
"Yet another victim has fallen into the hands of the madman who runs this country! How many more should die before we do something about it?!" An old, grubby man with a breath stench so bad it could knock off an army of a thousand men, spoke.

"No more of this. Let's start a revolution against the revolting blood sucking bastard!"

The rest of the pub watched him in shock before returning back to their meals and drinks. Uttering treasonous words against the grand count was preposterous. And yet here stood the old man, sprouting those same treasonous words with no care for his own life.

"You can leave my pub if you're going to start something Randall. I have no time for your antics today." The pub owner spoke, cleaning the pint glass. "Plus that lass should've known better than to be out when the clock strikes 12 and the moon is at the highest point of feasting hour."

Randall kissed his rotting teeth at the statement before barking.

"So now we're blaming the victim. Well done Rodrick. Well, fucking done." He muttered curtly to himself. Ever since the count took over Morte, the night's default lasted all day, and over ten thousand people have fallen victim to him.

Randall took his pint of ale and exited the pub. He walked down the dusty alleyway, sat down and made himself comfortable in the little makeshift cardboard home. "God shall curse that count. We'll be damned if he doesn't."


"Your throne room is so dark and cold. You need to add some colour." An elderly woman's voice spoke. Her teal eyes stared at the endless amount of black decorating everything.

"Your life is sad and disdainful already. There's no need to reflect that through your decor." The white-haired count stared at her before chuckling. His fangs poked out.

"This entire country hates your guts Helios." The elderly lady continued. "I am very aware of that mother. More than aware." He closed the music box that filled the atmosphere with an eerie sound, and stared out the large window.

His reputation had been through the mud in the last five years he had ruled over the country. He wanted to change but didn't know how to, and because of that, things that weren't his fault were painted as such.

Every time he walked the street to see his people, he was avoided like the plague or greeted with paralysing fear emitting from them.

Oh he missed the days when people were happy to see him. His mother looked at him with an indescribable look. She was worried for her son. The thing deep within him has taken over his soul completely, and sooner than later, he would belong to it.

"I can't die and I can't reverse what has happened to this country. I truly wonder if there's someone out there that's able to change my fate." His mother walked closer to him. Her long black dress dragged across the ground as she walked.

"What do you desire the most, my son?" He looked back at her. His now ocean blue eyes staring deep into her's. "Freedom, mother. To travel and leave this responsibility behind."

His mother laughed at the glowing look of innocence and happiness on her son's face.


A large ship sailed wildly on the large wave. Screams and cries of mixed excitement and terror filled the stormy skies. The gold and white pirate ship sported a large dragon statue at the bow.

The sails were large and had a massive dragon insignia with a sword on it. A standard dragon jolly roger at the top of the crow's nest. Mortale sat in front of the helm and steered.

A stupid grin on his face. The water entered the ship's deck as Mortale steered in a crazed manner. They were having so much fun.

The residents of Koto were excited when Elvia spawned and designed the ship in real time. The kids cheered and the adults clapped. Elvia truly was a gift sent from the heavens above. They had also assigned roles to each other.

Mortale as the helmsman.

Thali was the navigator and cook.

Elvia as the shipwright and lookout.

And Magnus as Captain and cannon shooter. He really wanted to be the one shooting the thing.

Sea beasts swang alongside, well, the ones they beat up did. Elvia held Thali close, her energy gone from spawning and designing the ship.

Thali had the compass and map out, instructing Mortale where to turn. The rain pouring got heavier, but that didn't stop. Magnus started spinning in circles and allowing the rain to enter his mouth.

He was so happy. Being a pirate is something he always wanted to become, plus it was the talk of the village at times. He would hear stories of vikings clashing with the pirates, pirates clashing with the navy, and civilians trying to fend off both.

It was the highlight of his childhood. Thali had explained the map of the world to him. There were four seas. Flora of spring, Blanca of winter, Azores of summer and Falia of autumn. Each sea had a lord who governed over them. Nazarose ruled over Blanca. Lady Chau over Flora.

Barragan ruled over Falia, and Montezuma ruled over Azores.

The Kingdom of Aroma was located in the northwest of the autumn sea, whilst Koto was located in the north east.

The attack on the stadium two days ago was a dispute between Nazarose and Barragan. Thank god they had gotten out of there quickly. However, Magnus had a feeling that they were after him.

From Mystic's personal attacks on him, to the old man. Something didn't make sense. He ignored all of it, deciding to play look out for a bit. He noticed an island that had a large castle at the top of the hill and a large clock at the bottom.

The once grey and stormy skies turned pitch black, and the moon was present. The first thought that went through the entire crew's mind was 'weird'. Thali then looked down at the map and noticed the exact country on it.

"It's Morte!" She announced it to everyone. "There should be a pier on the right, so steer that way Mortale." The purple-eyed male did exactly as he was told.

They grew closer and ultimately entered the port. Magnus threw the anchor overboard and the ship slowly came to a standstill.

They all jumped with the exception of Elvia, who was now in fairy form and in the chest area of the beige shirt that Thali was wearing.

Mortale fixed his black cloak and dusted his trousers. Magnus fixed his white coat and flicked his hair back. They started walking down the stoned roads, not a sign of life in sight. Thali's hands started glowing and a large digital clipboard appeared. Elvia opened her eyes, snuggling deeper into Thali bust.

"The information on this island is practically non-existent," Thali said, her eyebrows furrowed and a frown painted on her lips. "That's a good thing, right? Allows us to explore it more." Magnus replied back, his arms at the back of his head and his legs moving up and down in a kick motion.

"Yeah, you're right. However, there doesn't seem to be any sign of life here."

Mortale stated, his expression morphed into one of thinking. The sound of a clock striking the hour ached across the small country. The lights that were lit went out, and everything locked up.

This made the crew uneasy. Thali definitely thought something was up and made sure the rest of the crew's guard was up. A heavy gust of wind followed by dried leaves sounded them then went completely out.

They got into a fighting stance and Elvia hid deeper into Thali's shirt. "Quick question. Does entering a new island or country mean ya have to fight all the time?" This had the rest of the crew in hysterics.

Magnus's laugh followed suit. In the middle of the defence circle they made, landed Helios. His red eyes glued on them and his bat-like wings expanded far apart.

The chill that went through their spines was hideous.

This was an enemy like no other. They tried to simultaneously attack him but his reaction speed was god level. Thali was first to feel her face cement the ground. Mortale was thrown viciously toward the brick wall and Magnus' arm was broken.

Elvia got out of her hiding spot and tried to bind him with vines. Helios was quick to grab her by the throat and smash her back first on the stone road.

This was more than just a brutal beat down. This was humiliation. Helios looked at his mess and sighed. There was no feast here.

There wasn't anything to eat anywhere tonight.