Rough Memories.

Thali swam an extra hundred laps in the lava pit. She had been at this for days, and despite what anyone would think, this was soothing. Her body was building up muscle, and increasing her mana at an amazing rate. Diablo seriously knew his stuff. Her mind wondered to what sort of training the rest of the crew were up to.

"Push, push, push Thali!" Her uncle roared, cheering her on. Never in a million years would she have ever met a Gorna as kind as him. Her mother may not have been abusive as her father was, but she was aloof and non caring. Hell the woman Diablo often described was a completely different person.

She was swam and swam, before getting too tired and exiting the lava pit. The magma dripped down her swimsuit covered body. She untied her hair, slowly walking up to her uncle, whistling as she did so. She took her seat next to him, accepting the drink he handed her. Thali then stared at the fishes outside of the bubble they were in.