I walked into the war room to find Jordan watching the screens. He hadn't left this room since they left last night, and I was worried he wasn't eating.
I set the plate I brought up on the table, then walked over to wrap my arms around his waist, "You need to eat something, babe."
Jordan wrapped his arms around me without taking his eyes off the monitors, "They should have been back by now," he grumbled.
I grabbed his hand, pulled him towards the table, then shoved him into the chair before climbing into his lap, "Have you ever heard the term;
'The water won't boil while you are watching?'" I asked.
Jordan rolled his eyes, then smiled, "The correct term is 'A watched pot never boils,''" he said as he leaned in for a kiss.
"So, how about I keep you preoccupied?" I remarked as I wrapped my arms around his neck and rolled my hips.
"Such a horny little pussycat," he teased as his hands snaked under my oversized shirt, "No panties."
"Now that my belly is growing, it's uncomfortable," I explained, "I like running around in one of the guy's shirts instead."
Jordan smiled as he ran his hands up my thighs to grab handfuls of my ass, "I'm not complaining; in fact, I like the thought of you being bare for us."
A purr rolled through me as I unbuttoned his jeans; just as I was about to pull his hard cock free, a beeping sound came from the monitors, startling me and Jordan.
"Oh shit!" says Jordan as he rises, "Sorry, babe, we will have to finish this later." After a quick kiss, he rushes to the screens, then smiles when a familiar van pulls up to the gates.
I walked over to stand next to Jordan, happy to see Beare's face in the driver's seat, but in the passenger seat was a new face I hadn't seen before.
"Open the gates, Jordan," says Beare through the intercom, "And get Nick; Kayden was wounded."
I didn't hear anything else as I rushed down the stairs and out the front door just as they pulled into the driveway. When the van hatch opened, the stench of Kayden's blood nearly brought me to my knees.
"Kayden!" Tears filled my eyes when I saw his limp form.
"Shh, sweetheart, he will be okay," Charlie says as he hops down from the van, then places a kiss on my forehead before he tosses Kayden over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "I have to take him inside so Nick can look him over."
I was so startled by the hand on my shoulder that I whirled around and hissed.
"Woah there, pussycat!" Beare teased as he raised his hands.
"Beare! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed as I covered my face in shame.
"Shh, it's alright," Beare says as he pulls me close and kisses the top of my head, "You are pregnant and worried about Kayden; I won't hold it against you."
"What happened?" I asked as Beare dropped to his knees, making me shiver when his hands snaked their way under the shirt so he could kiss the bare skin of my belly.
When he dropped my shirt, he took my face in his hands, "On our way back from saving the Werebeast, Kayden was shot by a lone human soldier. Charlie worked fast to ensure he would survive; Kayden is a fighter; he will be okay," Beare explains, wiping away my tears.
"Where are Fynn and the others?" I asked as Jordan rushed out to greet Beare.
"They stayed behind to shoot the video; since you are pregnant, Fynn will become the face of our people," he explains, then turns to pull the sexy fox into his arms for a deep kiss.
Leaving Beare and Jordan, I walked into the house, using my nose to locate Kayden. I didn't have to go far because Charlie had taken Kayden into the dining room, where he lay prone on the table.
Fresh tears ran down my cheeks as I watched from the doorway as Nick looked over Kayden's wound.
When Charlie saw me, he held out his hand. My knees shook as I rushed to his side and took his hand; body-aching sobs tore through me as he pulled me into his arms.
"Please try to calm down, sweetheart," Charlie says as he wipes away my tears, "I cleaned and stitched his wound myself; the bullet didn't hit anything important; we just have to worry about infection."
"Why is he so still?"
"He ended up passing out from the pain; he should wake up soon, especially if he hears your voice."
When Nick was done checking him over, he stepped back, wiping his hands with a rag, then said, "He should live, but I worry about infection. Ensure he keeps the wound clean and doesn't rip out the stitches."
I nodded, "I will tie him to my bed if I have to," I declared, making Nick blush.
"Is that a promise?"
I gasped in shock and looked up to find Kayden looking down at me with a smile.
"Kayden!" Happy tears pooled in my eyes as I rushed to his side to take his handsome face in my hands before I leaned down to touch my lips to his. Kayden's arm wrapped around me before tangling his fingers in my hair to pull me closer. After Kayden pulled away, he sat up with a groan, then slid down from the table to plop down into the closest chair.
"What happened after I passed out?" Kayden asked Charlie while pulling me onto his lap, then lifted my shirt to touch the bare skin of my rounded belly, smiling when he noticed I wasn't wearing any underwear.
"It was Cooper who took out the guard; when I got to you, I tossed you over my shoulder and took you to the van so I could remove the bullet and stitch up the wound; you passed out from the pain," Charlie says as he wraps his arms around my waist to touch my belly.
"Who is Cooper?" I asked as I leaned back against Charlie.
"Ah shucks, are ya'll in here talkin' bout me?" said a country twang in the doorway.
When I turned to look, I saw a sexy-as-hell cowboy who was at least six-foot-two, leanly muscled man with long sandy-blonde hair that fell to his shoulders, fair skin covered in scars, and dark green eyes.
"Farah, sweetheart, I would like you to meet Cooper Hawkins; his Werebeast is a seven-foot king cobra, rattlesnake hybrid," says Charlie, "and Cooper, I want you to meet my beautiful mate, Farah Swift."
Cooper tipped his imaginary hat in greeting, "I can't see where ya are, but it's nice to meet ya, darlin'," Cooper said with a wink.
"Why can't you see me?" I asked as I slid from Kayden's lap, then walked over to Cooper to wave my hand in front of his face. I was shocked when he reached out and grabbed my hand.
"I can't see ya darlin' because I am blinder than a bat," he explained with a wink, "But I can see with infrared, I can see your outline with reds and yellows, and I can see the four red babies in your belly too."
"Oh wow, that's cool; what else can you do?" I asked.
"He can spit venom like a spitting cobra," says Charlie.
"Don't forget that he had not one, but two cocks," Kayden adds.
"What! No way! How would that even work?"
Cooper leaned against the doorjamb and said, "How bout you take this pony for a ride, and I will show ya how it works," he said with a flirty wink.
"Absolutely not!" Kayden and Charlie said at the same time.
Cooper chuckled as he pushed away from the door, "It was worth a try; I haven't been with a woman in a long time."
"Well, this one is taken by four men and is pregnant with our children," Charlie growls as he walks over and pulls me away from Cooper.
"You have four dicks you can have at any time," Kayden says with a wink.
I just sighed and shook my head, "I was just curious."
Charlie went to say more but was interrupted by Jordan, who rushed into the room.
"What is it?" I asked as I met him halfway.
"Fyn and the others have returned."
"Well, let's go see what's going on," says Charlie as he helps Kayden out of the chair. I hooked my elbow through Kayden's as we made our way out front.