
Fable walked through the forest with the goal of finding Odetta's crystal. What would she look like? Has the crystal stopped her aging altogether? There were so many unanswered questions, and that wasn't a good thing.

Fable finally stopped in front of what seemed to be an entrance to a cave. He slowly took cautious steps toward the entrance, and when he felt like he wasn't in any imminent danger, he finally entered. It was cold, damp and smelled like rotting weed.

Was this the conditions they chose for their almighty queen. His eyes finally adjusted to the dark, when a glowing purple colour lit up corner of the cave.

He was close. The young brunette finally made it to the glowing part of the cave and almost buckled at the sheer size of the crystal. It was ten times bigger than what he had expected, and so was the being that was sleeping inside.