A few more weeks passed, and today was the day we were all getting into the vans to head to Georgia. We hoped to reach the compound by nightfall, so we needed to leave soon to make it.
I hugged Farah, then knelt down to kiss her growing belly. A week ago, Kayden's strong wolf ears picked up not one but four heartbeats! Four!
"Be good for your mommy while we are gone," I told them. I was worried about how fast they were growing. We needed to find out how long the gestation period was for Werebeasts; we would have to hunt down baby supplies soon just to be safe.
I stood and took her face in my hands for a deep kiss. She moaned as I shoved my tongue in her mouth; I wanted to taste her as much as possible.
I growled when Kayden pulled her away from me to pull her in for a kiss. I huffed and turned to Jordan, who stayed with Farah and the kids. Nick and Robbie were staying with Farah and the kids. I didn't want to leave Farah and the babies, but I knew Jordan would keep her safe.
"You take care of her; I trust you to keep her safe," I told him with a pat on the back.
"Thank you, Charlie," he said as he took Farah's hand. With a few more goodbye kisses, we reluctantly got into the vans and drove away. My chest felt empty as I left my heart behind.
Six and a half hours later, we pulled up in a secluded spot to stay hidden, then went over the plan again before exiting the van.
I looked up at the full moon that illuminated the forest in a silver glow as we removed our clothes, shifted into our Werebeasts, grabbed our drawstring bags that held the supplies we needed, and took off into the trees.
We ran through the forest for about an hour before we saw the compound.
A loud buzz came from the electric fence as we approached; without our computer guru, we had to improvise. With a nod toward Beare and Kayden, they got to work digging holes far enough from the fence that it wouldn't electrocute us as we entered and exited them.
Once the holes were big enough, we crawled through and rushed toward the compound as we lit firecrackers and tossed them to get the guards' attention.
When they came rushing out, the first line of defense went after them, taking down as many as possible. Once the yard was clear, we hurried into the compound, taking out anyone we saw as we cleared the way for the second team.
After everything was cleared, I followed Kayden, Vennessa, and Travis downstairs; we used our key cards to open the doors freeing all of the Werebeasts inside.
When I scanned the keycard, the door slid open, "Holy fuck!" I jumped back just in time to miss the fangs of a human-size king cobra with a diamond pattern and a rattle. The snake hissed, spraying venom at me as I held my hands up in surrender, "Dude, we are here to save you!" I yelled.
The snake rattled its tail and flickered its tongue before it finally began to shrink into a six-foot-two, leanly muscled man with long sandy-blonde hair that fell to his shoulders, fair skin covered in scars, and dark green unseeing eyes. My eyes widened in shock when I noticed he had not one but two cocks!!
"Eh, sorry bout' that; I felt your vibration but knew that you were different," he explained in a deep country accent, "The names Cooper Hawkins."
"Well, Cooper, my name is Charlie Dawson; you can come with me if you want to live."
Cooper snorted, then approached me without any issues, "I can see through the vibrations under my feet," he explained, "Now let's get the hell out of here!"
As Cooper and I made our way down the hall, I froze when I heard a gun go off, followed by a yelp. I swirled around to find Kayden on his knees in his human form as blood gushed from a wound in his chest.
Cooper shifted into a half-snake form and went after the guard with the gun while I rushed to Kayden's side, dropping to my knees next to Kayden as I pulled off my bag to grab the medical kit Nick had put together for us all, then used it to staunch the blood that was gushing from the wound.
"Is it bad?" asked Kayden.
"It's pretty bad, but I think it missed a major organ," I stated, "I need to see if the bullet went all the way through."
Kayden nodded, then winced as I maneuvered him so I could check his back.
"Damnit! The bullet didn't go all the way through!" I cursed.
"What happened?" asked Beare as he rushed over.
"Got turned into Swiss cheese," Kayden joked.
Beare sighed, shaking his head, and said, "Get dipshit here to the van, Charlie; the rest of us can finish up."
With a nod, I tossed Kayden over my shoulder, then hurried through the compound and out the doors. I could feel his blood dripping down my shoulder as I rushed through the forest. If anything happened to him, I would never forgive myself.
When we got to the van, I opened the back to lay Kayden inside before I hoped inside. I needed to get the bullet out before I could bandage him up, but we didn't have the proper tools.
"I'm gonna have to use my claws to dig out the bullet," I explained as I grabbed a shirt and then rolled it up, "Bite down on this because this is gonna hurt like hell."
I shoved the shirt in his mouth and then shifted my nails into claws. Kayden screamed as I dug out the bullet; I had to be careful not to cut any organs or arteries while doing this. Once the bullet was out, I cleaned the wound before sewing it up.
By the time I was done, Kayden had passed out from the pain, but thankfully he would be okay as long as the wound didn't become infected.
It was about an hour later when everyone started returning to the van. We now had an older teenage girl named Willow, a woman named Heather, and a young preteen boy named Kyle and Cooper.
"Will your friend be alright?" asked Cooper as he hopped into the back with me.
"I believe he will be okay," I replied, "I will have our Doctor look him over when we return."