The Final Meeting- 2

"Yes, the boss has settled the deal for a full £4 million", Henry told him and extended the small suitcase towards him. Alex took the suitcase from her and opened it with Martin to take a good look. He put one of his men in the work of counting the money, he also told Alex that everything was fine after counting the money, the money was full. Alex ordered one of his special men to take the suitcase and keep it in the safe, the man following his order took the suitcase with him.

"Yes, so Henry tell me everything in detail. What happened... We've got news that everyone with whom you made the diamond deal has been put to death by surprise, the last time they met you, say some of their survivors, like the one in Mark's office. The secretary, who reported that you were the last person Mark met... Is it that you haven't given the diamond to him even after negotiating a deal from him and you still have that diamond with you", Alex asked Henry, turning the matter smartly.

"No boss, there is nothing like this, if it was so, would I not have been nine or eleven from there after taking money from Mark, then why would I go to his mentioned work shop to give that diamond when both the money and the diamond are with me. "It was", Henry answered Alex, giving his explanation.

"You have something to say, but Mark's work shop in London was also destroyed by someone and turned into a crematorium, what do you have to say about that... It happened only after you went there", Martin told Henry Reminding said.

"You guys are doubting me unnecessarily, just imagine that if I did any act in the work shop, I would have been killed.. .There were so many armed men present and I alone, you yourself imagine if I would have rolled so many people and sat with you like this, it is impossible for anyone to do this", Henry skillfully lied to both Both were forced to think about Diya and her lie for a while.

"So what do you think happened there in London that killed so many people", Alex once again questioned Henry on the London affair.

"I think boss someone has followed me and done it all with a plan so that we all split up... This will weaken our gang and we will fight amongst ourselves", Henry once said. Showing cleverness again, replied to both.

"I think Alex your man is absolutely right... It has nothing to do with the London accident, it may have been chased or it may be that Dr. Zakir after giving you the diamond got someone to follow you, otherwise it is not so at all. It may not have taken a single shot in the midst of so many shots," Martin told Henry. Agreeing to the point, Alex told Alex, listening to his words, Alex fell into deep thought for a while.

"I think you are right otherwise it is absolutely impossible that it does not hit a single bullet, this work can also be done by some old enemy, intelligence agent or Doctor Zakir... Just once that person gets caught, I'm not going to leave him alive", said Alex, looking at Martin and Henry.

"You also can't ignore the fact that today there is a check post on the highway leading to Kingham, maybe it is related to this issue and we are unreasonably suspecting Henry when he is loyal He has brought the money to you by doing a diamond deal with... If he was a traitor, when would he have run away", Martin once again made Alex think by saying his word.

MI6 Agent James, a member of Alex's gang, sets the timer on his watch as soon as his teammates receive a flare gun signal, triggers the time bombs planted at Alex's base, and two minutes later activated to explode. Unaware of this, Alex and his companions are embroiled in their own problems, before anyone can understand and conclude who the traitor is when suddenly there is an explosion of deafening eardrums called "Punk". , the first bomb explodes in Alex's warehouse, which explodes for all the people present there. Panic spreads inside. As soon as the first detonation of the bomb occurs, the security people standing outside are activated and the people involved in Alex's security inside take out their weapons and stand around Alex to protect him when suddenly "Boom... Bam", there are two more explosions, both of which were so strong that everyone present inside was shaken and their ears went numb, taking advantage of this opportunity to send Martin and Alex, the spirit of the commander inside Henry, behind him. Indicates arrival. Martin and Alex along with some security personnel rush after him to get to a safe place. Just then suddenly MI6 Special Agent James enters the room saying, "Dhay... ". Tad tad tad tad tad tad tad tad tad, but not a single bullet hits the target, James hurriedly raises the gun of a security guard lying dead there and says "Dhay dhayy... But he doesn't see his victim Alex anywhere, he goes in search of her. James's back up team had arrived and was scuffling with the security personnel outside, now that Alex was surrounded, there was no way for him to escape.

"Look, I said there's a traitor in our gang and we were unnecessarily suspecting Henry, now think about how to get out of here", Martin told Alex and peeped out the window to escape. Started looking for the way.

"It's impossible to get out through so much firing... We'll have to find some other way to escape", Alex said to his teammates and Martin.

"The preparations for this operation must have been going on long ago and they must have waited a long time to catch you red-handed, this matter seems to be related to the arms deal that happened yesterday", Martin told Alex Reminds me.

"This is not the time to think about these things... Think about how we all get out of here, we can't hide in this room forever", Alex told Martin.

Then suddenly Henry pulls out the hand gun given to him by Thomas and, "Dhayyyya...

"Yh... what did you do, you killed our own comrades", a scream comes out of Alex's mouth.

"That means you're doing us harm with those government dogs," said Martin, looking at Henry.

"I ain't got no one, I'm only connected to the diamond you've bargained for", the commander's soul says to both of them in heavy voices, which make both of them tremble.


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