Sakurasou Island

The crew placed the cargo that the country so generously gave them on the ship. Magnus was whistling to himself as he grabbed the bottle of red wine and started to down it. It hit the spot just right. Mortale wiped the helm and steered it to loosen it a bit.

Thali was downstairs placing the fruits and vegetables in the storage, and the meats in the fridge. She continued wiping the cabinets of the large beige and green ceiling coloured kitchen before heading upstairs again. Elvia tended to the gardens with a book in her hand.

The Ravens, Koko and Stephan stood on the shore to bid them goodbye. Their eyes followed Magnus as he started walking toward them, a large smile on his flushed face. "Koko and Stephan! What are you still doing there!?" The siblings looked at each other confused. "I want you on board."

Their eyes widened in shock.

They both gaped at the red head, who now was buff and tall, like a fish caught in a net. They wanted to belong somewhere, and their facade of being vampire hunters led them to a demon, meaning they weren't really good at their job. They knew that their father would disapprove, even disown the siblings. However, they did not care at that moment. Magnus appreciated the help he had received from the siblings, so he did not mind having them on board. "Sure!" They both yelled, ecstatically. They quickly got on board, leaving the raven's behind.

Helios was still asleep, his body and mind still exhausted. He had spent the night before calling the entire country to the town square and explaining everything that had happened.

How they all seemed to fit in that place was a mystery to the crew. Malia looked up into Magnus's eyes, a longing could be seen in them. She knew, however, that she could not simply leave. Plus, there was still hostility between her and the juggernauts. "Well we're setting sail it seems. Let the sails loose and lower the anchor." Koko and Stephan did just that.

The ship started moving. Malia waved and the crew waved back. And just like that, they were gone. Five hours into their journeys and endless amounts of poker, Thali noticed that the sunny weather was becoming nothing but a facade.

Droplets of water started dropping on her face and the ship started rocking side to side. "Not this again." Magnus groaned, his head placed on Koko's lap as he tried to catch up on some sleep.

The sea started getting wild. Thali rushed to the map and her eyes widened, since when did they reach the end of the winter sea and near the border of the spring sea. Her eyes mapped where they currently were and scanned for the nearest Island. The seas were starting to get wild. The ship violently swayed and Mortale quickly got to steering the ship and keeping it balanced.

The flame user's eyes landed on Sakurasou Island, which was north of their current location. "Mortale, I'm going to need you to head north!" Magnus's head perked upon hearing a new destination was waiting for them.

The waves started splashing around the ship and on the crew, getting them soaking wet. The sibling jumped upon the wooden railing leading to the sails and pulled the rope, pulling back the sails and somewhat stabilising the ship. "Good work!" Magnus yelled from the front of the ship.

He jumped on the gold dragon's head and stood there. His red cloak with black leopard prints Thali made for him, blowing. His gold earrings dangling and blowing about, a large smile plastered on his face. A new adventure awaited him. With one fist raised in the air, and his crew now watching him. He jumped.

"Let's do this."


"Once upon a time lived a young boy and his dragon friend on the highest hill of Sakurasou Island. The cherry blossoms danced between the boy and the aqua and red dragon, a smile on both their youthful faces.

Sakurasou Island was the island of samurais, dragons and ninjas alike. People in Locrome called it God's favourite paradise."

"Blah, blah, blah fucking blah!" A young man exclaimed. His split white and black wolf cut blew in the wind. He wore a black hakama underneath a white haori with a golden dragon and a crescent moon on top. His large white and black ombre moon earrings dangled.

With a wide smirk on his face, and a pierced tongue licking the side of his lip, he pointed his sword at the celebrating citizens.

A bottle of sake is located in his hand.

His vermilion eyes gleamed mischievously. The group before him had their guard up but couldn't help but sigh in disbelief. "Not this again, disgraced ronin." The said ronin laughed. "I prefer the name Naoto, but ronin also seems fine." He sheathed his black blade sword.

He then walked toward the crowd dancing and blended in. Dancing the infamous Ja-Odori with them, the people he had just mocked watched in awe as he danced. A samurai without a lord to serve yet here he was dancing with no caution to the rumours or the mean words said about him.

The Ja-Odori dance halted as he began a beautiful sword dance. His long haori twirling around, mimicking a dragon twirling around. Kids started watching from their balconies, eyes gleaming with happiness and mouths open with laughter. Naota continued dancing. The sky is a vibrant blue and crimson with green clouds.

The large sun shone above them, happy to watch their festivities from afar. The festivities would soon end when a group of the shogun's men ran toward Naoto with their swords out. "In the name of Lord Hinode, Naoto Kajiyashiki you're hereby under arrest." The song started to pick up and Naoto continued dancing. He then stopped, brought something out of his hakama and threw it on the ground. With the smoke, he was now gone and in the wind, like a true ronin.


The entire crew sat on the deck with their swimsuits on. The girls were busy playing volleyball, whilst Mortale and Stephan engaged in a game of blackjack. Magnus sat in the shade with his eyes fixated on his crew having fun. He was used the sacrilegious way of dressing in the heat too. He had to take his time with that one.

Iceland wasn't sunny most of the time but he didn't care. He was a winter baby through and through. He closed his eyes for a minute and found himself in a large lavender field. His mother and father were at the very end of that field playing with a younger him. Their vibrant laughter filled his ears with nostalgia. It was the day before his seventh birthday, and the week before his dad had to leave for his navy duties.

"Are you okay Magnus?" His eyes opened and his mind focused on his worried crew. He felt wetness on his face and touched it. He was crying. Why was he crying? He felt warm arms circle around him. They were Koko's. He circled his arms around her and relaxed.

The deep blue sky was starting to turn vibrant blue with hints of crimson. The once white clouds were now green and swirly, almost as if they were drawn on.

Magnus rubbed his face. A six foot one, buff man crying was quite a hilarious sight. He stood up and walked toward the front of the ship with the rest of the crew. A new island was straight ahead with a large Japanese castle at the very top of the island, with a crimson and pink dragon statue wrapped around it. A large pink cloud covered the top of the island and rained cherry blossoms. This had to be the most beautiful island after Koto and Aroma, he had seen.

The sound of music reached them and got them excited. A festival was going on and they were just in time for it. The ship got to the pier and they docked. Quickly jumping off, they rushed to the entrance of the island. Magnus was in complete awe at how beautiful the place was. The spring sea, or Flora as Thali called it, was a complete vibe. They rushed in after being welcomed in by the islanders and pirates. Magnus was going to have a blast.