The Dead Sighted!

Red alarms went off as the marines ran around the headquarters, rushing to get to their posts and rooms. The poster and newspaper room was printing out papers at lightning speed.

Admiral Silva walked out of his office, trying to understand what all the commotion was about. He caught the glimpse of Lilac's hair swaying, cutting the corner, and caught up with her. 

"Captain Snowmaul!" He called out, causing the woman to stop in her tracks. She turned around, grabbing the cigarette out of her mouth. "Yes sir." She replied. Lilac looked like she had seen a ghost. 

"What's the commotion about?" He asked, genuinely confused. "A new ship has been spotted in the Flora Sea, sir." The captain replied. Silva turned his head to the side. 

"Well, I don't understand why a commotion is being caused over a new pirate ship." Lilac smoked her cigarette, blowing out it, trying to release the stress from her body.