Mortale vs Lyon

Naoto and Magnus made their way down, only to stop for a second when they saw Amane on their way up. The two men picked up the pace, grabbing Amane by the shoulders and rushing down the remaining stairs.

"I thought the battle was that way?!" They yelled. Magnus looked at the teen , then looked ahead of him. "Change of plans. Apparently a lord has turned up and we need to fight them." Amane's eyes widened. Lady Chau was on the island?! So that was the powerful mana she had been feeling before.

Amane flipped backwards, unhooking their shoulders from the two men's grasp. A wide smile was sprawled across their face, as they ran forward. This was the chance to prove themselves. "Naoto." The ronin looked at his niece, his vermillion eyes locked on to the back of their head.

"Mmm." Amane laughed. "When we finish this battle and we've won....I'm heading out to sea with these lot. I've got a whole fucking world to explore." They spoke, their grin widening by the second. Naoto laughed, catching up and running alongside his niece.

"I can't wait to hear all about your adventures when you come back." Magnus smiled to himself, accepting Amane as the new member, even if they still had to prove themselves. This second life of his was starting to actually feel like a blessing handed to him by the gods.


The sound of steel exchanging filled the mountain top. Sweat dropped on to the ground as the two swordsmen exchanged fierce blows. Mortale huffed, brought his sword around to face him like a fencer. He placed one foot out, vanishing into thin air.

Lyon steadied himself, preparing for the attack. He felt a breeze on his cheek followed by a sting. Blood started to trickle down his face. His pupil looked back to see Mortale behind him, swinging his sword down, his own blood dripping down the tip. Havanna who was watching with wide eyes gasped.

"Pay attention to who you're fighting!" Thali yelled, connecting a flamed fist to the pink haired girl's face. Havanna flew into the ground. Mortale blocked the sword attack from behind, smirking at Lyon as he did so. Koko noticed something from the corne of her, heading toward her brother.

Vivienne was coming down from the sky with a forceful downwards kick. Koko sprinted into action, blocking the attack with her arms. She swore she could feel her bones crack. Elvia froze at the sight of Vivienne before aiding Thali again. She would think about it later.

Mortale continued exchanging blows with the blonde knight. "Moon slash." A white slash wave went towards Lyon, who swiftly dodged him. The white hair male noticed the space around him was changing.

His eyes wandered over to Lyon who was moving his sword in an anti-clockwise motion. Mortale finally clocked what was going on. The man before him was manipulating the space between them. The helmsman find himself before the knight in a blink of an eye. The golden long sword had been pierced through his lower abdomen. Well this sucked.