Tournament Time

Magnus struggled to open his eyes and when he did, he was met with large worried hazel ones. He sat up, his hair falling over his shoulders. He turned to Thali and smiled when a sudden sharp pain made him drop it.

"What happened?" He asked, confused by the amount of fatigue he was feeling. "You went berserk and defeated the incubus." She softly replied. She gently guided him to lie down again.

"I did." He stuttered out surprised. "Yeah. It was like you were possessed." Magnus recalled the fight and was amazed at his subconscious capabilities.

"Where are Elvia and Mortale?" Thali placed a cool towel over his forehead and brought the blanket back up, covering him well. She then stood up and took the bowl of water.

"They're resting up. Elvia needs to after she restored the cabin and Mortale from his injuries." She started heading for the door. "Get some rest. When you wake up, we'll explain everything to you. Otherworldly."

"Hey, one more thing. Why are you guys kind to me?" He asked. "You don't seem be on edge when you're around me." Thali shrugged. "You're not much of a threat. Plus, we kind of like you."


"Master, Master I have news ~ Someone was summoned and you'll never believe who~." A figure with a clown mask chanted. Their pale blue hair was in a high ponytail. They wore a red and black jester outfit. "Keep it down will ya." A young man's voice spoke up.

His silver hair was short. His skin was tanned and eyes were sharp and different in colour.

One red and the other was blue. He wore a large pale blue overall with a tight black turtleneck underneath.

He also wore a pair of red combat boots and a cross earring dangled from his left ear. "That's surprising. A summoning this quick." A rich feminine voice echoed next. She was plump and had long black hair that was cut short in the front.

Her skin was pale, she had red painted lips and green painted eyelids. She wore a green and blue ao dai. A staff was placed in her right hand and two large golden earrings dangled from her ears.

"I wonder if he's any good." A young boy's voice echoed. He sat on a tricycle and wore an overall with a woolly orange jumper underneath.

A pair of white loafers on his feet and a beanie on his head and a teddy bear tucked under his arm. "I heard he beat Valentino and Gia with the help of those bandits." This caught the silver head male's attention.

"Bastard Barragan is probably after him if his precious demons were defeated." He laughed out loud.

"Summoned or not," A voice boomed. "The most important thing is, does he have what it takes to be..." A tall shadowy figure emerged, coming forward.

"The mightiest?"


"So I reincarnated into a world with magic and fantasy beings with me sporting the appearance of a smaller version of my usual self." A look of mock surprise formed on his face. The trio nodded their heads.

Magnus pushed his hair back. He was at least four inches shorter. From the 6 '1 giant he used to be to an average sized boy, and don't get him started on how skinnier he is.

His green eyes scanned the brown walled cabin and was pleasantly surprised by how well Elvia did in restoring it.

"So what now?" Thali, Mortale and Elvia looked at each other with shit eating grins. "We're giving you an invitation to join our adventure group,"

Mortale stood up before finishing with jazz hands, "Of three." Magnus stared at the bandit with large dead eyes. Mortale sat back down in embarrassment and looked down, scowling at the sound of Elvia and Thali cackling.

"I'll join." Magnus stated, a small smile making a way on his face. He's been through enough shit and he had the right to start a new chapter and heal from the trauma that he suffered.

The feeling of revenge is long gone and replaced with hope and a reason to keep living." I'm going to need better clothes than this white gown you've had me wearing this entire time."

"I'll get on that." Thali spoke up.


The group of four now stood in the middle of an open field. "You arrived in Locrome at the best possible time. There's a tournament taking place in the Kingdom of Aroma in a week.

Our job is to train you to the best of our abilities. As well as help you master thrill mode." Elvia buzzed. She spun around before, sitting on Mortale's shoulder. The red haired boy nodded. His hands were firmly placed on his waist and a smirk was painted on his face.

Thali had given Magnus a large white cloak hooded jacket with fur lining that was opened with a black shirt underneath. A pair of black cotton pants to wear, and a pair of white shin high combat boots were placed on his feet with the end of the trousers tucked in the shoes.

It was honestly the best thing Magnus had ever worn. Super comfortable. "Where are we? And what kind of tournament?" Magnus fired. Mortale, who sat under a tree sharpening his sword, spoke up.

"We're in Koto Island, otherwise known as the land of the 13 strings of fate. As for what kind of tournament it is.." Magnus listened in, eager to know. He'll ask the meaning behind the island later.

"The tournament is to determine the strongest. We'll be fighting against s class sages/mages and other bandits. Thousands of people have bought tickets to watch us fight till the bloody end." The white haired male finished and looked up at Magnus. The red head was practically glowing in excitement.

His eyes were wide and gleaming and he was grinning from ear to ear. This reminded him of the battles that the Romans did.

Mortale expression changed to a weirded out expression. "Let's start training then!!" Magnus yelled at the top of his lungs.

They had a week to get strong and turn Magnus into someone special. The challenge was on.


One week later

"It's so hot today." Magnus complained. He placed the last piece of the luggage onto the yacht and jumped in. It was a beautiful sunny day with not a cloud in sight.

The week of training had gone by rather quickly and learning new things differently helped. Thali had made him a ribbon engraved with gold jewels to tie his hair up. The white and brown yacht swayed side to side, Mortale making sure that it didn't hit the other boats at the dock with gentle steering.

Thali was now wearing a brown overall with a white turtleneck underneath. Her hair was pulled back into a singular braid and a pair of goggles sat silently on her head. A pair of brown boots paired with golden straps placed on her feet. A large map was placed in her left hand and a compass in the right.

Mortale was wearing a large beige turtleneck jumper with white cotton pants, and a pair of brown boots.

His hair was swooped to one side. Elvia was in her human form and was wearing a yellow and white sundress. Her hair was let down and she was wearing a large beach hat and a pair of sandals.

Magnus had stripped down to a white Hawaiian shirt with a pair of shorts. A white vest underneath the shirt. He had a pair of sandals sitting comfortably on his feet.

They all got on and started the journey to Aroma.

- - - - - - -

The ocean breeze blew over the group of four. Magnus was standing by the boat's railing watching the Caribbean blue ocean with longing in his eyes. He wondered if his mother was also summoned or taken straight to the heavens.

A heavy feeling started to form in chest but disappeared when a concerned Elvia placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong? " She gently asked. Orange eyes boring into his green ones.

"Nothing, just missing home, that's all." She cracked a smile prompting him to smile. "I understand. It's scary being in an unfamiliar place." Magnus nodded his head, his eyes following the flying fish that was jumping in and out of the water.

He wondered if these four had homes to return to or they stuck together to survive.

"Mortale, steer the boat more to the right will ya! Elvia, can you place the luggage inside! It's going to rain in a bit! "

Thali instructed, her face and tone turning serious.

Magnus looked at the perfectly clear sky with confusion before looking at Thali. "Rain?" Mortale snickered at the red head's clueless expression. "Thali can smell the change in weather. She says the atmosphere gets this damp smell when it's going to rain." Elvia explained.

She sat down on a chair and opened a book, holding the top of her beach at. "She's both strong and smart." The fairy concluded. "Stop it Elvia~You're making me blush~." Magnus chuckled at Thali's flustered state.

Thali was correct, droplets of water starting falling from the sky before coming down heavily.

The sky started to turn grey and the clouds turned dark.

Mortale steered carefully as the waters started to turn wild, a look of pure concentration on his face. Magnus sat cross legged on the ground by Elvia's chair, not minding the rain pouring down on him.

The yacht then started to rock side to side, scaring the group. The dark water before them started to move upwards, as if something was coming out. Something did.

The group stared ahead in mortified shock as a large serpent-like monster came out of the ocean.

Its teeth are sharp with tentacle-like whiskers on his face. Its skin was a slimy green with neon green lining across his back. Eyes snake like and a bright yellow.

"A sea beast!" Mortal yelled out surprised.

Magnus got into a praying position with his hands clasped together. Tears fell down his face as he mumbled to himself.

"We're going to die. We're all going to die."

"Aaah!" They all screamed as the yacht was pushed back.

They maintained the position on the boat. Elvia was the first to attack. "Thorn web!" A bunch of thorns came at the serpent trapping it in a web-like trap. The monster thrashed and roared causing the ocean to go even wilder.

Mortale leaped in the air and unsheathed his blade. With both hands on the hilt he brought the sword down with a vertical slicer attack.

"Moon slash." Thali was up next. She got off the boat and landed on the ocean. Magnus's eyes widened when he noticed her not sinking. She started to move her right arm in a circular motion with her left hand in front of her face, the palm facing the sea beast.

A flame circle started to appear before her and an orange beam formed on her palm.

Mortale and Elvia looked at each other with horrified expressions, rushing to get away from the monster.

"Oi wait. Don't use that attack whilst we're here!" Mortale screeched. Elvia turned back into fairy form and flew to sit on Magnus's shoulder, who was busy watching.

"Rayo del sol."

The beam grew large until it filled the flame circle. She then pushed her palm forward and her body turned orange from the light. The beam flew straight through the sea beast, killing it instantly. Magnus clapped then started to sulk.

The trio looked at him and at each other when they sensed that he was going to throw a fit. "I wanted to be part of the action. I didn't train to watch from the sideline." He complained. Thali ushered him to calm down. "We need you to be at full strength for the tournament.

The sea beast isn't a major opponent." She gently explained. Mortale resumed his spot behind the wheel and Elvia grew large and picked up the book she was reading.

Magnus ran to the front of the boat when a large architecture came into view. The sky was now a clear colour and the clouds were a vibrant pastel yellow.

Something that was clearly weird to the red head.

Large poles with flags blowing could be seen at the very front. Pastel red and blue with a white dragon painted in the middle. A large beige palace with beautiful glass windows could be seen in the far distance, however, a stadium could easily be seen behind it.

So that's where the tournament was going to be held. Mortale steered the yacht toward the dock and came to a stop. He threw the anchor down and the group was off the boat with their luggage in no time.

Magnus ran forward, spinning around in awe. So many people were at the dock wearing expensive suits and dresses. Large ships with crazy cool designs were everywhere.

Armed soldiers stood at the entrance points with digital floating clipboards that blew the red head's mind.

The trio looked at him with fond eyes as he went around laughing in fascination. Mortale put together their IDs and gave them to the silver armed men.

The digital clipboard lit up and printed out papers with some sort of stamp. Magnus grabbed the papers and stared at them with fascination.

"Those are the forms for the tournament."

Thali explained. Magnus' eyes shimmered with excitement. Fighting god-like men and women, that's something he and his friends used to act out with wooden swords back in Beiniholm.

They started to move forward, the sun blocked by the tunnel for a bit before the light returned. So many pastel coloured houses, shops and cars were in view. Children playing football and others playing cards. "It's been a while since we came." Elvia spoke, her eyes trailing the ribbons boats floating about.

Magnus turned to her with a surprised look. "You guys came here before?" Thali laughed. "We were rookies in the bandit scene and foolishly thought that we were good enough to participate."

Thali went on, "We were wiped out before we knew what hit us."

Magnus wanted to laugh so badly, but the defeated expression Mortale faced caused him not to.

An explosion came from within the kingdom's centre. The group ran toward it and when the dust went away and the screaming people simmered down to see what it was, Magnus almost jumped out of his skin.

"Yooooo! It's me, Ivankov Yuri."