The faceless ones are beings beyond comprehension,
Whose mere presence defies all convention.
They move in the shadows, silent and sly,
Their very existence a mystery that makes you wonder why.
Their formless shape and featureless face,
Defies all logic and reason to embrace.
They emanate a chilling aura of dread,
Filling your heart with fear and filling your mind with dread.
Their eyes are like black holes that swallow your soul,
Their voiceless whispers will leave you in a deep hole.
No one knows what they truly are,
But their enigmatic presence will leave you with a lasting scar.
So, beware when the faceless one is near,
For their dark presence will fill you with an endless fear.
No one sees the faceless and stays sane,
Their memory will haunt you forever, causing you immense pain.
"Letters are entities that grow with memories. If you feed them enough, they can become Cosmic Dragons that serve you with a single thought. But for now, they are still like babies that cannot understand short, abbreviated orders," he explained.
"You can't just order them to 'fire,' 'water,' or 'ni--'" I interrupted him before he could finish.
"Whoa, whoa, chill man. What were you going to say?" I asked.
"Hmm? Nitrogen?" he replied innocently.
I couldn't help but chuckle at my own dirty mind. "Never mind, carry on."
"As I mentioned earlier, it's important to phrase your instructions for the letters poetically and with care, so that when they're read together, they create a harmonious and unified message that the letters can understand and apply. This is especially important in the early stages, as you begin to harness your powers and feed the letters stories. Over time, the process will become simpler, and the letters will begin to develop their own intelligence."
"Good point! However, there's one small issue: I'm not very good at creating poems. Even the one I made in middle school for homework was about how I wished I could pull the shotgun out of my backpack, but let's be honest, the rhyme was terrible. I don't think I am as talented as your master"
"I had anticipated your response. You may not have realized it yet, but Brooks has assumed the responsibility of memorizing nearly everything in this realm. To navigate the vast universe, one requires an extensive repertoire of instructions and a deep understanding of cosmic laws. Speaking of which, reminiscing about my past, I was once known as the Omniscient, owing to my boundless knowledge, before I took on the mantle of the Path Guardian."
Recently, I encountered a faceless guardian of reality and an omniscient guardian of the path, which made me wonder about the nature of guardians in general.
It seems that there could be countless guardians out there in the vast universe. So, my question is, what exactly are guardians and what is their purpose? These questions lingered in my mind for a while as I stood here in front of an omniscient being, but I could not bring myself to ask.
But sooner or later, the truth will unfold before me.
"As the guardian of the path brook, you have been indicating that there is some kind of difference between yourself and the book 'Brook'. I'm curious to know what you mean by that."
"Ah, Gustang... Didn't I tell you before? I can't reveal any spoilers without a specific timeframe. Every movement or intervention I make in chamenopolis is by the strict order of the faceless, even this conversation … he is watching us."
I felt a shiver down my spine and creeps on my skin, causing me to look around in confusion and fear. 'He is watching us.'
"it's no use … even I, myself can't sense his presence but I know for sure that he is watching from that small window. More importantly it's about time that you leave this realm, I'll send your soul back to chamenopolis … by the time you'll wake up brook will be by your side … and please" He looked at me with a profound sadness in his eyes, yet there was a lonely smile on his lips. "Please take care of yourself."
"Ha? Don't worry about me, I will be--" Huh? As I slowly regained consciousness, I realized that I was lying on my bed in the early hours of the morning. The soft glow of the letters around me illuminated my surroundings, and I let out a sleepy yawn as I tried to warm up my body before getting up. Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed in my mind,
[It seems you have woken, chief]
"Good morning, Brook"
[I did not expect you to grow up this much in just ... how much was I synchronizing again?]
[Strength: 19
Constitution: 16
Dexterity: 22
Intelligence: 30
Wisdom: 22
Charisma: 15]
[if you were to get rated now, you'll be a two-star blessed which means you have a higher potential to become a four-star blessed, but that is not all you have, the irregularity that you have is your unlimited affinity.]
"Guardian of the path explained everything to me before, how about we move to the training facility now?"
[wait, wait, wait … who did you say explained everything?]
Huh!? Brook does not know about the guardian of the path and our meeting, more importantly even the guardian of the path acted weirdly towards Brook, towards himself, it's as if they are different versions of the same person.
Maybe he will understand the situation if I explained to him what just happened,
And I am afraid I might cause a crisis if I told him anything … ignorance is a bliss.
"Ah nothing! I just had a weird dream that's all, explain to me everything you know when I go to the training facility. Okay?"
[uh … sure]
It's a relief that he wasn't bothered by it. I would have clarified that the reason why I can't go that way is not because of the guardian of the path, but rather because of the feeling that the guardian of reality is watching us, as he mentioned earlier.
While I was training at the facility, Brook explained the concept of my ability to me. It was very similar to what the guardian of the path had explained, except for the part about the faceless legacies. I saw it as a helpful reminder to solidify my understanding.
"I appreciate your explanation, Brook. While I understand the technical aspects of my power, I'm struggling with applying it in a poetic way. Specifically, I'm having difficulty composing poetic verses."
[Excuse me? but that issue is no longer a concern for me. I believe you may have underestimated my level of understanding … I am Brook a masterpiece of the faceless] he replied confidently…now we are talking.
[Your ability has four primary applications: creation, destruction, enhancement, and manipulation. Each application has five levels of mastery, ranging from basic to absolute, with increasing power at each level. The effectiveness of each verse is determined by its impact on reality, and if the effect is massive, the words may consume your memories without mercy.]
[So, with the creation, you would have the ability to create objects and substances from scratch, or manipulate existing sources to create unfinished elements. As you become more proficient, you could create anything that you can imagine, no matter how abstract or complex. This includes things like energy, souls, and life, as well as entire dimensions or realities, stars, and other cosmic entities. Essentially, the possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and level of mastery. But the higher the power the painful the side effect.]
[The destruction power allows you to destroy anything, from small objects to entire galaxies based on the level of mastery of your ability.]
[Enhancement allows you to increase the strength and abilities of yourself or others. As mastery increases, more complex attributes can be enhanced, potentially even entire populations.]
The Guardian of Reality was said to have used his power to destroy and conquer other worlds, using the letters to manipulate reality to his will. However, the cost of such power was steep – which means that the Guardian had to sacrifice many precious memories in order to wield it. It's unsettling to think that someone would give up a part of themselves just for power.
It's unclear why the Guardian felt the need to destroy other worlds and what their ultimate goal was.
As I was emerged in my thought, I was pulled back by the explaining of Brook.
[Manipulation ability allows users to control and manipulate elements like water, fire, air, energy, and even people's thoughts or actions. With practice, users can control increasingly complex things, up to the point of manipulating entire environments or realities.]
I couldn't help but wonder why The Faceless, who held an extraordinary power capable of averting any danger and warping the fabric of reality if not destroying our world with a verse, chose to watch my story instead.
It was only later that I recalled; he said he was restrained by reality anchors imposed upon him by the Beyonders.