The Laughing Dragon

The laughing dragons is and was a symbol of a new era for the spring sea. They roamed freely around Kazumi Island, their flying mimicking that of a graceful dance. However, that was the time when the dragons were at peace with each other.

The two dragons were accompanied by two brothers. Sakurasou Kajiyashiki, named after his pink eyes that were shaped like cherry blossoms. Koto Kajiyashiki was the other brother.

It was said that he was named Koto after his fingers moved as if he was playing the instrument, when he was born.

These boys were born to the Kajiyashiki clan, a powerful military family that had their men serve as shogun for centuries, under the direct order of the emperor.

Both were gifted with the laughing dragons. Koto was given the laughing dragon of prosperity and life. Its scales were gold and turquoise.

The young boy had named his dragon Tsubaki. Sakurasou was gifted the dragon of wishes and balance. Its scales were crimson and turquoise. As the boys grew up, their rivalry deepened, turning into jealousy and hatred of one another.

It didn't help that Koto had a thing for music and arts, whilst Sakurasou had a knack for battle and tactics. Something that made the clan prioritise and nurture him, leaving Koto feeling unwanted.

The animosity between the two brothers only grew, as did the dragons' animosity toward each other. Once the tension got so unbearable, the twin brothers proposed the idea of splitting the island and moving far from each.

The clan thought the idea was preposterous, however, it would come to life when Sakurasou was given the title of Shogun instead of Koto.

This gave the ammunition for Koto to have his dragon split the island in two, and have it drag it across the far sea. Thus, the islands Koto and Sakurasou came to be.

Despite there only being one dragon, life in Sakurasou went back to normal rather quickly. The shogun became way more influential than the emperor, and was even seen as more important.

Tourists from all over the world flocked in, causing the island to be the number one tourist destination in the spring sea. Years passed, Sakurasou fell in love and had a beautiful son named Toji Kajiyashiki. And this brings us to the present times within the past.


Sakurasou Island fifteen years ago

Naoto ran as fast as he could. A ton of scrolls and books carried by his seven year old arms. He stopped in front of the Kajiyashiki Clan house, and turned toward the lizard-like creature breathing down his neck.

A large crimson and turquoise dragon stood there, smiling down on the young boy. "Hi Ryusuke." Naoto greeted, a large grin plastered on his seven year old face.

The dragon roared in response, blowing the young boy back a bit.

"Now, now Ryusuke. You're going to knock the young kid down." An older man spoke up. Behind him stood Toji Kajiyashiki. He was an older looking male with long white hair with pink highlights. He wore a loose haori, deciding to remain bare chested.

The black haori had the crescent moon and dragon imprinted on the back in gold. His bottom half was covered by a white coloured hakama pants. A pair of sand coloured geta cupped his feet gently.

"Master Toji!" Naoto yelled happily. His vermilion eyes gleaming with happiness as he ran toward Toji with the scrolls and books still in his arms.

Toji's gold eyes sparkled in pride as he took the items out of his young student's arms. "I see you've been studying hard, Naoto." The young boy nodded his head ferociously. Toji then rubbed the boy's soft hair and ushered him inside, the boy did as he was told.

Toji turned to Ryusuke who was now laying down. With closed eyes and a small smile on his face, he took gentle strides toward the long dragon. Ryusuke's orange eyes stared at his master as he let out a gust of air from his nose.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Ryusuke huffed again and faced the other way. "C'mon. Naoto is too young to muck about with you." Toji explained, his tone gentle yet firm.

"I think Ryusuke is smart enough to gently play with your students." Toji and Ryusuke turned their heads toward Mina who stood there.

She wore a mini sleeveless kimono dress that reached her mid-thighs. A kunai was strapped to her right thigh, and a mini scroll to her right. The Kajiyashiki clan symbol on the back of her pink kimono.

Her brown hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, her brown eyes glowing under the sunlight. A 25 year old Mina stood in front of her husband with mischievous intent.

"It's not like Ryusuke is going to eat Naoto, is it?." Mina jokes. She walked up to her husband and gave him a quick peck before rubbing the dragon's wet nose.

"Let's head inside and eat, yeah. I also wanna give Naoto this new gadget I got on the mission." The young woman lifted her hand up to Toji's face to showcase a mini dagger with a dragon insignia engraved on the blade.

"I'm going to be his favourite~." She chanted, a hearty laugh escaping her mouth. She began sprinting toward the house, a laughing Toji following behind her.

Ryusuke watched with a happy expression. His eyes started to droop as he became sleepy. Minutes had passed, and alas, the dragon was fast asleep, unbeknownst to him the dangers that awaited. A twisted fate would soon fall upon this clan.

Toji, Naoto and Mina finished their meal. The young woman stood up and instructed Naoto to come toward her. Confused, he did as he was told. It had been four years since they had adopted him into the family as Toji's official younger brother.

Found on the steps of the temple, the three year old was unconscious and freezing. Mina had pleaded they take the young boy in, fearing for his safety.

Toji watched as his brother and his wife exchanged words with wide grins on their faces. She then brought out the dagger, handing it to the boy. Naoto stared at the weapon with awe.

His eyes glimmered with so much happiness, it took all that Mina had within her to not start cooing. Like any other kid in Sakurasou, Naoto started pretending that he was a samurai in battle, eliciting laughter from the two adults.

As he played, Mina walked up to Toji and flopped down by his side.

She leaned into him, his arm circling her waist unconsciously. She then placed his hand on her stomach. His purple eyes gleamed, widening as he figured what she tried to tell. "No way." He gaped.

Mina giggled, shaking her head yes. Her eyes brimming with tears. Naoto stopped what he was doing, running up to them, and flopping down on Toji's torso. "Why's big sis crying?" He enquired. Toji, who couldn't stop his own tears.

"You're going to be an uncle!" Mina cheered, causing Naoto to jump up and start running around super excited.

He was going to be an uncle. He was going to be an uncle. This was the best day of his life. He ran up to Ryusuke, and woke the old dragon up. "I'm going to be an uncle, old man Ryu." The dragon huffed through his nose causing Naoto to stumble back a bit.

He couldn't wait to see what was in store for him and his family. He needed to get stronger to be able to protect all of them. That was Naoto's promise to himself and the rest.