A Count's Symphony

"What would we do without you?" Magnus cried in Elvia's loving arms. She was able to teleport them to the yacht as soon as the explosions had gone off. The obvious repercussions were being knocked out for two days.

Her mana was completely used up by then. The journey back to Koto was tumultuous, luckily there were no sea beasts this time. Magnus, Elvia, and Mortale were playfully wrestling as Thali cooked up dinner for them.

She chopped up the carrots, potatoes, and beef. She poured a bit of oil into the pot and placed her onions and garlic in. The meat went in next, as did the carrots and potatoes.

When everything started to come together, she added the seasonings, beef stock cubes, and a pint of water. She placed the lid and allowed it to simmer whilst she checked on the rice.

After a while, Thali stirred the pot of stew and switched off the pot that had the rice in it. She took the pork cutlets out of their hot pot and onto a plate. The trio had already made themselves comfortable at the table and were ready to dig in.

She placed the plates in front of them and brought out a jug of watermelon and kiwi juice, placing it on the table. She then placed the spoons down next to the plates.

She brought the pots to the table and placed them down.

They filled their plates and started chatting with each other. Magnus looked like he had something on his mind, and it was time he voiced it. "I want us to be pirates. You don't have to agree to it, but it's just a career path that seems interesting." Thali, Mortale, and Elvia looked at him long and hard. It made him a tad bit uncomfortable.

"I like it. Always wanted to be a pirate." Mortale stated, placing a fat piece of beef in his mouth.

"Yeah, cool idea Magnus. I think we should do it." Thali followed suit, chugging down her drink."Pirates are trendy, everyone and their mothers have somehow become one." Elvia finished off Thali's sentence.

She placed a spoon full of rice in her mouth as her wide eyes stared at the beautiful bowl of soy-glazed pork belly. She stabbed her fork into one and placed it in her mouth.

Magnus's heart started to swell with happiness.

It finally felt good to have people there for him again. "Doesn't being a pirate mean a large group of people is needed?" Magnus asked, mouth filled with food and his hands reaching for the jug of juice.

"Manner Magnus." Mortale scolded. He cut the pork belly into tiny pieces before placing them in his mouth.

"Typical smartass," Magnus spat back, sticking his tongue out in the process.

"We need a large ship," Thali stated, placing more curry on her plate and pouring herself a cup of juice. "I could spawn that, it'll probably take a lot of my magic energy, but hey, fast and easy right," Elvia said. "Magnus, your captain." The three of them simultaneously said, "I have no qualms with that." He replied, still stuffing his face with food.

"What are we going to call ourselves?" Mortale asked, finishing his rice and going in to add more.

"Juggernaut Pirates. Seems grand, doesn't it?" Magnus answered. The rest of them nodded their heads. They continued to eat, excited about the upcoming adventures they were going to go on.


The calm sound of nothing passed through the streets of Morte. A sombre feeling that was a norm for the large gothic city. The night was just like any other night, it lasted the entire day. The moon was ever so close and bright.

A fog covered the Victorian-like streets.

Lights switched off and no life was in sight.

The silence would soon be disrupted by a frantic sound of breathing.

The heavy footsteps of running, and the fear-filled sound of panting. A heavy hit of notes echoed loudly across the city. The start of passionate playing followed suit.

As the moonlighting sonata played, the screams provided a certain melody. A melody so sweet, that whatever lurked and hunted in the shadows, continued causing them.

The young girl's scream only seemed to amplify. The sonata continued, growing intense by the note. Blood painted the alleyway walls. And when the screams died down, the moonlight shone on the tall figure standing there.

Beautiful long white hair, complemented with porcelain skin and blood-red eyes. Fangs sharper than any blade poking ever so slightly from the lips. He wore a beautiful purple tuxedo that hugged his lean-built figure well.

A conductor's baton was placed gently in his cold palms, as he lifted his arms into the sky. With his arms moving and the once solo piano piece now joined by an entire orchestra, he dropped his arms and the music halted.

He brought his arms up again and a more dreadful peace started up again.The streets boomed with the symphony that represented death.

His arms frantically moved across each other. The dead body below is now used as a stool for the blood-sucking conductor to use. The peace came to the highest point of its intensity before stopping completely.

Thus, the blood symphony had come to a beautiful end.