were always fun.
But this one seems like it's going to be the best one I've ever experienced. As I walk into Thasmins house, I feel the strobe lights change colour against my clothes and face and glance around at the different people that were here. A lot of girls I noticed had listened to the footwear code and had turned up in trainers or converses. At least some were sensible, unlike Amy who was still struggling. I glance over to see a couple of guys from the football team and one of them nods at me in another way of saying hey. I lift my head slightly at him in a very small nod back. I continue to walk through the massive house going past similar groups I see in school nearly every day only now knocking back cups of vodka.
"Stop!" Amy pauses and stops before adjusting her shoe again and Halle rolls her eyes.
"For god sake, Amy!" Halle shouts.
I turn my head a little and my eyes lock onto three lads for a moment and they were staring at us. They were from the rugby team and I noticed they were the few guys that shook their heads in disgust at Logan's remarks in the canteen before I famously punched him. I give them a small smile and they just smirk back. As I turn my head back around to look at Amy who was cursing at her shoe, I hear one of the guys comment from behind me:
"Jesus, Selena Malakar looks banging."
I obviously ignore it because they should know that they're never gonna get anywhere. I'm pretty sure Tom was good friends with them too so they should know not to think about trying anything with me.
"I'm pretty sure she's dating someone though." One of the guys hisses but I could still hear them because they were really close behind us.
"Yeah, she's with that Tom Clarke." The third guy adds and I just smirk a little.
"Oh yeah." The original guy says sadly.
"How did you not know that, you idiot? They walk around school holding hands all the time! Well, they are when I see them."
I felt a bit uneasy now that my relationship with Tom was getting talked about and I was literally right there. I'm surprised they didn't think I could hear them.
"Good on him though. Lucky prick...god she is so hot." The original guy compliments and I raise my eyebrow a little. Thanks? I guess.
"Right sorted." Amy grins, she leans back up quickly and flips her hair backwards so it all flies back behind her and bounced against her back a little, she adjusts her top down even further which was certain to draw attention as her cleavage was now on full show.
The original guy whistles in delight. "Bingo! I'm bagging her!"
"Woah! Okay, stop there! You're not! Because she's dating Chris Smith." His friend halts him.
"Are you being-" the original guy scoffs. "Oh for fu-"
"Don't stress you'll find someone to replace your girlfriend. I know it's hard you were with her for years."
Ah. He was looking for a rebound. Why did I not see that straight away?
"If you ask nicely you could ask Tom if you could have one night with Selena. I'm sure he won't mind. It's just to cure your heartbreak. He'll understand man to man. And your mates aren't you?" The third guy randomly suggests.
What the fuck? What is wrong with men? Seriously?
"Yeah, I guess." The original guy says and I turn my head a little. "Jesus, she's fully turned me on."
Okay, I'm going. Right now.
"Come on, Amy! Halle!" I yelp, I grab Amy as she was closest to me and I practically pull her, storming as far away from those guys as possible.
"Ah!" Amy squeals. "Selena!"
As soon as we were far away from those guys I sigh with relief and slow down again, letting go of Amy.
"I think someone needs fed." Amy states giving me a look.
I roll my eyes and we continue to walk to wherever we were actually going because this house was so big. I look to see some air hockey tables and Luke was at one of them, playing with another guy. I then turn my head in another direction and I instantly frown, seeing Logan there. He was wearing a Caribbean shirt over a normal white T-shirt and had these ridiculous sunglasses on. He was with two of the chavs his arms around each of them on either side, the chavs were already drunk and they were just pissing themselves over nothing. Logan frowns as soon as he sees me as well but he doesn't say or do anything and I just carry on glaring at him as I walk past him.
As we walk into another huge games room with a massive pool table in the middle we see a few of our friends Chantelle, Lola and Elsie and they were laughing hysterically, drinking out of their cups, their dresses being dangerously short. They turn their heads and see us and they start to wave at us excitedly but also drunkenly. Amy squeals at them back and I just grin at them happily.
"Jesus it's so busy! And this house is huge it's like a maze!" Halle comments in wonder.
We manage to find our way to the kitchen and
with no surprise, we see Chris there along with Tom and they were both scoffing their faces.
"Hey boys!" Halle yells.
Tom and Chris turn their attention to us and Tom ends up dropping a few crisps on the floor as soon as he sees me.
I narrow my eyes at him. "What? Do I look too slutty? Oh, I do don't I? Fuck that's embarrassing."
Tom walks over to me. "You look hot."
"Jesus, Ams." I hear Chris say and I turn my head to see Chris pretty much drooling over Amy as well.
"I wore this top, especially for you." Amy winks, twirling a little to the side with a slightly innocent look spread across her face.
"I love it." Chris comments. "Come and let's race. There's marshmallows here!"
They both rush over to the food table and start to stuff as many marshmallows in their mouth as they possibly could. It made me laugh because they were just like each other. Blonde hair, blue eyes, the same sense of humour and really goofy. Don't get me wrong though, me and Tom have our similarities too, we both share our love for cupcakes especially, we both have dark hair and we're incredibly witty...well Tom is incredibly witty. I can be quite witty at times and I get so many compliments about it. We also share a strong passion for binge-watching murder documentaries and Netflix shows.
"Do you know where Claude disappeared off to?" Tom asks.
"T...mmmmmm...wettt!" Chris tries to answer with five marshmallows stuffed in his mouth.
Tom scoffs. "Doesn't matter."
Chris spits the marshmallows out making Amy cheer and looks back at Tom. "Toilet. He went toilet.
"Cool cool. He gonna be drinking anything?" Tom questions curiously with a sneaky smirk. God, he was so hot when he did that.
"I don't think so, it's Claude, I thought it was against the law for him to drink."
"What law?"
Chris shrugs. "His law."
"Well, he drank at your mini party." Tom points out.
I roll my eyes and fill myself a vodka with cherryade. Rule one of drinking: don't ever drink vodka or gin straight, always mix it with something like coke or lemonade else you'll die. I probably wasn't going to be listening to my own advice by the end of the night. Tom, Chris or Amy always ends up making a straight vodka drink for me when I get to my tipsy stage.
"I'm gonna get fucking wasted." Amy says to me, filling her drink with straight vodka after she had gotten rid of the marshmallows in her mouth.
"Amy," I warn. "That's straight vodka."
"Dares?" Amy offers, grabbing another cup and filling it up with vodka before taking my vodka cherryade drink from my hand and placing it on the table. She passes the other cup she had just filled with straight vodka to me and smirks. "Down in one."
I pull a disgusted look. "I'll be sick."
"Cheers." Amy taps her cup against mine, ignoring my little comment. Okay, I was definitely fucking off rule number one now. Fuck sakes, maybe just ignore me.
With that, we both take our cups to our lips and start to down the burning liquid down our throats quickly and I knew Chris and Tom were looking on in shock and amazement. At the same time, we both slam our cups down on the table and I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment. Jesus vodka is ruthless on its own. Was it gonna stop me from drinking more? No.
And after follows two words out of Amy's mouth which soon becomes a reality.
"Let's get fucked!"
It was coming to half twelve and I felt myself getting more wasted by the second. My head was starting to go into that dizzy feeling and my voice sounded higher. The music seemed louder and I was really mellowing into the crowd, dancing away. At that moment, I see Tom drifting in front of me and I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck and I feel his snake around my waist, pulling me close so my body presses against his. Instantly, I kiss him and he kisses me back as if it was a life-or-death situation. It was a great sign though. He was into it and so was I. It felt like hours we were kissing amongst the wild crowd but it obviously wouldn't be that long. Getting beyond the tipsy stage was an understatement. This was ridiculous and I was desperate for the toilet. I pull away from Tom quickly which takes him by surprise.
"Need...toilet!" I shout above the loud music, unwrapping my arms from around his neck.
"WHAT?" Tom yells.
"NEED THE BOG!" I scream back.
I smile and stumble through everyone, rudely shoving the odd person out of the way. Oops. I don't mean to be so rude but if I don't go toilet soon there's gonna be an accident. I practically fall up the stairs to get to the toilet and after miraculously making it, I slam the door shut and lock it so no randomer walks in on me peeing. As I looked around the bathroom, everything was spinning. Here's a pointless fun fact for you all: You don't realise how drunk you actually are until you use the bathroom. After I finish my business I wash my hands and look at my reflection in the mirror. My eye makeup was starting to smudge, well I'd been sweating off by dancing in a crowd so, of course, my makeup would be smudging.
I smile and stroll towards the door, unlocking it before opening it, I was instantly greeted by people chatting and drinking on the landing. The landing was like rounded because Thasmin lived in such a grand house, like the ones in those American movies. She had a pool as well which I was actually really jealous of. I was about to make my way downstairs when something caught my eye. A bedroom door was slightly ajar and I could hear arguing. As quietly as I could, I make my way over to the door and peeped round and look inside the gap and there was Logan and...Clara?
I needed to tell Tom. First off Clara wasn't even meant to be here. I mean everyone was invited but still, Clara wasn't meant to be here and I think she knows that so what is she doing here? Although, to be honest, Clara is quite a rebel at times and she does have a bad girl attitude swag about her. Okay, back to reality and more importantly why was Clara in a room with Logan having a screaming match? I'm pretty sure Tom told me she was clearly told to stay away from Logan after he pretty much destroyed her social life.
"You destroyed my status!" Clara rants. "My social life! My friends think I'm a slapper! In fact, the whole school thinks I'm a slapper!"
"Oh get over it, you just couldn't handle the rejection!"
"What fucking rejection?!" Clara hits back sourly. "As far as I'm concerned you stole that picture from my phone! But no one believes that! They think I'm a sad, desperate little whore!"
Not to be dramatic or anything but I honestly think these two will end up killing each other.
"Not my fault you're not hot enough. You never deserved that popularity status anyway it was only gonna give you grief. I was doing you a favour!"
"A favour? Oh my god really? Because it's not like that from where I'm standing!" Clara screams.
For god sake. The urge to punch Logan in the face again was rising rapidly. Not hot enough? Clara is one of the most prettiest girls in the school.
Queue casting for the new Specsavers advert I've found a perfect candidate.
"I'm done with this whining, I'm off to party which is what I came for in the first place. Not listening to pests like you who can't take rejection!"
Clara scoffs as Logan makes his way out of the room and my eyes widen I do a little jog away from the door so he doesn't see me on his way out. I watch as he runs down the stairs and slowly make my way back to the door to see Clara with both her hands on her forehead, pacing the room, she then stops and starts to cry. I wanted to go in and give her a hug but it was all around best if I tell Tom that she was here and what's just happened.
I race down the stairs and rush into the kitchen to find Tom, he said he was getting food so I guessed he was in there. Luckily I see him sitting on the edge of the counter, eating a pack of chocolate buttons, he looks up and raises his eyebrows. "Ah, there you are, I was wondering where you'd got to. I thought you'd fallen down the toilet."
I give him a look. "Hardly."
He jumps off the counter and wraps his arms around my waist. "Let's dance, come on."
I place my hands on his chest and shake my head. "No, Tom, look your sisters here. I've just seen her have an argument with that scumbag Logan and now she's crying."
Tom rolls his eyes. "For fuck sakes, where is she?"
"Upstairs, bedroom left to the bathroom." I instruct.
"Right." Tom practically sprints out of the kitchen so I don't bother following because if I my over-tipsy ass decides to sprint there's gonna be an incident. I look at the packet of chocolate buttons that Tom was eating before and grab them. "Don't mind if I do."
As I look ahead, I suddenly see Amy and Chris emerge from the cupboard under the stairs, Chris was heightening his trousers up and Amy was doing the same, only trying to fix her belt at the same time. Chris laughs and passes Amy something so he could help her put her belt back on. He does successfully and then they both share a long kiss before Amy pulls away and tells him something, Chris nods and walks towards the crowd as Amy walks my way giving me a smirk. Amy was a bit wild, to be honest, but so was Chris so they naturally vibed off each other in the sense that they were both quite daring. Amy stumbles over to me at that moment and presses the peddle on the bin and I see her chuck a condom in there.
"Oh real classy." I comment. Seriously in a cupboard?
Amy laughs. "Whaaaatt? Oh, it was fun I was up against a wall-"
"Spare me the details, Ams!"
Amy wraps her arms around my neck from the side and grins. "Try it with Tom though because it's fun!"
"Whatever." I rest my head against hers. "You drunk?"
"Fucking mangled," Amy answers drunkenly before snorting. "In every way."
I tut. "Ams!"
At that moment Tom walks in and gives me a confused look. "I can't find Clara anywhere. She's not in the bedroom."
"Maybe she went home." I reply.
"Yeah went homeeeeee." Amy grins, hugging me tighter so her hands mangle in my hair, pushing it up messily.
I roll my eyes and pull out of the hug before bringing my hair up into a high ponytail. I take the black bobble from around my wrist and wrap it around my hair. I pull a few loose strands out of the sides just as Tom walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "She probably did go home. Wise move any way she shouldn't have even been here."
I wrap my arms around his neck. "Mhmm."
"Cueeee to find my boyf!" Amy stumbles off to find Chris but me and Tom's attention was fully on each other.
I kiss him and he immediately kisses me back. His hands press against my back for a few moments before I could feel them travelling further down my back. It actually tickles a little but to be fair I was a really ticklish person. His hands stop down at my lower back and his hands soon curve so he was tracing his fingertips across it. I pull away and laugh making him laugh.
"Tickles." I tell him.
"Time to have our fun, Hm?" Tom smirks. I mean, to be honest, I was actually in the mood so I nod.
Tom unwraps his arms from around my waist and takes my hand and soon enough we were quickly making our way upstairs. Yet again I nearly fall up them and the two of us start to piss ourselves. As we reach the landing we then start to look at which room was available, Thasmin had so many rooms which was ridiculous, who actually needed a house this big? But I guess for parties it's useful.
We manage to find a room and Tom shuts the door before locking it.
I'm just hoping to god we don't get caught.
Thasmins sister, Jess had kicked me and Tom out of her room just as we finished. We'd been in there for about half an hour and I came out of the room with a slight wobble and feeling a tiny ache between my thighs. Tom had just finished pulling his top down as Jess slams the door shut behind us both.
"Oops." Tom grits his teeth making me snort in response.
"Come on." Tom takes my hand and I'm suddenly being led quickly down the stairs. As I'm going down it, I took the opportunity to look at my surroundings and everyone around me. Then my eyes catch on something. One guy with a bum bag across his body fumbled with something before looking around and discreetly passing it to one of the guys on the football team. In another direction, a different guy doing the same thing, only handing a bag to Chantelle.
Before I could witness anything else, I'm pulled into the kitchen and immediately see Tom collecting a few shots between us. He passes about three for me and the same amount for himself and I smile picking up the first one and clinking it with the one he was holding up. We down the shots within seconds followed by the other two and scrunch our faces up instantly.
"GUYSSSS!" a voice booms excitedly and I turn my head after recovering from the sour taste on my tongue to see it was Chris grinning at us with a whole bottle of vodka occupied in one hand.
"Hey." Tom smiles.
"Where did youse go? Couldn't find you anywhere." Chris slurs, stepping towards us and nearly falling over his own feet.
"Nowhere," I answer quickly before checking over his shoulder and narrowing my eyes. "Wheres Amy?"
"Huh?" Chris raises an eyebrow.
"Amyyyyy!" I drone, grabbing another shot before downing it within a second.
"Dunno, she was... there," Chris mumbles. "Like five minutes ago. Actually maybe like twenty minutes ago. I dunno."
Suddenly, Tom sparks to life when the Prodigy starts to play and I roll my eyes and laugh knowing he was ready to go mental to this. Me and Chris find ourselves following him and once we get into the crowd into the main huge part of the house, we start to go feral.
For the whole song and the next few that played afterwards, we all shared the bottle of vodka and I could feel the drink hitting me like a truck. My head starts to get heavier and my sight was beginning to rotate in different directions. Despite this, I was laughing hysterically as I was dancing to Tom and Chris and at that point, Halle had come into view and joined us as well just as hammered.
As we go into another song which was approaching a high beat drop, the strobe lights flashing mental above our heads, I notice a familiar figure stumbling towards us — Amy.
"Heyyy!" I grin drunkenly, my eyes wide as I look into hers. Every time the strobe lights flashed and reflected onto her face it gave me the chance to see her properly. Her eyes were noticeably different as her pupils were ginormous. "Amyyyy, youuuu okayyy?"
"Fineeeee!" she slurs back, nearly falling over but is luckily caught by Chris.
"Woahhh, hey there, babeeee! Where you been?" Chris grins.
"I love youuuu!" Amy smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck and ignoring his question.
Chris doesn't question it and grins. "I loveeeee youuuuu moreee!"
The two start to go at it and I decide not to think about anything else anymore and just concentrate on dancing as the beat drop hits and everyone around me goes mental. I hear screaming and laughter and a load of cheers. It was so amazing being so happy with the people I love and bonding with the rest of the crowd over the music. At this point, I was at my happiest and I didn't want this moment to end.
It carries on for hours, the dancing, the drinking and my head was boggled at this point. My ears were hurting a little from dancing to such loud rave music. We soon take a break and wander off into the kitchen and the four of us were stumbling all over the place. Amy could hardly stand up and Chris had to help her even though he wasn't exactly stable himself. Halle had disappeared an hour ago and I had no clue where she had got to.
I make my way over to the drinks table, walking backwards at the same time but I end up tripping over a chair leg and fall into the table, making the whole thing scrape back and some bottles topple everywhere. I manage to catch myself and snort as Tom holds my waist quickly.
"You alrightttt?" he laughs.
I nod, my ears were ringing and I was practically seeing two of Tom.
I manage to straighten myself up and at that point, Amy rushes away from Chris and pukes straight into the sink. Oh, Ams. Chris stumbles over to her aid immediately and places his hand on her back in reassurance. "Alrightyyyyy Amybearrr?"
Amy places her head down on her arm on the edge of the sink and groans.
"Comeeee let's...go toilet come on..." Chris slurs placing his hands on her waist and pulling her away from the sink.
Amy practically falls away from the sink, clinging onto Chris for dear life. "I...nearly dieeeeeeeee!"
They make their way out of the kitchen and to my surprise I feel Tom's lips on mine. Talk about unexpected. Jesus Tom. Unsurprisingly, I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt comfortable having him hold onto me because I can barely stand on two legs right now. After a few seconds, we both pull away from each other and smiled, my sight was still funny but I had more of a focus when looking at Tom. God, I love him so much.
"Youuuu look so beautiful." Tom compliments, his lips still close to mine.
I just smile at his lips in response and give him a few pecks on the lips. "I loveeeee youuuu."
"I love youuuu." Tom drunkenly responds. "Are you having fun?"
"Yeah." I grin, leaning slightly away from him for a moment. "This isssss the best partyyyy I've ever been-"
Before I could finish. That's when I hear it.
Just one big blood-wrenching scream. And then more screams and panic.
It came from the back garden and me and Tom exchange the most concerned and confused looks with each other before rushing out in panic. We didn't even know what it was but it was obviously bad. People were screaming. As we make it outside we push past some of the panicky girls who were screaming and some had started to cry. It was honestly like being in a horror movie. And that was a genre I never wanted to find myself in. But I had found myself in it. As soon as some girls manage to move out of the way I then see what the panic was about. And I was left in shock.
Logan. He was on the ground, his eyes were open but they weren't moving. Then I see the pool of blood on the concrete, travelling from underneath his head and the pool of blood just got bigger. I was still drunk so everything was still slightly dizzy but I could just about see that he was definitely dead. It really was like something out of a horror movie. I look upwards despite nearly falling over because of how drunk I was and I see one of the large top windows wide open. He must've fallen from there. I then see the bathroom window was open too and see Chris and Amy looking out of it in absolute horror. Amy was holding onto something by the looks of it as she was unable to stand but despite her being completely out of it, her shocked facial expression didn't falter and she seemed frozen just staring at Logan. Chris's face was exactly the same. Shocked and horrified. Amy gags at that point and Chris turns her away so she could be sick in the bog. I was questioning whether she was being sick because of how drunk she was or if it was Logan's dead body on the ground. Maybe it was both.
I then turn my attention back to everyone else around me and Tom. Shocked expressions, screaming, crying. My eyes then lock on Clara. She was standing right at the back at the edge of the house with her arms folded. She had no expression on her face whatsoever and she was just staring at Logan. No emotion. Her lips slightly part and she looks around at everyone else before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and with that, she sassily starts to walk away and as she walks away I stare at her, forcing my mind to go into slow motion. And I see a slight smirk before her head is fully turned away from me. She then disappears and I turn my attention back to Logan. It couldn't be possible that Clara had something to do with this. Could it?
"Oh my god." Tom exhales shakily and I look at him. He was still drunk but I think this was sobering him up very quickly. As it was with me and probably everyone else.
I started to feel really sick and just at that moment Thasmin and Jessica run out.
"I've called an ambulance!" A random girl shouts at them.
Thasmin nods. "Don't touch him!"
I couldn't take my eyes off him. This was actually happening. Wasn't it?
Logan's dead.
He's dead.