The Blossoming Lady

A soothing hum echoed across the sky. An enchanting song was being played. The lady who rode a large rose petal flying aircraft looked down on the island of Sakurasou, halting her vehicles movements, as she believed this was the best spot to be for now. Her long black hair swayed with the rhythm of the wind.

Her nude body was covered in the blissful breeze this fine day had to offer. She grabbed the pale blue silk robe that was silently beside her and threw over her shoulders. Her hair fell forward, covering her breast as it did so.

Her large cyan, rose pupil eyes stared at the island a second longer before turning her attention to her staff. With a large smile on her face, she spoke. Her voice came out velvety and soft.

"Are there any updates on the child of prophecy?" A tall lanky woman dressed in a white and pink Ao Dai, stepped forward. Her hair was a light orange colour and was styled into a sharp bob. Her dark sunglasses covered any emotion her eyes could have given off. A holographic clipboard appeared before her.

The image of Anne with an X over face came up. Lady Chau gasped, her expression morphing into one of sadness and regret. "Say it isn't so?" She whispered, tears falling down from her eyes.

Vivienne nodded her head, a sad look on her own features.

Lady Chau turned, her robe flapping around, her naked back displaying for a fraction of a second. Her bare feet felt chills as she took calculated steps towards the front of the flying petal.

"How are the rest of the busters?" She asked, bringing her hair to one side, stroking it gently as she did so. Vivienne skimmed through the intel provided to her. She placed her shades down just enough for her maroon irises to be on full display.

"Lyon and Havanna have seemingly run into the shogun's men. The juggernauts have seemingly entered that same problem too."

That was enough for Chau to jump off the aircraft, twirling around in the air like a beautiful flower, sending everyone on board into a state of panic. That was all the great lord needed to hear.

She landed on the surface of the ocean, hovering over the deep blue sea with a blank expression. Carefully she placed her barefoot on the cold wetness, a shiver running down her spine as she did so. Her grew longer in length, touching the ocean's surface. She was blossoming. A danger on the far horizon.