Battle Of A Lifetime

Red started shooting randomly at the Domingos sibling, who were quick to tag team her. They threw punches from all directions, not stopping even when she begged.

She was definitely the weaker of the bunch, and the loudest. Koko punched the back of Red's head into the ground, and watched with satisfaction as a pool of blood surrounded her. Thali was busy facing off Goldie. She flipped and ran, dodging all the fire and ice and earth attacks that the blonde girl threw her way. 

"It's not too hot, it's not too cold, it's just right." She kept uttering those words as she threw the fire, ice and earth attacks in that order. Goldie twisted her leg across the ground, and a pillar started to grow beneath Thali, pushing her into the air.

The navigator lit up her feet and jumped off the pillar, balancing in the sky as she did so. She then used her fire breathing attack, and Goldie barely got out of the way, and she was burnt to a crisp.