Thali Vs Silva-Spoon

"We as pirate."

"I swear on Magnus' life, if you repeat yourself one more time, I'm going to burn you so bad…..there will be no corpse to identify." Thali angrily stated.

Silva-Spoon closed her mouth, then stopped circling around Thali. She stood up straight, feet stuck together. Her mint green dress made a noise at the movement.

The tanned scarred woman then reached for her pockets. She pulled out her cigar, placing it in between her glossed lips. Silva-Spoon then reached for the hilt of her sword.

Thali readied herself, making sure her reaction time was quick enough for whatever move the ex captain was going to pull. 

"I think we should introduce ourselves. I would love to know to the person I'm going to run into the ground. I'm Smiley Silva-Spoon." Thali cocked an eyebrow.

"You're going to run me into the ground? Aren't you a little cocky?." She didn't wait for the ex navy's answer, promptly introducing herself. "I'm Thali. She replied.