The Final Meeting...

The next morning with heavy rain, flashing lightning and a strong storm, the ship reaches the Port of London.

"Low brother, finally reached London, no one would have made such a trip to London, which we both decided, thankfully there was a commander together otherwise the robbers would not have allowed them to reach London", Arun said close to London Port Seeing it coming, he said to Tanveer with a sigh of relief.

"You are saying this absolutely right, if the commander did not find the whereabouts of those robbers that night, then perhaps they would not have reached London anywhere else, the biggest thing was that the commander tore the robbers so cleanly that night and threw some into the sea so that All the crew of the ship did not suspect at all that I did not do this work. Will happen", said Tanveer, looking at Arun. Both were standing on the deck talking to each other when the captain of the ship reached there.

"After all, you have reached London, why did Tanveer enjoy the sea travel?" Captain asked Tanveer with a smile.

"It's a lot of fun, now I pray to the above that no robbers should be found again at the time of return", Arun replied to the captain instead of Tanveer.

"Ha...ha... Yes, don't be afraid nothing like this will happen and if it happens then Tanveer is with us, our hero is enough to save all of us, don't see how it defeated the robbers alone, I am very proud I feel thinking that Tanveer was with us in this journey and I have a great friendship with this courageous boy. We have met", the Captain happily said to Arun and Tanveer. Then the Captain continues his talk and asks both of them "Okay now what is the plan ahead, how will the doctor get his coffin to Zakir, I will help you both in this. I can do ".

"You will have to take help from you because London is an unknown city for us, here is the address of Dr. Zakir", Tanveer takes out a slip from his pocket and gives it to the captain, on which the doctor's address is written. Was.

The Captain arranges for both of them to reach Doctor Zakir in London, and also arranges for both of them to stay with his crew members. Now just for one last meeting with Dr. Zakir, Arun, Tanveer and the Commander were curious, Arun and Tanveer were curious as to what was the secret that the Commander had buried in his chest for so many years and its doctor. What to do with Zakir, but the biggest obstacle for him was the changing weather of LondonWho introduced himself to him as soon as the ship reached London Port.

As soon as the ship reached the port, Tanveer and Arun went to their rooms to rest with the rest of the staff, the coffin of the commander was kept in Tannu's room itself. The captain calls Arun and Tanveer to meet Dr. Zakir at his university and it is learned that Dr. Zakir has gone to Kingham for some special work, Kingham is a small village in England, it takes him a long time to return from there. Might be possible. The captain got this news delivered to Tanveer and Arun.

"I will have to catch Damitri Fridd red handed this time anyway, this time there should not be any mistake, remember that this time he is going to do a big deal of arms, today all the goods will come out of his warehouse, they leave They will be caught at the check post itself but before that I want you to be someoneCreate an uproar and get Dmitry away from his men so that it will be easier to arrest him. .A team has left to help you, so far you have done this intelligence mission well, we are not too far from our destination now so be smart", MI 6 Special Agent Harris present in Alex's gang Spoke to my intelligence agent on the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll do it very easily, it'll be done today, I'll just wait for the back up team," says Harris' intelligence agent on the phone.

"As soon as the team gets there, you will be prompted to act accordingly", Special Agent Harris ordered his agent.

"Okay, I'll wait for the team", Harris' agent told him.

"Remember I want Alex aka Dmitry Frid alive, taking care that nothing should happen to him", said Special Agent Harris, explaining to his junior agent.

"It's done," said Harris' special agent and hung up.

"Today Dr. Zakir is going to reach here, remember today he should not go away alive... just once he finds the diamonds of that treasure, then it will be destroyed, before that he should not know that London Who is the king of the under world... Martin we're all going to have precious diamonds in our hands today", said Alex, explaining to his men, then talking to Martin about the diamonds.

"You're right, if Dr. Zakir can have a priceless diamond, he'll have more diamonds from Emperor Shah Jahan's treasury... we can't miss this opportunity", Martin told Alex Agreeing with what he said.

"Dr. Zakir is a very smart person... he should not suspect anything, Martin will question him very thoughtfully and once he finds those treasure diamonds, finish them as soon as I get my signal", Alex said, explaining to his men.

"It's going to be done, but remember, Henry is going to come today too... what's he to do", said Martin, reminding Alex.

"Once Henry gets here, he has to ask him about his adventures in London, whether he has the diamond or not", Alex said to Martin and thought for a while. .

"Don't know where that diamond will be at this point... Whether the commander has finished his job or not, I've been driving all night and now I'm not too far from Alex, once I get to his base the electro magnetic field I'll turn on the detector and it will track down the commander or the diamond... Because that diamond is associated with the soul of the commander, so this detector can easily track him too, just if there is no mistake, then I will get that diamond, even if the diamond is not present there then this detector is the soul of the commander Will track it down, only through that I will reach that diamond", Dr. ZakirTalks to himself during his journey to Kingham. He was worried about that diamond and why not, if that diamond got out of his hands, then Dr. Zakir was also going to die under the same circumstances, in which he took the help of that diamond and killed his team members with the soul of the commander. And the enemies were killed.

On the other hand, the commander's spirit reaches Amelia's aunt's place and enters Henry's body. Amelia had already counted and set aside a million pounds from the suit case as told by the commander, just waiting for Henry to leave the room.

"Did you get a good night's sleep... no problem," asked Amelia's Aunt Angela as she left Henry's guest room.

"Of course, I slept very well and nothing was a problem", the commander's spirit answered Angela from inside Henry's body.

"Let's have breakfast with us now", said Angela to Henry. All of them were having breakfast while sitting at the dining table. Everyone was looking very happy. So that no one was suspicious, Henry also agreed to him and sat down to have breakfast by sliding a chair near the table.

"What would you like for breakfast, juice, coffee or milk tea", Angela asked Henry.

"Juice would be better", Henry replied to Angela. As Henry asked, he gave a glass of fresh fruit juice from his own garden.

"That's the advantage of being a farm house, everything is fresh, own grown grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. Why do you care, Amelia", asked Mr. Thomas, Amelia's uncle.

"Yes, why not, Uncle, things are purer here than in the cities", agreed Amelia with Mr. Thomas.

"It is not only the food here that is pure, the weather and the atmosphere here are also pure... and the air here is fresh," said Henry between the two.

"It seems that the magic of the fresh air here has passed on you too, Mr. Henry", said Angela, smiling at Henry. Everyone laughed at this of Angela.

"Although the weather outside has become very bad, it seems that there will be a strong storm today. .. so you're going out for work, is work so important?", Mr Thomas asked Henry.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me, I just have to meet the party in connection with the purchase of a land, this is very important, otherwise it would not have been so important to go in such bad weather... There's a lot of my client's money trapped in this", the spirit of Henry aka Commander skillfully forced Mr. Thomas to believe a false story.

"Oh! We won't stop you if it's about money, but it's Kingham and you're going to buy the land... you don't even have any weapons to defend yourself", said Mr. Thomas to Henry.

"Is buying land here such a big headache", Henry asked Mr. Thomas, unaware.

"Looks like you're here for the first time... This is Kingham, here people talk less, shoot more bullets and sometimes they do not hold back from shooting even after taking money, all the farmers of my identity have their guns for security, here only the law of guns works "If I were in your place, I wouldn't have gone out without a gun", Mr. Thomas warned Henry. While Mr. Thomas and Angela seemed worried about this, Amelia was smiling to her heart, listening to their words, she covered her lips with her hand so that her laugh could not be seen in front of everyone. She was sitting there thinking that now what does Uncle and Aunty know that to whom they are telling all this, he is an expert in this work, for him to kill anyone is just like pinching, he is such a hunter Which even death could not defeat completely.

"I would ask you to keep my hand gun and some bullets for your own safety, I pray you don't have to use them, but it's best to do so for your own safety", Thomas told Henry An offer was made in front, which was related to the protection of Henry.

"Come on now, Thomas, you're scaring our guest, bad things will happen to everyone, no matter what, Kingham isn't such a bad place, after all we've been living here for so many years", said Angela Told her husband Thomas and the rest.

"Yes, it's true that Kingham was a beautiful, lovely village, but everything has changed since the mafia caught sight of it, the village where people used to live together is now bleeding profusely", Thomas added. Told everyone.

"I have also read in the news paper many times, now Kingham has a coin of the Under World, many criminal activities have been carried out in this quiet area away from London, such a place is the safest for people associated with crime. .. I think you should heed Uncle's advice and take a hand gun with you as a security, I will take it back to London and give it to Uncle if he ever comes", Amelia told Henry the hand gun Forced to take.

"Yeah, that'll be fine... anyway I have to go to London next month, I'll take it there when I meet Amelia", said Thomas, agreeing with Amelia.

"Okay now that you guys are saying that, I don't mind taking the hand gun for my own safety, I'll hand it over safely to Amelia in London", Henry aka the Commander's spirit told them. Thomas had finished his breakfast, he got up and went straight to his store room, took out a Ruger Single Six Convertible .22/22 Magnum from a wooden cupboard and also took out his bullet cartridge and gave it to Henry. As Henry prepares to leave for his base after taking the gun from Thomas, Amelia arrives to drop him outside.

"Take care of yourself and be careful while returning, you will have more valuables in return, now you are the new owner of that cursed diamond, plus you have a million pounds, so take care," the commander said to Amelia. And after starting the car, he went on his journey, he had Henry's boss. There was also a small suit case containing four million pounds to give to Amelia before she left, asking her to be smart.

"Oh, why is it so jammed here, how long have you stayed in one place, what happened next, which has blocked the highway so much, I think I'll have to get out of the car and see", Dr. Zakir himself and gets out of the car and tries to find out what is going on next. They see a check post some distance away which was put up there for special reasons, every vehicle coming towards Kingham was being thoroughly searched. Doctor Zakir understood the whole issue.

"It will take a lot of time, but what can be done now, I don't know what is going on here in Kingham, which is so much checking, it happens only when there is a need to carry out a terrorist attack or any dangerous operation. Threatened... Bad trapped", said Doctor Zakir to himself and after finding out everything went back to his car and sat down.

"Boss has received the news that there are heavy checks going on on both sides of the highway," one of Alex's men informed him.

"What has happened here, has there been any news of a terrorist attack or has someone not informed us, keep finding out... It is good that we got the weapons delivered last night itself and got them dispatched immediately, which was reported to only a few of my special people, by now they must have reached around the border, all your men to be more alert Tell that to him", Alex looked at Martin after listening to his man. Said, then asked his man to be alert.

"You have been clever enough to send the goods at night, otherwise you would have had to pay for the pick up", Martin told Alex after listening to him. Both of them were sitting and talking on this subject that suddenly a man of Alex came running there.

"Boss... Boss, that Henry has arrived and is currently asking for entry from our first check post", Alex's man told him.

"That's great news... allow him to enter right away, we're looking forward to talking to him", said Alex, ordering his man. On receiving orders from Alex, his man ordered security over wireless and they even allowed Henry's car to enter. As soon as he entered, the commander aka Henry locked the car and entered the base, everyone was well aware of Henry so they did not search him because no one had any idea that Henry could also be a traitor Is. He started moving straight towards Alex's room and as he entered Alex's room, Alex got up from his chair and proceeded to welcome him.

"Wow Henry wow, you've finally got the diamond deal", said Alex, hugging him.


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