The Dragon Within

Amane slowly opened their eyes, the beeping noise from the vital machine reaching their ears. Their golden eyes darted across the room, the light blue lights hurting it. Amane's eyes then fully opened, when a figure she didn't recognise leaned in close. 

"I'm so glad you're awake." A high pitched female's voice, spoke. Her large cat-like orange eyes bored into Amane's own ones, her head tilting from side to side. Amane slowly took off the oxygen mask, moving the girl's face out of the way, before fully sitting up.

A groan left their mouth, squinting their eyes to fully take in their surrounding. "Where the hell am I?" Amane asked, voice strained and barely above a whisper. The orange eyed girl invaded Amane's personal space again. their light blue hair moving around. To Amane, the young girl's hairstyle reminded her of a broccoli.