Blood type: alcohol

The next morning, as always, Lynn woke up first. Dexter, who woke up some hours later, wasn't surprised to see Lynn next to him. What seemed a bit strange was that there weren't any noises. Not Lynn cooking or talking to the cat and neither walking. It was complete silence.

Dexter slowly got up from the bed as his feet touched the cold floor. His eyes flickered before finally seeing everything. He walked out of the room and truly, there was no one.

The house was empty, only the cat outside on the terrace and... breakfast ready on the table?

Dexter frowned as he approached the table. The food looked pretty good and it seemed to be fresh. Dexter sat down and then noticed a small piece of paper. It was a small note.

Dexter took a glance at the handwriting and it was pretty good. It gave Lynn vibes to him. He then read the note out loud.

Good morning, Dexy!<3

I got breakfast ready for you and I hope you'll enjoy it! Paul and I left a bit early today, but we'll be back soon. Please take care and stay safe until I get back.


The little note caused Dexter a big and wide smile while reading it. Only the 'good morning' made him smile as wide as he could. His jaw hurt from smiling.

He folded the note and put it in his pocket as he couldn't stop smiling. He started eating the breakfast Lynn got ready for him and then he sat down on the couch, waiting for Lynn.

Dexter noticed the cat still being outside the terrace and he decided to go outside. He opened the terrace's door and the cat immediately came to him.

"Hi, Linter! How are you?" Dexter spoke to the cat in a sweet voice as he took him in his arms. "You're so adorable!" he exclaimed.

Dexter looked at the small town and was impressed by the view. He saw it every day but he didn't exactly count how beautiful it was in the daytime.

He stood on the terrace for a few more minutes while holding Linter in his arms. After some more seconds, Dexter heard the front door opening and he let the cat down as he ran inside.

"Lynn!" he screamed as he rushed to hug him, not noticing Paul's presence.

"Heyy, what were you doing?" Lynn asked, a bit suffocated by Dexter's hug.

"I was on the terrace with Liner." he looked up at him with a smile.

"Liner? Who's Linter?" Lynn's bodyguard asked as he walked up to the kitchen.

"You know, that cat who always comes here for food. Dexter named him Linter." Lynn chuckled as he explained.

"Linter is our names mixed. Lynn and Dexter." he said happily to Paul.

Paul smiled at Dexter. "I understand. That's interesting."

"See?!" he turned around to Lynn.

"Yeah, yeah, very interesting, Paul. Drop the act. Don't play his games anymore!" Lynn laughed.

"I'm not, sir. It truly is interesting. Your names mixed... Who would've thought that?" he raised an eyebrow.

Lynn sighed. "What did you do since we left?" Lynn asked Dexter as he took off his shirt to change.

Dexter was blocked for some moments as a slight blush spread on his face. "Uh... I ate... And then I went on the terrace..."

"Did you see the note?" Lynn wondered.

"Yeah... It was sweet from you..." he blushed more as he remembered the note again.

Lynn looked away a bit embarrassed as he put on another shirt. Paul brought two glasses of water, each for Dexter and Lynn.

"What should we do today?" Dexter asked as he sat down on the couch and looked at Lynn drinking from the glass of water.

"Maybe we should go to a bar or something? I'm sure you want to drink something hard, sir." Paul suggested.

Lynn's eyebrows raised slightly as a smirk spread on his face. "Hell yeah. I want a drink now."

They both looked at Dexter. "Are you coming with us?" Lynn asked.

"I don't usually drink alcohol... I don't know." Dexter bit his lip to hide his embarrassment.

"They don't have only alcohol. You can grab a cocktail or something, Dexy. Plus, I'm not letting you alone in the house after what happened. You're coming with us." Lynn said and then held out his hand for Dexter to grab it.

Dexter shyly grabbed Lynn's hand and got up. "All right... I'll come."

Dexter felt a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people, some of them sober, some of them half sober and some of them completely drunk. He felt a bit unsure about everything, but after all, he trusted Lynn. He was with him and his bodyguard too.

On their way to the city, Dexter was listening to Paul and Lynn's conversation about a mission Louis had just given them.

"You said you won't kill people anymore." Dexter suddenly interrupted them.

"Huh?" Lynn frowned.

"You said you won't kill people. Why are you making a promise when you know you can't keep it?" he raised an eyebrow. He seemed slightly bothered by that.

"I'm sorry Dexter, but I really can't help with anything. I need to do it since their boss's orders." he shrugged and looked back at him in the mirror.

Dexter sighed and looked outside the window. Soon, the car stopped in front of a bar. At first sight, it seemed pretty familiar to Dexter, but then he realized it was the same bar he saw that night when he met Alan and was rescued by Lynn.

They got off the car and walked inside. The smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and other scents gathered all in one room hit Dexter's nose, making him cough. Lynn placed his hand on Dexter's back so he could guide him to the bar without getting lost. Dexter looked around and was completely disgusted by what he saw. Men were drinking until alcohol was the type of blood they had, some half-naked women stripping around completely drunk men, and some people making out. Dexter frowned but followed Lynn and Paul to the bar. They sat down on three chairs, Dexter in the middle of the two.

A pretty handsome barman came to them as he was drying a glass with a towel. "What can I bring you?" he smiled as his eyes were on Dexter.

Lynn immediately noticed and there was a death stare at the barman. "Two glasses of wine and... what do you want?" he turned to Dexter.

"Water." Dexter said indifferently.

"Water? Oh, come on! You're in a bar, not at home! Pick something more... different... from your usual." Lynn winked at Dexter.

The barman interrupted. "I have water too if that's what the young man wants." he smiled.

Lynn's eyes furrowed with anger at the barman. Dexter noticed that Lynn was a bit pissed off and he decided to take it slow so he could not get mad. "I just want a glass of water."

The barman nodded and went to pour the three their drinks. Lynn sighed and tried to calm down.

Dexter scanned the zone a bit and was again disgusted by what he saw. He spotted some stairs that went up to another roof. He decided to ask Lynn about the stairs.