Lyon Castlewall. The Divine Swordsman

As the mix-matched pirated crew got ready to start their battle with the kuro squad, Mina was quick to halt them in their tracks.

"I'll be taking care of them." She spoke, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. She dusted her kimono, placing her getas back on. Magnus' eyes followed her as she stepped in front of them.

They were about to witness her in action. Amane watched their mother, their eyes completely locked onto her. "Ya need help, ma?" Mina shook her head.

The shinobis got into their positions, ready to attack. Mina disappeared, garnering surprised gasps from the entire pirate crew. She appeared before the largest member of the squad, placing her palm on his stomach.

The inn owner whispered something under her breath and a white, glowing lotus symbol appeared on his stomach. Before the large man could react, he was sent flying out of the zen garden with tremendous force.

Two other shinobis came rushing toward her, leaping in the air and swinging their weapons down. She disappeared, her body moving like frames as she did so. She was in the air, flipping backwards, taking turns to kick them in the head.

They smashed into the ground with a bone crushing thud, garnering groans of pain from the crew. Three down, three to go. She stood up straight, her hair stuck to her forehead from the sweat.

Her eyes bore into their, an emotion flickering through them. "Here stands the people I trained. Here are the very people I recruited. To think the very organisation I created would one day be sent to kill me. Oh what a day it is." She spoke.

The pirate crew, not being able to make out what she was saying, continued to watch the fight.

Waiting for the outcome patiently.


"I think the shogun should rethink sending more men her way." Magnus commented, his eyes wide, scanning the mess that had been made in the zen garden. Mina stood on top of a pile of black clothed bodies, smoke and dust surrounding them.

Amane had dozed off, using the wall to balance themselves. The night had ended, marking a new day on the island. Magnus walked up to Mina, yelling uo at her.

"Do you know where the ronin will be?! It would best if we spoke to him now! Kinda speeds the process up a bit!" She nodded, pointing at Tsuki mountain. "Our old home is there, and you'll most likely find him and the two girls over there." Koko scowled at the mentioning of Mai and Kiyoshi.

She'll have to thank them, no matter how high her pride was.

"You'll need to hurry. If Torakichi is sending men to destroy the last of the Kajiyashiki members and you, he's probably already sent the rest of the kuro squad down there." Magnus nodded his head.

"Take Amane too. You'll need them." Amane snapped up awake at the mentioning of their name. Magnus nodded. He grabbed his red cloak that was on the ground, swung it on and started walking out the door, with the rest of the crew.


Kiyoshi coughed up more blood, the foot digging into her back was excruciatingly painful. Her blurry vision picked up Mai, who was using her sword to balance, her clothing torn and blood dripping down from all over her skin.

They both bloodied and bruised. An ambush attack. What a cheap horrid move? Lyon's armoured foot remained on the kunoichi's back, crushing it down further more. His face beared no expression. Havanna watched for the sky, not partaking in the gruesome acts that her partner was conducting.

"Get off her back." Naoto warned, climbing up the stairs of the mountain, a paperbag with apples in it tucked in his arms. Lyon refuse to do what he was asked, and Naoto was not bothered in reminding the knight to do what he had asked.

Instead, he disappeared, grabbed the blonde Knight by the face, and threw him across the mountain grounds. Havanna's eyes widened for a second, before she placed her hand under her chin. The sky went back to it's vibrant crimson.

The new day had begun.

A burst of mana came through, causing tree branched and debris to scatter all over the place. Lyon came from the spot he was pushed into, surrounded by blue lighting energy, and his golden hair flowing around. Naoto readied his sword, ecstatic that a formidable opponent was finally here.