War On The Horizon

Sakurasou Island ten years ago.

"Ever since Koto Island split from Sakurasou all those years ago, we've had a decrease in harvest." A grumpy looking old man spoke. He bowed down after reading his scroll out to Toji, who was very close to knocking out.

"Thanks Lord Fujitora. I'll look into the problem with the crops as soon as possible."

With a smile on his face,he ushered the lord to go back to his seat. Toji then motioned for the next lord to come forward and speak.A middle aged man dressed in the finest clothing Sakurasou had to offer started speaking.

"The Hinode Clan would like to make a proposition." The Kajiyashiki lord sat forward, intrigued by what needed to be said. Mina contorted her face in discontent, as she knew whatever this slimy man had to say, wasn't going to be good. "Let's hear it then." Tojo pushed, his grin widening.

"As you have no heir, and Amane has famously decided she had no interest in being shogun."

He paused, reading Toji's expressions before continuing. " I would like to propose that my son is next in line for the position of shogun." Lord Hinode was brave.

That was something the whole room could give him credit for. However,no matter how brave someone was,stupidity was still a disease you cannot tough out, no matter what.

Toji wanted to laugh but decided that it was best to keep a straight face.

On the other hand, Mina excused herself and went into the back rooms, afraid she wouldn't keep hers in any longer. "That's a bold proposition." The young shogun remarked. "However, I must turn it down. As I have an heir in mind." This caused whispers to float around the meeting hall.

Toji knew the opinions that they had, but it didn't matter to him. "I've decided that Naoto will be the next in line for the position. The emperor has also agreed to allow my younger brother to become shogun."

Lord Hinode's face turned red with both embarrassment and anger. "That's diabolical. A disgrace to your family legacy!" He angrily exclaimed. His face puffing up like a puffer fish. "You can not be serious about having a bastard child be shogun?!" Sounds of agreement echoed across the room.

Toji rubbed his eyes and then looked at the fussy lords in front of him. This is the reason he hated being Shogun.

Mina had returned with a glass of water and a plate of mango delights. Her eyebrows cocked up in surprise. This much reaction coming from the lords was truly surprising. "I suggest you all quiet down. Lord Hinode, I suggest you return to your seating spot."She menacingly instructed.

Everyone did as they were told, not before throwing a last minute hissy fit. Toji notices Naoto looking from behind the curtains. A sad look painted his face and that made the shogun's heart hurt. Naoto stared up at him with wide eyes, anticipating an order to come out of his lordship's mouth.

Toji beckoned the young boy to come forward, to which Naoto obeyed. The lords of Sakurasou turned their heads toward the young boy and stared in disapproving silence.

"Sakurasou has only allowed those who were blessed and accepted by the grand dragon to become shogun. The Kajiyashiki Clan has been blessed and accepted by the dragon, and even as an outsider, young Naoto has received the blessing of Ryusuke." The chatter began again, causing the twelve year old boy to step back in fear.

Toji stopped him and smiled down at him."With that being said, I see no other person that's more fit for this role than Naoto himself. Your objection means nothing." Toji looked around, a serious expression plastered on his pale face.

"This is my final say."


The candle light flicked in the desolate room. The shadows of four figures were painted the walls, the amber hues of the candle accentuating the curvatures of their bodies. Lord Hinode, Lord Fujitora, Lord Chikafuji and Lord Himura sat in a circle with a spreadsheet and a gold artefact before them.

The golden object was a tsubaki flower compass. The handle was detailed with gold floral carvings. It was simply a really beautiful object. Lord Hinode's smile was wide and manic, it sent shivers down the other lords' spines. The spreadsheet was the interior of the Tsuki castle, the home of the emperor and his family.

"Why exactly do you possess those items, especially the tsubaki compass?" Hinode grinned, his face contorted into a maniacal look. "This is the golden compass the late empress had gifted the emperor on her deathbed." Chikafuki kissed his teeth before speaking up.

"We know this already. Why exactly do you have this?" Hinode grabbed the object, waving it around in the air, causing uneasiness for the lords.

"Well, one of my workers was successful in stealing it. Since this is the most prized possession of the emperor, this means that if it was to go missing he would be enraged. Enraged enough to want to kill anyone who took it. Do you see where I'm getting to now?"

Gasps echoed around the room, smirks slowly forming on their senile faces.

"We plant this in the shogun's home. We act like the heroes that uncovered it, and he'll be executed. A perfect plan my friends, we just need the perfect time to execute it."

Six Years Ago

Amane flipped backwards, throwing a dagger at Naoto, who skillfully dodge the weapon. They were currently on Mt Tsuki, training like usual. The now sixteen year old Naoto had grown into a lean built young man, his signature earrings dangling from his ears.

His shy and timid personality was replaced with a more brash and bold individual. Nine year old Amane was abnormally tall for her age. Her preferred weapon of choice was a large spear that broke into three.

Mina had told her that it was a ninja-like weapon, and it was flashy. Amane knew she needed something out there, for she was a flashy person.

The sounds of multiple footsteps and horse galloping had them halt their session, and looked back to see what the commotion was about. The emperor, his men, and the lords were all coming toward them.

Toji walked out of his home, Mina and their new born child, Ryusuke, following closely behind. The Kajiyashiki household was quick to bow at the appearance of the emperor, before the shogun started asking what he was doing here.

The emperor got off his horse, and walked toward the shogun. He wore the finest silk in gold, and his beard was long and silver. He looked incredibly wise. His piercing brown eyes stared straight into Toji's purple ones, the air coated by the thick tension.

"I have received word that my golden compass I lost four years ago is here." Toji tilted his head to the side, confused about what was going on. "Why would your golden tsubaki compass be here?" The emperor sighed, his face showing an expression of both sadness and betrayal.

"Toji, please do not conceal your wrong doings. For I have a valuable source who has seen my possessions within your home." Mina caught a glimpse of Lord Hinode smirking in the background, a young Torakichi by his side.

"Men, enter the home of the Shogun and search for the possessions." Amane and Naoto went to stop the search but were stopped by Toji.

"Allow them to search, I know that I had not stolen anything from the emperor's castle." Ryusuke, the dragon, had awakened from his slumber. He flew into the air before landing behind the Kajiyashiki family, air coming out his nostrils. It felt like hours, but alas the search had concluded.

One of the king's men had exited the clan's home, the golden tsubaki compass in his hands.

The shogun and his family stood there horrified. Something wasn't right. Another one of the emperor's men came out with a map of the royal castle in his hand. "We found the object in the shogun's bed chambers." This wasn't happening.

Mina started exclaiming her husband's innocence.

"This is preposterous! Never would he ever steal something so precious from you, your highness! Someone must have planted it!"

"Mina!" Toji exclaimed, shutting her up instantly. "Stop it please." Softening his voice a bit.

Tears started to well up in her eyes, and the infant Ryusuke started to wail. Amane and Naoto could only stand there with wide eyes and open mouths, Their body and soul both frozen.

Was this some sort of sick joke? This wasn't truly happening. It was all a bad dream. That's it. A bad dream. An explosion in the far distance filled the air, prompting all of them to look back.

The emperor's castle was up in flames, making the hole that was dug for the Kajiyashiki Clan even deeper. There wasn't any way for Toji to get out of this.

The map would make him guilty of trying to assassinate the emperor, and the golden compass would make him guilty for theft. His purple eyes trailed along till they were met with Torakichi's sage ones.

The young boy was around two years younger than Naoto, and he couldn't help but feel incredibly sorry for the young lad. To grow up with a father like Hinode. Torakichi felt Toji's pity and turned the other way.

The emperor stood there with saddened eyes, the betrayal of a close friend all too heavy to burden. His old eyes teared up before he pinched them.

The old man's eyes then trailed back to the dragon, who by now was long gone. Wait, that didn't make sense. He wouldn't have been able to miss the dragon. "Where's the dragon?" The emperor asked.

The kajiyashikis looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders.They didn't know either. "It may have vanished and returned to Koto to be with its other half." Toji stated, his eyes now filled with a new light, and hope.

"I have no reason to fight for my innocence since the odds are stacked against me. I'll gladly accept my punishment, even if it may be death."


"Big brother!"

"Father!" They all simultaneously yelled. He raised a hand to stop them. "I have one favour." The emperor gestured for him to continue.

"You'll spare my family as they had nothing to do with. Leave them to remain in the clan home, here on Tsuki mountain." He got on his knees, placed his fist on the ground before him, and bowed. "I'm asking this favour as a friend, and as a once humble subject." The emperor closed his eyes, the rest of men and lords watching.

"I'll grant that favour. Your family will remain unharmed. Say your farewells."

Toji stood and bowed once again. He walked back to his tear ridden family, his own pools filling up. This was beyond heartbreaking for him. He first hugged Amane tightly. Her tears coating his clothing.

"You always wanted to beat the gods and become a divine being. You find a way to do that."

He kissed her temple, and walked to Mina. Amane held her mother's hand tightly. Toji stood in front of the woman who he would die a thousand times over for. Ryusuke was gently tucked in her arms, now asleep.

He placed one hand on her cheek and the other on the baby's head, gently caressing both. He placed his forehead over hers, their eyes locked with each other. Amane whispered 'ew' at the scene.

"Mina, my beloved. Look for the brightest star, and it's me. Watching over you and protecting you all. I'll wait for you at the gates of the afterlife, for I will not enter without you." Mina was hiccuping by this point. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips, then moved to Naoto, who stood there like a motionless tree.

Toji knew what he needed to say to his younger brother.

"Protect them." Naoto looked up, Toji's eyes conveying a message only he understood. "I will." With that, Toji was handcuffed and taken away. His laughter as he was dragged away, ringing in their ears.


"That same day, Toji was given the choice of seppuku or hanging. Any dignified man would choose seppuku. His body now lays at rest on Tsuki mountain." Mina finished up, Amana now snoring away.

"A few years later, the current shogun was boasting about how he had the grand wish dragon. It drove Naoto up a wall, and he's been obsessed with revenge ever since." Amane snapped up when Mina pushed them.

"Do you have anything to add?" Amane stood up and brought out her spear, pointing it at the moon. "I am one step closer to being a god. I have denounced all that is human. I am neither man or woman. I am a divine being, and I'll be treated as such."

"What in the god complex?" The juggernaut pirates deadpanned. "That's a damn sad tale." Koko spoke by the door.

The juggernauts' faces lit up as they noticed that she was much better.

However, a snap of a twig and group of five shadowy figures near the fence caught their attention.

The pirates knew this meant trouble. They all stood up in a line, Amane and Mina standing up too. Magnus' hair slowly turned white and long, his eyes turning bright emerald green, as electrical sparks coated his body.

He had taken thrill mode to the next level. His cosmic powers were too much for his current body, and that was okay. He'd train bloody hard till he was perfect for it. "After we fuck up this daft lot, we're going after those who hurt Koko and Mina's family right, captain?" Mortale questioned.

"You're damn right we are. We've got to help a friend in need." He was the first to leap into action, not waiting for them to introduce themselves.

There was a war on the horizon.