Receiving Word

Naoto hummed, throwing a load of daggers at the tree trunk. Kiyoshi jumped from building to building, before flipping the air, blocking the sun for a second, and landing behind Naoto.

"What have you got?" He questioned the shinobi, eyeing the newspaper letter in her hand. It had been three whole weeks since the incident with the dragons, and Torakichi.

Many of his crimes were brought to light by his living staff, and the citizens were quick to sing good riddance. The shogun system was dismantled, but they have yet to elect a political leader for their island.

Mai watched from a far distance, swinging her sword up and down. Sweat dripped down her forehead, as a lavender tied hair swayed with the wind. She quickly sheathed her blade, placing it on her hip. Mai soon walked up to the pair, questioning the look of dread painted on their faces.