The Final Meeting- 3

"W... W... who are you, you can't be Henry, how did your voice suddenly change, what's going on?", Alex asked Henry aka Commander's soul in trembling voices.

"The diamond that Dr. Zakir gave you has a history of three hundred years, we are Commander Brad Shaw, the commander of the British East India Company, who had discovered the looted treasure of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan three hundred years ago, but regrets that We had to pay the price with our blood at the same time, that diamondTime was in our pocket and when Dr. Zakir searched for the treasure, he found our half-corpse along with the treasure. used it to do because our soul is associated with that diamondhappened", the commander's spirit explained everything to Alex and Martin and meanwhile reloaded his gun.

"W... W... what do you mean, you're someone else not Henry", asked the commander in trembling voices, Martin.

"Yes, we are Commander Brad Shaw... That Commander Brad who was a hunter 300 years ago and still is, it's your luck that you don't face our body but our soul... If the body was present, then today you would not have to be killed with guns, our body is the only weapon in which ten people have electro-magnetic power, we and our nine companions who together made four of the forty robbers, we were the commander. The soul of all of them is connected with our body". "Thank you", the commander informs Alex and Martin of his body and shoots a bullet into Martin's skull, which Alex is shocked to see.

"Hey... y... y, what have I done, look what have I done wrong to you, I'm not from here and I don't even know you, the doctor didn't tell me anything about that diamond." He cheated on me too... Yes, he has betrayed both of us Commander, whoever you are, I am innocent in this matter, I have no enmity with you, let me go", Alex defending himself in front of the Commander's spirit Begged for

"This is England, the country of the commander, we have been maintaining law and order since the time of British East India and will keep it even today, we know very well who you are, not only about you Dmitry but also your father and grandfather About Bap Dada too, but you haven't understood us very well till now. We are the hunter who never left his victim alive and if you survive today then how many lives will you die tomorrow, our body will kill the doctor tomorrow, but we will punish you today, now if we want, you will get heart. Could have killed by attack or any other way but where there is so much firing there is aAad the bullet can move here and there too… Hiding and leaving Alex's base. MI 6 Special Agent James overcame all obstacles to reach the room where Alex and Martin were hiding, but to his dismay, the commander freed Henry's body at a safe place as soon as he left the base, and he fainted as soon as he was released. Yes he fell.

After a long jam, Doctor Zakir somehow reaches Alex's base, where the complexion had completely changed, police and intelligence agencies were present everywhere.

Doctor Zakir could not believe his eyes, Alex's haunt had become a pile of ashes everywhere, due to tight security everywhere, the doctor did not consider it appropriate to stay there, so he drove his car towards the local bar there Di and stopped at the bar for a while.

"Okay Auntie, I'll leave now... I'll have to go back to London, the university has papers tomorrow", Amelia said to her Aunt Angela after her younger sisters had a birthday party.

"Oh! If that's the case then I can't stop you, but how are you going to get your car taken by your friend's brother... do one thing you take my car", said Angela to Amelia.

"Yeah, it'll be fine, I'll get there soon," Amelia said to her aunt and took her car keys from her. While leaving, everyone hugged Amelia and said goodbye. Amelia had kept a million pounds and the diamond in a safe bag. She takes the car and leaves for the highway.

"Looks like that diamond is out of my hands now, on one hand Alex is happy to die and on the other hand the sadness of losing the diamond, it seems impossible to get the diamond now because alex must have either been killed or arrested by the police Must have done it, now it will be known only through the newspapers of tomorrow, the people here were in shock. After so many blasts, whoever asked here in the bar, everyone said that it has happened under some operation, media people are present all around, was Alex such a big culprit.. Well now you should worry about yourself, now the diamond is out of hand", said Dr. Zakir himself, sitting in the bar and talking to some people about the accident while drinking alcohol, but did not get any specific information, He was more concerned with Alex than about the diamond that had now gone too far from him via AmeliaAnd Kingham was now far behind. After some time, Dr. Zakir also thought it better to go back to London and took his car towards the highway.

"Boom, schreinieich," Amelia applied the brakes of the car as the tire blew, she parked the car on a safe side off the road. He also opened the trunk of the car, but there were no extra tyres, he thought that Kingham was not far away, if he asked someone for a lift, he would reach London at the right time and also called Uncle to pick up the car. Otherwise, there will be a problem in giving the paper in the morning, so she will take her bag from the car. Started moving on the highway, asked for lift from many cars but no one stopped, she kept on moving like this.

On the other hand, Dr Zakir was returning after being disappointed with Kingham when suddenly a girl asked him for a lift on the deserted highway. Due to the rain, there were not many vehicles on the highway, but in so much rain, what this unknown girl was doing on the deserted highway was worrying her. To clear his confusion, he stopped the car, "Are you going to London, if yes, will you give me a lift to there please", the girl asked the doctor hesitantly.

"Why not, come in, I'm going in that direction too", said the doctor, opening the car door and inviting the girl in. The girl got into the car and the doctor resumed her journey to London while moving the car.

"You are traveling alone in so many nights, don't you feel scared", the doctor asked the girl, breaking the silence after a long silence.

"The travelers of darkness are not afraid of the night", the girl replied with a smile to the doctor.

"Ha... Ha... Ha... Good sense of humour, I like that", the doctor reacted as he listened to the girl.

"Well do you trust Destiny", the unknown girl asked the doctor.

"No, I believe in myself, it is necessary to believe in myself to achieve anything, there is no such thing as Destiny", answered the girl, Dr. Zakir.

"If I say that my meeting with you was also a destiny, you are Indian, according to that your coming here from India was also a destiny, then what will be your answer", said the unknown girl giving proof of her words. asked a deep question. Dr. Zakir was thinking for a while, then looking at the girl, he said, "What is your name, Miss, my name is Zakir and I am also a professor in the Department of Archeology of Oxford University here, I am many I've been in London for years but have never met you, so you can do it... How can you say Destiny", the doctor, using his experience, turned back and questioned the girl.

"My name is Amelia and I'm from Polperro, Cornwall, England, I'm also an Oxford student but I study science, I've seen you on campus many times before because my friend Michelle is your student, that's why Destiny teased because we both belong to oxford and weThe two also met on the High Way of London," the girl, introducing herself, explained to the doctor in detail.

"Michelle Johnson Wright, yes I know that girl, so you are her friend, now I understand everything, nice to meet you Amelia", the doctor understood the whole story and expressed his happiness on meeting Amelia.

"If I tell you that I have been seeing you and this night's journey in my dreams since the age of 14, what would you say?", Amelia asked the doctor a question that made the doctor's face blown away And now there were lines of concern on his forehead.

"I didn't understand anything, I just last few years ago

I have come here and you are from England, then how can you see me in a dream", the doctor questioned Amelia on the pretext of ignorance.

"I've been seeing you and a bigger coffin in my dreams since I was 14, it's like I have a deep connection with that coffin, every single moment that's passing here right now, I've already I've been seeing this in my dreams, do you know of any such coffin", Amelia once againAsking the doctor an incredible question while talking about his dream. The doctor's face had turned white, a few drops of sweat began to flow from his forehead, which he wipes off by removing the handkerchief in his coat pocket as the coffin of the ghost beheaded Commander Brad Shaw wanders once again in his mind. Is. The same 300-year-old commander, frozen in ice, had chewed the doctor's team in order to get the treasure of Shah Jahan. Another name for panic and horror is Commander Brad Shaw, who spared the doctor's life but all his team members were killed one by one, but the discovery of that treasure gave the doctor a lot of name and fame.

"I don't know of any such coffin, I'm sorry", the Doctor shrugged off Amelia's regret.

"It's okay, I understand, you may not be associated with that coffin, but I've still seen you in my dreams before", Amelia said, agreeing to the doctor's point of view.

"It happens miss, many times such cases have been published in the newspapers, it is called foreshadowing, if so then you should consult a good specialist", the doctor cleverly hid his secret. Hua gave Amelia a free consultation.

"Many people have advised me this before, so I don't mention it soon, but ever since I saw you in the university, I started believing in my dream, but when I met you today, I stopped myself. Didn't get it and mentioned it to you, I'm sorry if you felt bad ",Amelia apologized to the doctor while giving her explanation.

"Oh never mind, but I'm glad you mentioned it to me, but I don't know about any coffin, you should take care of yourself if you've got this kind of power, at times mentally disturbed." But big accidents also happen", Dr. Zakir sympathizes with Amelia. Expressing it asked him to take care of himself. But Amelia's words shook the doctor from inside, what he heard was perhaps hard to believe but still there was a truth that cannot be denied because the doctor knew about the coffin inside which Commander Brad Shaw's body was kept. But the doctors were unaware that what was the relation of that girl Amelia with Commander Brad Shaw and perhaps even 22-year-old Amelia herself did not know why there was so much turmoil in her life, the answer to all these questions is just Only one person could give and that was the commander himself.

On the other hand, Tanveer and Arun also spend their first day in London waiting for the return of the doctor. Around 10:00 am, the captain gets a call from the university that the doctor has returned to the university campus. The captain passes this information to Tanveer and Arun, also arranges a cargo van to reach their university so that they do not have much trouble carrying the commander's coffin.

The two meet the doctor as soon as they reach the university, Dr Zakir is shocked to see Tanveer, son of his friend Professor, he hugs Tanveer and asks him the reason for coming. Tanveer makes excuses to meet them without informing them about the commander. The doctor gives him the keys to his house so that the two can rest as they have to lecture at the university, promising to leave the house for a leisurely conversation as soon as they finish their work.

Meanwhile, Amelia, along with some of her friends, was on her way to the Archaeological Department to meet the doctor when she suddenly notices a cargo van parked outside, walks closer to him and looks at the coffin behind the window. Amelia is surprised to see him as it was the coffin she had been dreaming of for the past eight years.

She meets both of them as Tannu and Arun leave, from which she learns that both are the doctor's guests and have come from India to meet him. She also asks both of them about the coffin, but both of them avoid the matter by telling it the property of Dr. Zakir of the Archaeological Department and from there they walk towards the doctor's apartment.

Now Amelia was suspicious of the doctor because when she asked about the coffin, the doctor had refused, but after hearing the words of both the boys, it seems that the doctor knew about that coffin for a long time. Lied to him too. Now Amelia had made up her mind to pursue the doctor after the university was closed.


© ivanmaximusedwin.