

He entered the café and the first thing he saw was his boss who was sitting on a chair, somewhere in a corner of the room. When he saw that Dexter has entered the door, his face was brighter.

"Dexter... Is that you? Hey, kid, I haven't seen you in days. What happened?" his boss asked him.

He truly wanted to tell someone about everything, but it'll just get him into trouble. "I'm sorry I didn't announce you. My phone was ruined and I couldn't text any of you. I got very sick and I needed to stay in bed for a week, at least. I'm sorry, boss!" Dexter lied.

"If you're ok then it's perfect. I'll solve it somehow, don't worry. The café almost closes, Connor finished earlier, if you're looking after him." he said.

"Oh, yeah, I saw. Thanks, boss! I'll leave for now and tomorrow I'll start working again! Have a nice day!" Dexter said and left the café.

He sighed heavily as he left. He wanted to tell someone about the thing with Lynn, it would have taken a stone from his heart to confess to someone, to free himself from his worries. A person who will come to him and say "Everything is all right." And that person... The person Dexter trusted the most... Was Connor.

Connor Felton is Dexter's best friend and buddy. He felt good around him and he could always make Dexter smile, no matter what the situation was. He wanted, he wanted to tell him everything like he was reading it from a book, but he was scared. He was scared of what things might happen to him and what things Lynn might do to him.

He didn't have any choice but to shut up and continue living like nothing happened. Unfortunately, it wasn't like that. Soon enough, Dexter was about to know more things about Lynn he just met and more about his own life.