New Arm

Lilac sat at her desk by her bedroom's open window. The night breeze blew in, her hair swaying around gently. She continued writing in her journal, aware of the other presence in her room, not quite wanting to turn around and acknowledge them just yet.

She wrote down more notes, looking over Tom's incident report. Ocean growing hands my ass, she thought. 

The Snowmaul decided to finally turn around, locking eyes with a pair just like hers. "Hello mother." Her mother stood in the corner of her room, smoking. The woman was wearing a long black, long sleeved dress with a massive hat on her head. She wore black loafers with white socks.

"To what do I owe I the pleasure?" Lilac asked, tone dry. Gina laughed, pushing herself of the wall, and walking toward her daughter. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the report, catching enough to know it had to do something with the Juggernauts.