The Soul's Requiem

Five years earlier in La Vie, now known as Morte.

The crowd's cheers and laughter echoed down the streets or Morte. The sun was the highest point indicating that it was midday, and the annual 'Festival of Light' was ongoing.

A then thirteen year old Malia led a then fourteen year Helios down the street. People greeted him with a wave and others greeted him with a bow. "If you two don't hurry, you'll miss the nutcracker dance! '' An elderly man yelled from his bakery window.

Malia stopped and grinned, her wide golden eyes gleaming and a single tooth missing. "We know. We're heading there now!" She yelled back. An anxious Helios hid behind her, mustering nothing but a small smile.

"Take care of the count." Malia nodded before sprinting alongside Helios again. The shore was now in view and so were the massive floaters with the nutcrackers painted on them.

When they finally reached the shore, Malia had to shove her way to the front, whilst Helios was given an easy and clear path.

"You lucky bastard. Wish I were a count."

Helios mustered a light chuckle. The drums started up followed by the sounds of fiddles. Chanting and singing filled the air as Helios and Malia danced in each other's arms, laughter coming out of them.

They continued to watch the nutcrackers dancing with wide excited eyes. They also occasionally took slushies that were being served at the venue.

Aten and Burgess reached their daughter and smiled at watching her give Helios a good time. "Young children, so this is where ya ran off too."

Malia almost shat herself and her reaction had Helios cracking up. "Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Raven." Aten hugged the count. "Good afternoon Helios. I'm assuming both of you have gotten something to eat." Aten then looked at her daughter's stuffed cheeks.

A loud shriek then grabbed their attention followed by a heavy gust of wind, pushing everything in its way back.

Burgess was quick to grab his family including Helios and shield them from the strong wind. He then sat up and released them from his tight grip. What stood before them was a monstrosity like no other.

A large demonic-like creature stood in the air, watching over them like ants. The sky had turned grey with purple light coming from the clouds. The whole thing was horrific.

The demon opened its mouth and a large maroon beam started forming. The beam was released and it destroyed 1/4 of the island. Helios stood wide-eyed. He was the count and yet here he was, completely unprepared for this kind of attack.

Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Malia running toward the beast. "Wait!" He yelled, frantically, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. She continued running, picking up speed and summoned her scythe.

She twirled around before jumping in the air. Being number one in the academy didn't come easy. She's strong, she just has to prove it. With wind blowing on her face and her eyes glowing with murderous intent, she engaged in a sky battle. The demon started spitting rapid fire balls then Malia used her scythe to block all of them.

She could hear mother yelling in fear for her to come back. With a wicked grin on her face and joyous feeling coursing through her body, she started going all out. The crowd below watched as maroon and purple clashed together.

Helios watched ahead with both jealousy and worry. He was the count and yet again she was protecting him. Burgess sensed something and placed a hand of encouragement on his shoulder.

Ever since he lost his dad five years ago, had his mother placed in a mental health facility, and he became a count.

The Raven family became a second family to him, and Malia became someone who encompasses his heart.

Malia blocked the claw attack before spinning her weapon and swinging it down. It sliced the thing. The demon wailed in pain. Its blood oozed out and poured from the sky.

Malia was starting to feel fatigue and she knew she had to wrap things up quickly.

However, that was not how the demon was going to play it. A white tornado started forming around its body, pushing Malia back a bit.

"Well, well, well. I was taking quite the beating there, wasn't I?" The tornado cleared and presented a humanoid version of the demon. With porcelain pale skin and long black hair and a pair of black goat legs, Malia could only feel disgust when she saw him.

His eyes black with red pupils and two large horns situated at the top of his head. He had gained more power and had the ability to communicate.

He disappeared and appeared before her, punching her in the jaw. She skidded back, passing a group of clouds. She readied herself for the next attack, this time blocking it by a mere second.

The demon started producing dark orbs and was shooting it at her. She blocked so many that she lost count, and she started to really lose focus.

Her parents and Helios watched with shocked eyes. The clouds were blocking what was going on. Malia bent down to hold her knees as the demon shadow boxed.

Throwing practice punches and kicks, he laughed maniacally before roughing her up some more. With a bruised eye and cheek, and blood spilling everywhere, Malia was the end of her rope.

With one final kick to the head, La vie witnessed their star student falling and hitting the ground with a bone crushing thump. Her mother's screams were blocked out by her consciousness slipping.

The demon then landed on the shore by her body. Helios didn't think. He just moved. He ran toward her body, protecting it from whatever the demon had next. He didn't plan the electric shock running through both he and the demon's spine when he got close, and the demon's eyes widened with evil intent.

"I'm now going to destroy this god forsaken country and be on my merry way." He spat at, adding the evil laughter at the end.

The Ravens caught up to Helios and cradled their daughter. "Unless you let me Almanzor encompass your body." Helios's eyes furrowed.

What did he mean by encompass? Become a vessel to the person who destroyed his land and killed the person he held very dear. "I'll even bring the stupid bitch back to life."

That grabbed the attention of all three of them. Burgess and Aten looked conflicted, whilst Helios looked like he had made up his mind. "I'll do it." Alanzor smiled from ear to ear and spawned a violin. "Well then. Let's start the requiem for the soul."


"Wow. To believe that country once was drastically different is hard to believe." Magnus spoke. "Five years seems to be a short amount of time for change." He placed a thin stick in his mouth as he laid on his back with his arms behind his head.

Mortale laying next to hummed in agreement. Thali and Elvia hugged Malia." So all you need for us to do is extract Alanzor from Helios, then the count will be back to his old self again." Malia nodded her head.

Without a second of thought.

"Count us in! " The crew and a pair of unfamiliar voices yelled, simultaneously.

Magnus sat up and looked back to see Koko and Stephan standing by the large tree.

"I still have a grudge against the count. And if your story checks out, our beef is with Alanzor, and I want front row seats to whooping his ass." Koko spoke, her eyes wide and grin even wider.

It was all set. The final battle had begun.