Clara, she was an absolute mess in the girl's toilets. Everyone me and Tom went past in the corridors had something to say. They kept calling Clara every slut shaming name under the sun. Students roars of laughter and pings from phones poisoned the corridors and for the ten minutes before the bell of third period, it was all you could hear.
Me and Tom asked her who did it and to no surprise, Logan Bates's name was spoken into the toilet cubicle and rage ran through my veins like sudden lightning. Someone needs to do something about him. I'm so serious.
Eventually, I took Clara to pastoral care and explained to Mrs Briggs what had happened. She was pissed and promised something would get sorted and honestly good luck to her because Mr Graham is still fannying about the whole pictures of the girls getting changed situation.
It had gotten to lunch and the school was still full of the Clara picture. Laughing about it and joking about it and I was ready for launching everyone. Even Clara's friends were ripping her apart. This had gone from bad to worse. Mrs Briggs had assigned Clara to an isolation room so no one could come in and the door was always locked so no one could come in except a teacher. Mrs Briggs stayed in there with her to keep her company. There was no word on what Mr Graham was going to do about this though which pissed me off. Tom was trying his best to keep his cool, hence why he was watching the football match on Chris's phone to distract himself most likely.
"This is fucking awful," Amy comments as she scrolls through her phone while picking from a bunch of grapes. "Imagine doing that to someone. Why are guys such bellends?"
"Oi!" Chris snaps from across the table as he and Tom were watching a match on his phone, sharing a pair of earphones.
Amy rolls her eyes and shoves a grape in her mouth as she was scrolling through her Instagram. "My recent only got 70 likes? That's it I'm deactivating!"
"No need to be so dramatic, Ams." I snort. "And 70 likes is quite a lot to be fair."
"No it isn't!" Amy gasps frustratedly. "Ugh, I need to train you more on insta fame."
I look over to see the new girl — Tosh walk in holding an apple in her hands, she had those pair of headphones around her neck and she was looking around to try and find a place to sit. I don't think she made any friends yet so being the polite person I am — I call her up.
"Hey! Tosh!" I shout, but unfortunately, the tone of my voice came across as more intimidating than friendly.
Tosh spins on her heel and she instantly looks nervous. Oh god. Well done Selena. I look to see Amy had her resting bitch face on which did NOT help the situation and I elbow her. "Ams! Smile!"
"What for?" Amy questions.
I tut and gesture my hand at Tosh. "Don't look like you're about to slap her a thousand times! Look...sweet!"
"Oh cheers, you bitch!" Amy retorts.
"I don't mean it like that just get rid of your resting bitch face." I demand making Amy sarcastically smile.
"Better?" She questions.
"Lovely." I grin and I look back at Tosh to see her timidly walking over to us. "Don't be shy come sit. This place can get pretty intimidating. Don't worry we're nothing like that."
Tosh smiles a little and sits down opposite me, a seat away from Tom.
"I'm sorry if I came across as intimidating, I just didn't think throwing something at you would be an appropriate way to grab your attention." I joke.
The girl seemed to loosen up a tiny bit and her body gets less tense. "It's okay. You didn't sound intimidating. You just took me by surprise."
"So you're Tosh? Cute name." I grin.
"Thanks. It's short for Toshiko." Tosh chuckles shyly. "What's your name then?"
"Oh, I'm Amy." Amy breaks in. "It's actually short for Amelia but I lowkey hate Amelia so we don't talk about it. So I'm just Amy."
"Aww, so your actual full name is Amelia? That's such a beautiful name." Tosh grins.
Amy gives her a look while pulling a grape off the stem. "Yeah but like I said I'm Amy. I don't like Amelia so we don't talk about it."
I give her an 'are you serious' look, she was being rude. "Ams!"
Amy was actually terrible at meeting new people she always would accidentally offend them or unintentionally be rude to them, she was really socially awkward like that.
"Oh, Sorry." Tosh looks down at the table and focuses on her apple and I shake my head.
"I'm Selena. You can call me Sel for short if you want. Chris invented that nickname for me." I say.
"Who's?" Tosh trails off and I point at the boys who were glued to the phone screen.
"The blonde one. He's Chris. He gives everyone their nicknames. He has tonnes for Claude we lose count." I explain.
"Oh cool." Tosh nods before pointing at Tom. "And who's he?"
"That's my boyfriend. Tom. His full name is Thomas but everyone says Tom. Only his gran calls him by his full name." I introduce, making Tosh nod.
"That's it!" A voice starts. "I am done! Done with this school! Done with the teachers! I'm going to move to Mars! And that's it!"
I turn my head to see Halle dropping her bag on the floor and plonking down next to me. "I need Jesus. Wait why am I saying that I'm not even religious?"
"This is Halle." I introduce.
"Ah." Halle looks at Tosh given a sudden interest and once again her face lights up like it did in the classroom. "You're the new girl."
"Yeah," Tosh says awkwardly.
"I'm Halle. Oh fuck hold on, Selena has already said that. How are you?" She asks frantically.
Tosh chuckles a little. "I'm good."
"Whose this weirdo sat with us?!" Chris suddenly pipes up.
"Chris!" Amy gasps, slapping him on the hand. "Don't be so rude! She's new!"
"What? Really?" Chris leans over the table. "Where abouts you from?"
"I moved from Manchester and before you ask - yes I'm Japanese, my parents are both of Japanese descent. They both moved to Manchester when I was a baby when my dad got a job there. He's then got offered a new position in Cardiff so here I am."
"When did we ask for her whole life story?" Amy questions quietly to me and I shush her sharply, elbowing her.
I notice Tosh had heard that as she was giving her an awkward and tense look and I try my best to reassure Tosh with the sweetest smile I could pull off.
"Hey, guys." Claude suddenly greets, grinning and I was thankful he broke the awkwardness pretty quickly.
Chris and Tom give him nods and look back to the football match and I smile at him. "Hey, Claude. This is Tosh the new girl."
Claude sits down and gives Tosh a wave. "Hi, nice to meet you."
"You too. Are you that guy that went to MIT?" Tosh asks, biting into her apple. "I've heard a lot about you. You're very popular in the science department."
Claude nods proudly. "Yep, that's me."
"That's seriously cool." Tosh comments in awe.
"You have a lovely coat." Halle breaks in, staring at Tosh.
"Oh, Thanks." Tosh laughs a little.
Just at that moment Logan struts into the canteen and smirks at everyone before finding a spare table and sitting down on it along with five guys from the football team.
"Whose that guy then?" Tosh questions. "I've kinda noticed him a lot and not in a good way."
"He's a massive prick." I state.
Then my eyes catch on someone I never thought would show their face. Not now. Not in the canteen. Not in front of everyone.
She charges in like a bull, her face full of anger and she was heading towards Logan. She was storming over to him so fast her ponytail was swinging in all different directions.
"Clara!" I hiss but it's no use. She was already at Logan's table.
The whole canteen falls silent now and people start to get out their phones, ready to film the showdown that was about to commence.
Logan scoffs. "Oh here she is. Little miss desperate. Look I'm not interested in anything you have to say."
"Why did you do it?" Clara just questions simply making Logan smirk. "Answer me."
Tom goes to stand up but Chris stops him.
"Clara Clarke. You know you are a desperate little whore." He stands up and people start to snigger around the canteen. I could see Clara's face starting to fall as Logan carries on ripping her apart.
"I couldn't believe it you know, guys." He starts to shout. "That this...thing...really thought I liked her."
I see the chavs at the far end of the canteen laugh and snort and shake my head in anger.
"You haven't answered my question," Clara says bravely. "Why?"
"Because I felt like it. I wanted you to understand that you're not hot. And everyone should see that and tell you that. Everyone's laughing at you. You're an embarrassment."
Tom erupts from his seat but Chris quickly stands up and stops him, making a few students turn their heads.
"Clara Clarke just cannot handle rejection! How fucking tragic, eh? You're just a desperate low life. I guess that's you on the street corners tonight!" He shouts.
A lot of people start to laugh and my fists clench.
"However, I'm not sure how many would want you. With that flat chest." He grunts a little looking away for a moment smirking snidely and a few people laugh at this. I see the chavs had their mouths open a little and scoffed with laughter.
"Oh nah!" Tom starts to charge but Chris manages to stop him again making Logan turn his head back.
"Here's Tom wanting to protect his slapper of a sister. Were you even aware of how overly confident she was being with herself? Like how overconfident you were at football, you were just a flop especially when you made friends with Queensfields biggest loser."
I scoff a little in shock. Was this guy actually for real? I glance over at Claude to see him just looking down at the table, obviously hurt.
Students all around us were now laughing, sniggering and just enjoying Logan ripping people close to me to absolute shreds.
"Right, that's enough now!" Chris snaps in. "Stop being a prick!"
I shake my head at Logan, I could sense the anger all over my face.
"What happened to you in all? You used to hate Claude and any loser like him!" Logan then starts at Chris. "Did your dad's death finally soften you up?"
A few 'woahs' go around the canteen and only a fewer people laugh at this. A few guys on another table just glare at Logan, not impressed, some shaking their heads in disgust. Logan really went too far with that one. Amy erupts from her seat this time, ready to launch Logan herself and I grab her arm, stopping her. "Hey don't."
Chris didn't say anything, his face just fell blank. Amy slowly sits back down and looks at me. "Someone needs to do something about him."
Don't worry Ams. It's happening.
Logan then turns to Clara and students start to smirk again. "Goodbye then. Don't want your ugly body invading my personal space. Like anyone would want you."
With that Clara turns round and rushes out of the canteen making everyone cheer. I see Logan absolutely pissing himself then. High fiving his mates. Just the look of pride on his face for completely humiliating Clara even more. My fists clench so hard that my nails were digging into my palms. I felt my arm tremble a little like it was just urging me to do something.
Logan continues to laugh and I knew my face was like thunder. I was just ready. I just needed to wipe that ugly smirk off his face.
My mind snapped. Something snapped in me and I find myself erupting out of my chair so it lands on the floor and at the corner of my eye I see students start to look at me. My legs were taking me over to Logan and I was walking so fast. My arm starts to raise as I get closer to Logan and his face falls as he sees me charging up to him. And within seconds it happens.
And my fist impacts straight into his face.
It was a harsh impact. So harsh that it sends him flying backwards into a chair making it topple over, and him lying on top of it. Fuck my fist was hurting now. But that felt good. I hear loads of 'ooooooss' and scoffs from loads of people. A hear a 'nice one' somewhere in the background and a 'Jesus christ' I stare at Logan and I see his nose was bleeding. His mates help him up, giving me dirties at the same time.
"Nice one, Sel." I hear Chris say proudly while laughing, I'm glad that brought Chris's mood back up again.
Logan wipes his nose with his finger and a trail of blood comes following off it and he scoffs.
"And that's on you being an arsehole!" I comment sourly before turning away and storming right out of the canteen, scraping my hair back a little with the hand I just punched Logan with. I smirk as I walk out, I was really fucking proud of myself. He deserved it. He deserves everything coming to him.
Okay so now I'm in shit.
Probably the biggest deepest pile of shit I've ever found myself in. I don't regret punching Logan one bit but I have a feeling I might now that I've been called to the heads office.
Once I reach the door, I take a few gentle knocks on it and immediately hear Mr Graham's stern response to come in from inside. This is me about to get issued a month's worth of detentions and isolation for the next two weeks no doubt.
Slowly, I open the door and at first I see Mr Graham sitting at his desk looking frustrated but then I see another figure standing in front of him and walk in further to the office shutting the door behind me. The figure turns round and my heart instantly starts to pound. Dad.
He looked really angry.
"What you doing here?" I ask.
"Selena." Mr Graham starts. "I've called your father in because of the incident that happened in the canteen. I'm going to have to suspend you for three days."
I scoff. "What?!"
"Logan's in the A&E. You broke his nose." Mr Graham says and I look back at my dad who was shaking his head in complete disappointment, looking more furious by the second.
"What about—"
"—You can take your revision books home and do your revision at home. In the meantime, you can't step foot on school premises till Friday." Mr Graham informs. "Your dad's here to take you home."
I place my hand on my forehead turning away a little. This was ridiculous. So I get sent home for punching a bellend who deserved it but Logan wasn't getting suspended for what he did to Clara? This was so wrong.
"What about Logan?!" I question. "What he did to Clara have you not done anything about that?!"
"The situation is being assessed, Miss Malakar. Now please leave the school premises immediately before I further your suspension even longer." Mr Graham says placing his chin on his clenched hands.
Dad practically grabs my arm tightly and starts to pull me to the door. His grip was really hurting me and I winced a few times at him but he didn't take any notice of that. It was still lunchtime so as dad was pulling me through the corridors by the arm, people were staring at us, mostly me.
"Dad you're hurting me!" I hiss trying to rag my arm away from his strong grip. It didn't work. Neither did he answer. As we head out of school I was getting all the more nervous. Dad was fuming.
Now I think I've just made the biggest mistake.
I was due to go back to school today but for some reason, the school had shut for some heating problem or whatever it was. It pissed me off because I needed to be in class. Call me a nerd but I really wanted to do well in my exams. If I end up failing any of them I will cry. Tom and Chris weren't too fussed. Well, Chris mostly wasn't. His attitude was "if I fail, I fail" which I think is a terrible attitude.
I glance at the clock to see it read half-five in the evening. I'd been revising for hours. I was lying on my stomach with revision books covering half of my bed. I had my telly on in the background and had put on one of my favourite films 'Slumdog Millionare' everyone else questioned why I liked it because they found it boring but I loved it. I wasn't watching it anyway it was just there for background noise. I was still debating whether to go to the party tonight. Dad was still angry (which isn't surprising) and mum's actually been pretty chill about the suspension. She knew I wouldn't do anything like that without good reason and when I explained to her she secretly praised me when dad wasn't there.
However, mum and dad have been arguing a lot. It's been going on for a while, but these past three days had been extremely intense. Last night had gotten to throwing stuff at each other phase and for a moment I thought they were gonna end up killing each other it was that bad. Mum and dad are childhood sweethearts and they met in high school. They got married very quickly and had my older brother when they were both just teenagers. Anyway, point is they're meant to love each other but obviously right now — they don't.
As I was creating pretty-looking mind maps the door opens, making me jump and I look to see it was Halle and Amy. "Guys!"
I place my pen down on my notepad and slide myself off the bed and fold my arms. "What you doing here?"
"Your dad's out working and your mum let us in." Amy grins. "Schools been shite without you!"
"Oh, we have so much gossip to tell you. You wouldn't believe it. It's like fucking Eastenders in that school. Wait till you hear this tea!" Halle shuts the door and I quickly grab my remote and pause the movie. I was so excited to hear the gossip.
I then start to pack all my revision stuff away so there was room on the bed for Amy and Halle to sit down on. I chuck all my books on my desk and jump back on my bed, patting both my hands on the bed, beckoning Halle and Amy over straight away.
They both practically do run-ups to the bed before both flopping down like seals onto it and I laugh in response. I loved them to absolute pieces.
"Your bed is so comfy. I love it." Amy comments bouncing a little as soon as she adjusted herself to sit cross-legged.
Halle leans against the headboard and slams her hands down on her thighs. "Where the fuck do I start? Right, so Mr Graham got in contact with Mr Clarke over the Clara situation. Clara hasn't been in school since Monday over the whole thing. Mark is fuming that nothing much has been done to Logan after what happened. He was raging down the corridors himself to try and find him but got stopped by several teachers and then was asked to leave. This brings us to Logan. He's been given a fuck load of detentions and lessons on Sexual Exploitation but he needs to get expelled!"
I give her a look. "Exactly what the fuck?"
"Anyway. The coach being the dick he is was joking about Clara's picture with Logan and Tom heard and went off his nut. He rammed Logan up against a wall and threatened him so that's him in detentions as well. Oh and then yesterday Logan was bad-mouthing you in football training so then it was Chris's turn to have a go and that's him in detention as well." Halle explains.
"Jesus," I mumble. "That's a lot."
"Mhmm, so it might kick off at this party tonight because everyone and I mean everyone is gonna be there." Amy breaks in before studying me. "You gonna be there then?"
I glance at my door for a moment before awkwardly looking back at my two hopeful best friends. "I want to but it's just my dad and to be honest I think mums getting a bit sick of me going out as well. I might give it a miss and just revise."
"Don't be silly you're coming." Halle decides. Oh alright, I didn't realise I had people making decisions for me now. Wonderful.
"Anyway your mum said your dad will be at work well late. But to be honest, Sel who gives a fuck what you're dick of a dad thinks and says. It's your life. If you wanna go to a party, go to a fucking party." Halle says confidently.
Halle was right you know. I mean even though it was gonna end up with me probably getting grounded for the rest of my life then so what. I wanted to have fun tonight. So I agreed.
"Fine let's do it." I chuckle.
"Yes!" Amy cheers. "I'm gonna ring Tom and Chris and tell them to meet us at the bottom of Chestnut Crescent so we can all arrive together."
"This is gonna be amazing!" Halle plays with my hair. "We'll all get ready here is that okay?"
I nod. "Fine by me."
Amy connects her phone to my speaker and starts to put some music on. "LET'S GET READYYYYYY!"
"Is this too slutty?" Amy questions as she enters the room. She had high-waisted ripped jeans on with a black belt and a dangerously low-cut tight red top.
Halle grits her teeth. "You look hot but, Ams it looks like your bouncers are gonna fall out of your top any minute."
Amy rolls her eyes and pinches at the middle of her top shifting it lower. "I don't care. It's a party."
Halle and Amy had ended up taking showers and all sorts to get ready which made us take longer. We were nearly done now. I was just finishing my eye makeup off. Halle kept commenting on how perfect my eyeliner wings were. I personally think I've done better than this.
"Tom and Chris are already making their way to the street. We better get a move on!" Amy panics.
I look up, moving my mascara brush away from my eye for a moment to see Amy in panic mode, rushing about to find her phone charger so fast her blonde curls were bouncing all over the place.
Suddenly my phone rings and I screw my lid back on my mascara quickly before chucking it carelessly away. I quickly look at my phone to see who was ringing me.
I answer it immediately and smile. "Hey!"
"Hey, sweet. Look me and Chris are just gonna head straight into the house. Claude and Luke are already there so meet us inside." Tom explains softly.
"Okay sure, Yeah. I'll let Amy and Halle know." I reply sweetly.
"Okay see you in a bit." Tom hangs up and I chuck my phone back next to me.
"It's okay the boys are just gonna go inside. So you can stop panicking." I snort at Amy.
Amy lifts a spray from my dressing table and starts to douse herself with it. "Alright, Sorry. That's cool then."
I turn to Halle and smirk. "So, is Tosh gonna be at the party?"
"I dunno. I don't think so...not that I care!" She suddenly says the last part quickly.
I just continue to smirk at her. "Awww, shame."
"Anyway, we're all there to party. Nothing more, nothing less." Halle points out.
"Hmmm." Amy hums. "I was planning on other stuff."
"And other stuff meaning?" Halle asks curiously.
"What do you think?" Amy gives her a 'come on you know this' face and Halle nods.
"Ahhh right!" Halle clicks her fingers. "Got you."
I stand up and walk up to the mirror, studying myself. My black converses were gonna look quite stupid, I was wearing all black though but my outfit altogether would look better in heels. But as Tom said it was gonna be a rave vibe so he said to wear something comfortable so converses it had to be. Amy didn't listen to that advice and she had gone full-out huge heels and Halle was wearing heeled short boots.
Suddenly, my door whipped open and I had a mini heart attack because that's how my dad opens the door. However, the pit in my stomach disappears when I see mum with her head around the door and she soon beckons me over to her. Narrowing my eyes, I carefully jump and dodge over the damp towels, clothes and makeup all over the floor and make my way towards the door.
As I walk out into the landing, shutting my bedroom door behind me I see the look on mum's face. And it was a look that she's had on her face for a while now. She wasn't right. She looked as if she was about to tell me something.
She takes my hands into hers and smiles at me but her eyes weren't smiling. I knew that for sure. Her eyes were telling me different.
"You look beautiful. You have a nice time tonight. Yeah? With your friends. With Tom. Enjoy yourself." Mum tells me softly motioning our hands up and down a little every time she started a new sentence.
I study her concerned. "Mum are you okay?"
"You know I love you, baby. Don't you?" Mum continues, completely ignoring my last question.
I nod. What was this all about? "Of course I know. I love you too."
"Good. Now go and have an amazing time. You've grown up into such a beautiful girl. My gorgeous girl. I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you. Wherever either of us are. Okay, honey?" She lets go of one of my hands to lightly touch my cheek she was obviously conscious about my makeup and she didn't want to ruin it. "Go and enjoy your night. I love you, Selena."
"I love you too, mum." I reply naturally, but still, hear the slight confusion lacing my voice.
She smiles at me and walks off downstairs and I was just rendered in complete confusion. That was odd. It was nice. Like the things she was saying but so random and the constant 'I love you' almost like she was-
No. Let's not jump to conclusions. Anyway, she told me to enjoy my night so that's what I was gonna do. I soon enter back into my super messy bedroom and grin at the girls.
"Right." I clap my hands together. "Let's head."
The bouncing music could be heard from the bottom of the street and once we reached the huge mansion-like house, all my memories came flashing back from the last time I was here when a huge party was held. Only this one seemed even bigger. There were patterned strobe lights hitting the huge driveway which had small cateye lights lined up towards the door. The front of the drive was littered with bottles and cups, surrounded by groups of people from school laughing and drinking.
"You cannot walk in those shoes!" Halle accuses as Amy was stumbling over some dodgy parts of the drive in her dodgy heels.
"Excuse me! I can! The ground! It's the ground, Halle!" Amy snaps, attempting to walk confidently into the driveway.
However, I witness her poor ankle bend to the side and Amy nearly decks it and ends up falling into someone for support.
"What the fuck?!" The guy yelps, shoving her off him and glaring at her at the same time. He had what looked like drink covered in his shirt so I'm not sure he had the best night and was the best person for Amy to fly into.
"Sorry!" Amy scornfully responds as she stops completely and adjusts her whole shoe.
Halle snorts. "You can't walk in heels. Period."
"You need to shut up!" Amy hisses. She stands up straight and makes her way over to the front door, me and Halle trailing along behind her. I could hear the music already sounding like it was building up to a beat drop and was so ready to get in there.
I still don't know whether I should've stayed at home but I'm here now.
I'll soon find out whether this party is worth it.