Sparks of Conflict  

The thunderous roar of the engines seemed to be the issue. As the elevator lift abruptly came to a halt, passengers continued to be engulfed in panic. The situation grew more chaotic as the elevator, in reality, was just an ordinary one without any amenities. There were nothing but a few buttons to select the desired floor, and indeed, that was all. This led to debates and attempts to find a solution. Some men even planned to force the doors open.

Lord Five patted his aching waist. Engaging in a battle against an esper turned out to be an energy-draining affair. Calmly, he sat on the lift, indifferent to the commotion around him. The noisy people nearby didn't catch his attention; in fact, they seemed to be a source of discomfort for him.

"Well, it seems the warm-up is over. It's time to end all of this," he said casually.