Torched Spirit


If there was a word to describe Ivankov, it was cordial. The group, including Ivankov, was now sitting in a cafe in an area that mimicked modern-day Paris, the culture shocking Magnus a bit.

The group, except for Mortale, could only sit there and listen in awe as the ogre disclosed his feats.

Mortale had almost become this saturnine person, excluding himself from all group activity. Was it because of the ogre? Was there a history the young boy didn't know? So many unanswered questions.

Before Magnus could ask the white-haired male protruding questions, Ivankov spoke up first. "You haven't said a word, Morty."

Magnus almost choked on the coffee he consumed. What an atrocious nickname.

"My blade shall run from your ear to the other if you dare utter that absurd nickname again." It all came from his mouth so fast and viciously that it stunned Magnus. Thali and Elvia snickered.

"What's with all this attitude, Mortale?" Magnus impugned. Jokes were over, and the red-haired boy was seriously over the swordsman's downright embarrassing hostility.

Ivankov had been extremely kind, and if Thali and Elvia were engaging with ogre with no problem, then so could Mortale.

Mortale, on the other hand, turned his head the other way and huffed.

His less-than-appealing defeat came to the forefront of his mind. The images of Ivankov standing over him with a grin plastered on his face. He had five years to get stronger, but so did Ivankov. His deep purple eyes locked with Ivanov's gold ones.

This time for sure, he was going to win. Thali stood, a small smile on her face and eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's time to head to the Great Terrain. I've finished filling out the forms. It just needs to be handed in before the 24-hour deadline."

The group nodded their heads in agreement and stood up. They had a busy week ahead of them.


The streets of Great Terrain were the epitome of life. The laughter of children playing, mixed with the chatter of the older folks, was what Magnus needed. Thali silently led them down a zig-zagged alleyway. The sunlight was again leaving and returning.

The stadium looked holographic, both shocking and confusing to the young boy. As Thali looked at the forms, she had forgotten to write down Magnus's age.

She quickly wrote down sixteen and continued walking.

Once all of them stepped into the futuristic looking stadium, a hoard of 'wows' and 'ahs' came tumbling out their mouths.

The bandits and Ivankov had seen some of these things before, but this still topped it all. Five years ago, this place was a dump. They had reached the reception and were pleased with the fast-paced work. To think all this could change in a mere five years. Truly mind blowing.

"Welcome to Grand Terrain Stadium. How may I assist you?" The receptionist asked, her voice soft.

The receptionist had large blue eyes and bright pink hair. Her tanned face had freckles decorated on them. Thali smiled before placing the forms and their IDs down.

The young woman went through them, looking up when she needed to confirm that their faces were on the IDs. She finally stamped them and handed them back to the flame user. Ivankov was up next. He placed down his ID and form.

"Sir, I don't believe that's you on the ID."

"Oh sorry... Lemme just... Uh." A light started to form around him and his body started to change. 'Omg, he can shapeshift!' Magnus excitedly thought.

The light left his body and showcased a large, buff man with short green hair and gorgeous gold eyes. His torso was bare and he had stubbles on his chin. He had a marvellous pair of eight packs. His axe remained on his back. He wore brown cargo pants and black tai chi slippers.

"I'm sorry sir. Here's your form." The receptionist stuttered out, a blush forming on her face. Ivankov took back his form and ID and smiled. "No problem." Magnus walked up to Ivankov and grabbed the man's large hand.

With flowers now sprouting between them and his eyes closed and mouth formed into an adoring smile. "You're so fucking beautiful." Came out of his mouth, unprovoked.

"Thanks, man."

Was this the start of a beautiful friendship?


"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the annual grand tournament of Aroma!! In this very stadium, several games and battles will be taking place, and the winners will be walking away with fame and fortune!! Are ya ready?!!!""


"Are you ready?!!"


The group plus Ivankov made their way to their waiting rooms. Ivankov kept walking and waved farewell, and the rest stood in front of a large wooden door with a golden lion knob.

Magnus twirled the knob around and opened the door. What was laid out in front of them was truly indescribable. The room had a middle eastern interior design with a large pool in the middle.

On the far right, four large beds stood next to each in silence. On the far left was a large dining table.

The vases of flowers and fake trees are placed by the large open balcony. The sky is still as beautiful as ever. Renaissance artwork was displayed on the ceiling, conflicting with the middle eastern aspect of the room. The aesthetics of the room clashed with the kingdom's aesthetic funnily.

While Magnus zoomed around the room in awe, checking every nook and cranny. The already familiarised trio placed their things near the beds. Magnus entered the balcony. A tea table and sofas had been set there.

The balcony had a great view of the pastel kingdom. He felt like a god watching over them from such a high place. His ears picked up the screams that were emitting from the stadium.

"Guys, let's hurry and explore." Thali, who placed his last item on his bed, turned to him and smiled. "You three go ahead. I think that attack took the energy away from my body." Elvia and Mortale nodded and grabbed Magnus' arms, leaving the room.

Thali set herself on the bed, a heavy sigh leaving her mouth. She laid down, her legs hanging off the front of her bed, and placed her arms over her eyes.

She bit her lip in frustration as the memories she tried to keep hidden flooded her mind.


"That's not enough, Thali. With this being your limit, you could only hope to disgrace this tribe." A stern voice spoke out. Coughs came out of young Thali's mouth. Saliva mixed with blood was all over the ground, and her hands were burning from the overproduction of flames.

Her large hazel looked up and met the smirking face of another young girl. She got up, dusting her white dress that covered one of her shoulders. Her hair was braided into two braids, and a golden bracelet was placed on her bicep.

She wiped the back of her hand and looked straight at her pink-haired cocky sister with determination. The old man sitting on the shaded patio stares intensely at Thali, his blood-red eyes filled with emotion no one could quite tell.

"Tamonia! Start attacking." Her sister sprinted toward her with a sadistic look on her face. She started spinning the air with fire-incorporated kicks coming down on Thali. Thali dodged all of them and flipped backward.

Her father leaned forward in anticipation as to what his daughter was going to do. Thali stood still for a moment, causing Tamonia to stop in her tracks. The young girl placed her hand forward, her palm facing Tamonia, and moved the other hand in a

circular motion.

Tamonia and her old man watched with wide eyes as a flame ring formed around her. All those hours of training in the forest. All those hours putting every single part of her body into overdrive have led up to this moment.

A beam formed in her palm and Tamonia got into a defensive stance. "Rayo del sol." The attack went forward, a bright light covering the training ground. When the dust cleared, Thali waited in anticipation if her attack had done anything.

Much to her dismay, it didn't even leave a scratch. A large flame shield put up in Tamonia blocked it. The energy she had left her body and she dropped to the ground unconscious, the sound of Tamonia's laughter and her father's disappointed sigh being the last thing she heard.


Even after all those years, she couldn't even use the attack without the energy being sapped out of her. Just how much did she need to go through to use a basic attack?

Her father was right. She was a disgrace. The memories of the family she disowned now retreated to the dark parts of her mind. She had to get strong.

"Thali," Magnus whispered as he leaned over what appeared to be the knocked-out girl. Thali removed her arms from her head and looked at her team fondly.

This was her new family and this is where she belonged.

She would rather die than let them down and prove her father right. "The tournament is about to begin," Mortale informed. Elvia grabbed her arm and pulled her up. The team laughing among each other left the room, ready to dominate this year's tournament.