The Depths of Power

"All right, let's continue," Meshiki said, folding his hands. Slowly, he approached Zeyn, accompanied by his clone. "Or... should I put an end to all of this?"

The sense of fatigue crept in like a cool breeze, slowly enveloping every fiber of body and mind with a deep-seated ache. Every movement Zeyn made felt sluggish, as if defying the increasing pull of gravity. It wasn't just physical; all these sensations seeped into his mind, making every decision feel more challenging. Even now, his eyes seemed to paint a peculiar picture. Seeing two identical masked individuals was overwhelmingly confusing.

Behind the mask, Meshiki was actually experiencing disappointment. "Is this all the astonishing things you've shown?"

"... Uhh."

"I've heard about you, even before coming to this city. They talk about a kid with unique pupils, dubbed the Red-Eyed Wolf, sometimes referred to as the demon's child."
