
Naoto and exchanged blows, the sound of steel echoing in the air. Long sword vs katana. Havanna continued watching from her sky safe haven, her eyes moving along with the battle.

She already knew the outcome, and felt pity for Naoto. Lyon's blank expression started forming into one of unfiltered rage and anger. Naoto smirked. "Is this all about revenge?" He mocked.

"Because if it is, that makes you wittle bad soldier." He laughed, before flinging the long sword of his katana, swinging the blade at the golden haired man's face.

Mai allowed herself to lay down, her injuries becoming more uncomfortable the more she remained stood up. Her ears then picked up a herd of chatter, recognising Magnus' loud voice amongst that crowd.

"Let's quickly solve Mina's issue and go to the next island, you hear me." His crew answered with tired and half assed yeahs. The climbing of the long staircase, mixed with the lack of sleep was starting to get to them.

Naoto turned his head, a massive smile sprawled out on his face. He dodged the attack from Lyon, flipped back and ran up to the Juggernaut captain. "It's nice to finally make your acquaintance." He took a hold of Magnus' hand and began shaking it. "You've already met my associates, Kiyoshi and Mai."

He pointed at the hurt girls. Lyon, who was now absolutely pissed, zoomed down the mountain ground, flipped in the air and brought his sword down on the pair. "Aye aye!" They both screamed, scrambling to dodge the attack.

Once the long sword hit the ground, a massive crater from. The whole of the juggernauts dispersed.

The Domingos siblings each took Kiyoshi and Mai to a safer place. Thali and Elvia decided to take on Havanna, jumping up and flying using their respective powers. Mortale stood in front of Magnus and Naoto.

"I'll take care of this one. I sensed an overwhelming power at the port earlier tonight, and it's now at the shogun's castle. If my suspicions are right, that means a lord has entered the battle. It would be best if you guys dealt with that problem."

Magnus looked at his helmsman long and hard, his eyes studying the back of his head. "This is the most you've ever spoken." The red haired comments, earning a glare from the helmsman.

Magnus grabbed Naoto by the arm, and started heading toward the palace. He knew his crew would take care of it. He didn't have a doubt in the world that they would.