Chapter 13 Why Is He Angry

After that, Sandy ignored Selena's looks and slipped away.

Jefferson approached her step by step and muttered,"Thank you..."

"What?" Selena was confused.

He said, "Not only did you operate for that soldier from the special forces, you even gave him 300cc of blood."

"That's what I should do." Selena picked up a glass of water and sipped it. "You don't have to thank me."

When Jefferson saw her calm look, he could not help but think of her tear-stained face.

This Bunny could cry so sadly for others, yet she could treat herself so ruthlessly. He felt really uncomfortable.

"Why did you cry?" Jefferson's voice was cold with a trace of anger. "Just because of the man who betrayed you?"

Upon hearing this, she clutched the glass cup tightly with her fingers, and sadness flashed through her almond-like eyes.

Her sorry state.

Her weakness.

So far, it had only been seen by this strange man.

However, she did not want others to see how sorrowful she was because it would only make her feel even more miserable!

Selena said, "I did not cry. I didn't!"

Selena could not help but raise her voice. She did not know why her eyes were sore and welled up with tears again.

"What's the big deal with crying? It's none of your business!"

Tears were rolling down Selena's face as soon as she finished her sentence.

Her crystal clear tears were coursing down her cheeks.

"What does it have to do with me?"

He gazed at the tears on her face with inexplicable irritation. That kind of madness defeated his reasoning in an instant; it made him want to crush this Bunny in front of him.

He slapped the glass in her hand away and water split out of it. The glass fell on the ground and shattered into a million pieces; small crystals could be seen everywhere.

"You..." Selena glared at him with tears in her eyes.

Jefferson's hands were on both sides of her and his long legs pressed against her legs. Selena was completely trapped between him and her bed.

This was completely different from that late night; she could feel his aggressiveness but not his emotions.

However, now, she did not feel the deep look of dominance and his toughness. She only saw more of his anger, which was like a volcanic eruption.

Why was he angry?

What was there for him to be angry about?

It was her embarrassment; it had nothing to do with him.

"Jefferson, this is a hospital!" Selena said. She was still staring at him.

"That night, you could have secretly left after those people departed. Why did you save me? Why did you stitch my wounds?"

Jefferson's eyes were deep, and he stared at Selena's reddened eyes. His well proportioned face was striking, like a fierce wolf.

That time...

"Jefferson, I am a doctor," Selena replied seriously. "A doctor's duty is to save lives and heal injuries. What happened that night, I would have done it for anyone"

He gradually tightened his fingers.

His feelings for her...

But she saved him just because it was her duty?

He thought that he could find traces of Selena's lies, but when he looked into her pure and flawless eyes, he knew that she was not lying.

However, the more he knew that she was not lying, the more agitated he became.

The next second, the man lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers.