Farah whimpered as she began shifting back. My heart twisted when she fell to her knees with her face in her hands.
What the hell happened?
Why did she lose control again?
She flinched away when I touched her shoulder; with a sigh, I sat on the floor, then pulled her onto my lap. "What the fuck happened?" I asked, taking her face in my hands.
"Ben trapped me in the bathroom; apparently, he wanted to be a part of our harm and said that he was tired of me ignoring him," I explained, "So he ripped off my clothes and touched me. I tried to fight back, but I was scared of hurting the baby if I shifted, but when he pinned me against the counter and raped me, I lost control."
The guys gathered around to listen as she explained what had happened. Fynn had changed back and now had his head hung in defeat. Kayden was yelling at him for not trusting his sister and for endangering her and the baby.
Beare and Charlie were taking care of Ben's body as they trusted me with our beautiful Farah.
Her body shook as she dug at the blood on her arms. I took her hands in mine and then said, "Please stop, Farah. It's going to be okay, baby."
"I feel so dirty," she whispered.
"My father used to do nasty things to me when I was a boy," I said as I touched my forehead to hers, "I understand how it feels, but remember we are here for you, and I'm sorry we weren't here to protect you."
I don't know how long we sat there, but the others gave us space as we discussed our past. I held Farah close as she told me about the guards at the compound and about how her mom used to let men touch her for money for her next fix.
Beare knelt down to kiss our temples before he lifted Farah into his arms, hugging her tight as he carried her upstairs and into the bathroom. I followed them into the bathroom as he sat her on the toilet while I switched on the shower. After removing our clothes, we helped her into the shower and then washed all the blood out of her hair and body.
She was usually talkative and quirky but now she looked deflated and tired. I couldn't imagine how she felt with the growing baby and the stress of what happened.
After ensuring all the blood was gone, I dried her off before Beare carried her into the bedroom. Bear and I held her tight as she curled up against his side while I snuggled against his other side while running my fingers through her hair as she dozed off.
My father was a horrible man who liked to beat on me and my little brother Will. When Dad got drunk, he liked to do dirty things to us and made us do bad things to each other too. One day I couldn't take it anymore, so I filled a backpack full of stuff for my brother and me, then left the asshole behind.
We ended up going to my grandma's house, who lived across town. I was only ten and didn't really know what to do. After we told her about my father, she called the cops, who put my father behind bars for a long time.
After that, I got into computers and video games. I learned how to hack really well and ended up hacking into the military database and found out about the illegal experiments. I got caught and ended up in one of the compounds, where they changed me into a fox.
When Beare and the guys saved me, I was thrilled to be out of that place and fell in love with the enormous polar bear. At first, we just had sex for each other's company, but it became more as time passed.
And then this beautiful white-haired girl showed up, and I felt threatened that she would take Beare away from me. I felt jealous when I saw the way he watched her, but as I got to know her, I couldn't help but grow fond of her too. She is so sweet and pure. People like her shouldn't have to go through evil things like this. She was a ray of sunlight that made us feel at home whenever we saw her face.
I was startled when the door opened but sighed in relief when I saw it was Kayden and Charlie.
"How is she?" Asked Charlie, who leaned down to kiss Farah's forehead.
"She told me that she felt dirty and ashamed," I explained as they crawled into the bed beside Farah.
"I can't believe the bastard raped her in our home. I saw where she sliced the mother fuckers dick off," growled Kayden.
"You did good, Jordan," Beare said as he pulled me closer to kiss my forehead.
"She told me about her childhood. Did you guys know that her mother sold her to men for drugs? And the guards at the compound used to do things to her?" I asked.
They shook their heads, "I wondered about it when I noticed she wasn't a virgin, Charlie explained, "She was really young when she was sent to the compound."
"By her own father too," added Kayden, "We have all been through a lot, But the things she has gone through," he said, shaking his head while running his fingers through Farah's hair.
"We can't even leave her alone for an hour before someone tries to hurt her," I growled.
"We will make sure for now that one of us is always with her," says Beare, "That means one of us will stay here while we go on the next raid."
"I will stay," I said, "I'm better with the computers and stuff anyway, and it will make the trip easier with fewer people. Are numbers are multiplying quickly."
Kayden nodded, "Maybe after we expose everything, the government will provide places for them to go."
I nodded, "I really hope so. Because soon we will have a baby to take care of too."
The guys nodded.
"Let's get some sleep," says Charlie, "We will need our rest for the days to come."
Once we were all gathered around Farah, we closed our eyes and fell asleep.