
The crew, including Malia, Koko and Stephan, entered the abandoned church where she had led Helios earlier. She had got him to go there, making him believe that his mind would be at ease.

However, it was the safest spot, and the best for an all-out battle to happen. It was nice and secluded.

They entered the church with their guards all the way up, and there stood Helios menacingly.

His red cloak covers his body and the lightning in the background gives him the effect of looking scarier.

Alanzor was present and the whole crew knew.

"Are you all tag teaming little ole me?"

Alanzor questioned, a smile on his face as he batted his eyelashes. The flamboyant attitude got on Malia's last nerve.

They didn't waste any time in attacking. "Thorn Web!"

A mass of vines sprouted from the ground and tied all of his limbs."Thanks, Elvia!" Magnus yelled before jumping in the air and providing Helios's head with a spinning kick.

Helios kneeled upon impact, the vines not allowing him to touch the ground.

He tugged as hard as he could and was finally able to break free.

Thali started sprinting toward him, her feet splashing on the puddles on her way. With two flame swords in her hands, she started swinging. Helios dodged the attacks and went for a punch that was blocked by Mortale's blade.

Thali flipped back. "Thanks, Mortale."

He nodded his head and stepped back. He went into his famous fencing position and sprinted forward, a gush of purple light following him.

Helios brought his cloak up to block the attack and used his other arm to try and hit Mortale. Arrows pierced through his flesh as an agonising shriek left his mouth.

On the second floor stood Stephan with his arrows, aiming away at Helios. Koko then started shooting daggers at him, his cloak was putting in overtime to protect him. Magnus then came up behind him and started kicking heavily at his back.

This knocked the demon again to his knees.

Malia then brought her scythe down to finish the job.

His life would end here and it was going to be alright. Before could finish the attack, Helios grabbed the blade of her scythe and screamed. "Enough of these stupid games." A large tornado forming around Helios knocked everyone back and Stephan used his arms to block the debris.

He disappeared and appeared in front of Elvia. "Why always me?" Were her last words before she was thrown into the confession booth behind her.

Koko ran toward him but was quickly stopped by Stephan. "Are you trying to get killed?" He angrily whispered. A sorry came out of her mouth. Thali, Mortale and Malia knew better than to attack, so they allowed a great amount of distance between them.

Magnus didn't seem to get the memo, as he had Helios engaging in a heated hand-to-hand combat battle. Magnus punched the demon in the face, and the demon soon followed suit.

Magnus could barely see through his closing eye, and he could barely breathe from his broken nose. His crew watched, not intersecting, a surprise to Koko and Stephan but a norm for Malia.

Magnus sprinted toward the demon, flipping and jumping over the random piece of church furniture being thrown at him. He got on to his hand and started kicking. Each attack was blocked.

He entered Thrill mode and started throwing electrical attacks. The demon hissed before throwing his fair share of dare orbs. The red haired boy flipped in the hair and brought down the infamous kick that defeated the incubus.

Helios blocked the attack, grabbed the end of Magnus's leg and threw him toward the angel statue. Magnus hit the statue with brute force and gained a concussion.

With his consciousness fading, he noticed his crew engaging in battle enraged. Magnus's world finally went black.


Magnus groaned and opened his eyes. What stared back at him almost gave him a heart attack. He was unironically standing in a galaxy. He was literally standing in the middle of the galaxy.

Absolutely no biggie. He looked to his left when he felt a brooding presence staring down at him.

His eyes widened in shock and fear when a large white glowing version of himself was staring down at him.

"What in the absolute fuck is going on!?" He yelled at himself. His entire body broke out into cold sweat. Unfiltered fear coursing through his veins. "Hello, Magnus." The Icelandic boy jumped after hearing the booming male voice echoing. "Hello." He meekly replied.

Why did he sound like that?

"I'm not going to take much of your time. The next time we meet, I'll make sure to explain everything. My name is Cosmos and I'm your guardian. This is your spirit world." The heavenly echo that followed every word that Cosmo said, was like music to Magnus's ears.

"Nice to meet ya." Magnus replied, relaxed. He took another look at where he was. The galaxy was such a beautiful place and he was happy that it was his own personal mind palace.

"You need to head back and defeat Alanzor. I'm going to give you that power. Are you ready?"

Magnus nodded his head. He was more than ready."With the powers bestowed upon you, you'll do good and defeat the evil that lurks. Now head back."

His world went black again and when he returned to the real world, his crew and the other three had been brutalised.

His body glowed and a large golden armour with a green and orange insignia on his chest appeared. That was all. This was all he got.

His hair was golden and flowy. His height increased by an entire foot, and he now was incredibly buff. His foot's steps brought up immense pressure.

Alanzor looked up in shock, as did his crew. Magnus disappeared and then appeared, punching Alanzor's head into the ground. The pressure that came with the attack, was incredibly intense.

It practically had the demon stuck to the ground. This was Jupiter armour. This was power.

Alanzor crashed through the walls of the church and into the large open field. The heavy rain only got heavier. Alanzor spat the blood from his mouth onto the ground.

He slowly got up, his vessel hurting like hell. Bones were definitely. He looked into the purple and grey sky before standing straight.

The crew plus the trio hid behind the broken walls of the church as they watched Magnus's glowing body walking toward the demon. Alanzor sprinted forwards, becoming invisible for a second.

He then threw a power-enforced punch at Magnus, who stood still with his palm out.

He stopped the punch, lifted the demon and threw him like a tennis ball.

"Is that really little Magnus?" Elvia questioned in awe, her orange eyes wide in amazement, as bright colours from the attacks illuminated her and the rest. Alanzor started to feel incredibly tired from the fighting and he knew it was time to start using his trump card now.

He lifted his hands into the air and a large dark orb started growing larger and larger.

Magnus watched in confusion before realising what was happening. "Juggernauts! You three! Find somewhere safe to hide." He didn't have to tell them twice.

They sprinted to the safest part of the church and laid low.

"Dark Orb."

Alanzor threw the large attack at Magnus.

The crew could only see a large dark purple light and hear an explosion. Worried, they ran toward the now-finished attack. There was no sign of their captain. The dust only showcased a single shadowy figure and they prayed that it was their captain.

When the dust cleared, Alanzor was the one standing, causing their hearts to drop to the pit of their stomach. Malia looked closely at Helios. He seemed to be struggling, barely being able to breathe.

Magnus started forming again, his hands firmly wrapped against Alanzor's throat.

A bamboozled group of six could only watch in confusion."Oooo, how I want to rip you to shreds." He sounded crazed 

"You're lucky this isn't your body for me to do whatever I want." He loosens his grip around Alanzor's throat before dropping him completely. Malia was now out of the church and standing behind Magnus. Helios's body started to convulse, as Alanzor made his way out and into the open field.

Malia then ran forward, catching Helios before he hit the ground and stared at the demon she fought five years ago. Helios's eyes stirred before they opened. Blue eyes stared into the glistened gold ones.

"Hey." She muttered, her voice cracking. Helios mustered a small smile before answering. She placed him down gently. The memories of the countless victims, Helios's distraught self and countless suffering, she was filled with murderous rage.

"Can I do the honours?" She stood beside Magnus with a determined look on her face. He was a pirate and the longer he stared at Alanzor, the more he made up his mind to act like one.

Without saying a word, he walked toward the demon who was cowering in fear. "No, you can't. He's mine to kill. I fought the hard battle, you didn't." This only angered Malia even more, who went in to attack.

Elvia didn't let that happen. She grabbed the blonde girl's scythe and punched her face as hard as she could. "As pirates, when we say something is ours, it's ours." Elvia never looked so angered. "You should be thanking us."

With that Alanzor's head was taken off and thrown to the side. The sky cleared up and daylight peaked through. Malia's eyes looked fondly at the sky. Five years since she's seen the sun. It was finally over. The annoying symphony playing in her head was finally concluded. It was the end.

It was finally done.